Energy Tech, Science, and Research

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  1. Sidenote:  I have a nephew who is a White Hat Hacker (helps with IT security).  He once hacked into the Canadian Power Grid.  At...

  2. This sounds like a viable development.  Can it work large scale?  Can they supply sufficient quantities and deliver them to airports worldwide? Rolls-Royce to test...

  3. Some insights, these make some sense.  A short read.

  4. While cleaning leaked oil engine oil from the garage floor it occurred to me that this waste might be a useful catalyst for heavy...

  5. A post on LinkedIn indicated that Israel determines to be there despite surrounded by enemies has been due to  possible ownership of gas fields...

  6. "Our data centers now work harder when the sun shines and wind blows"

  7. Mercedes want to abandon combustion engines by 2039by Staff WritersBerlin (AFP) May 13, 2019 German giant Mercedes-Benz said Monday it wants to stop selling traditional...

  8. Industry-ready process makes plastics chemical from plant sugars Developing renewable, plant-based alternatives for petroleum-derived chemicals is a major piece of the effort to transition away...

  9. You bone heads who are antivaxxers should not be allowed to fill up with gasoline.  Stay home, don't expose any one else and don't...

  10. from here: "“I don’t like coal either, but I think nuclear power is an existential threat," said Gunter, who has been protesting nuclear power since before the...

  11. Principles of Dynamic Heterogeneous Catalysis: Surface Resonance and Turnover Frequency Response This is computer simulations so it may not mean much. If there is any...

  12. Bitcoin leaves a carbon footprint as large as Las Vegas, study finds   A new study found that the cryptocurrency Bitcoin requires a lot of electricity,...

  13. Two years ago was published a report on exploration of giant oil and gas fields.    The predictions made 30 yers ago about the...

  14. My name is Jim Horton good afternoon everybody my family and I were in galleria on the weekend shopping and we came across this...

  15. Most tropical lightning storms are radioactive   Missing link found in gamma emission phenomena from thunderclouds   Via NASA plane, scientists find new gamma-ray emission in storm clouds  

  16. 📢📢 Breaking News!! 📢📢 New evidence just shows global warming is real!!......  

  17. BWXT Awarded Phase Two of Microreactor Evaluation Contract for State of Wyoming   That a spinoff of Babcock & Wilcox, FYI. They supply naval reactor systems.

  18. Quote Oakland-based startup Molten Industries is working to build it by relying on something that’s cheap and abundant in the US: natural gas. The company...

  19. Not sure about the details of electronic  components used. But worth checking out as much cheaper and eco friendly alternative to solar panels.....   If it...

  20. Thought this was pretty interesting. Scientists Dissolve Crude Oil in Water to Study Its Composition Researchers from MIPT, Skoltech, the Joint Institute for High Temperatures of...

  21. Добрый день господа[url=]![/url] Если Вы хотите найти качественный источник информации о событиях Украины на каждый день, тогда Вы обратились по адресу. Мы считаемся ТОПовым(ой)...

  22.   Graphene: The Strongest Material in the World made from TRASH? Discovery from Rice University Dr. James Tour 79.8K subscribers         Graphene: The Strongest Material in the World made...

  23.   Graphene: The Strongest Material in the World made from TRASH? Discovery from Rice University Dr. James Tour 79.8K subscribers         Graphene: The Strongest Material in the World made...

  24. Elon Musk to Tesla Employees: It's 'Hardcore' Belt-Tightening Time Tesla CEO Elon Musk and new Chief Financial Officer Zach Kirkhorn will personally review all expenses...

  25. A place for waste! (NIMBY)!

  26.   Converting captured CO2 directly into fuels could get simpler, cheaper February 23, 2022 by David Chandler Converting captured CO2 directly into fuels (or other products) at scale seems an...

  27. New material for hydrogen fuel tanks: "The cost of manufacturing our material is so low, and the energy density it can store is so much...

  28. China new-energy vehicle sales drop for first time in over two years     BEIJING (Reuters) - Sales of new energy vehicles (NEVs) in China fell 4.7%...

  29. We have been accustomed to the knowledge that climate change has hasten the speed of ice melting in the polar region and increased frequency...

  30. NASA backs development of cryogenic hydrogen system to power all-electric aircraft

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