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    182 Topics in this forum

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  1. No sooner had President Biden, a big fan of American Railways, unveiled the big rail investment plan recently, with a record sum of $ 2...

  2. I would like to introduce myself. My name is Kevin Keith. I am a Janitor Supervisor. I am not an oil investor, not an oil...

  3. Why not nuclear?  The articles below discuss the Pros vs Cons, and the Pros, at least as presented, far outweigh the Cons.  From what...

  4. Whether it's ready or not, billions of dollars of investment say hydrogen hype is real. 

  5. Some insights, these make some sense.  A short read.

  6. Renewables could be affected.  Tinkering with a chaotic system has chaotic results.

  7. In the absence of air,the microbial decomposition of organic matter produces approximately equal volumes of methane and carbon dioxide. Can anyone explain to me...

  8. Green hysteria is driving us to foolish decisions that will make them richer as the average person gets poorer. RCW Fear Not Rising Temperatures or...

  9. It looks like China blew this one: Huawei is a good phone with excellent camera; unfortunately, China's own arrogance took its tool on the...

  10. Abstract More than 400,000 tons of petroleum hydrocarbons are released annually into the ocean, with human activities and natural seepage contributing comparable amounts. This quantity...

  11. This article articulates the thoughts and frustrations of much of the planet nowadays.  What do you guys think? The Year of No Science The Year of...

  12. Record low temperatures in parts of USA occur at same time as low air traffic. A drop in US temperatures was noted when air...

  13. Excellent guide for investing in the hottest battery metal - lithium. Anyone interested in this metal should watch this one.     

  14. Just a month or two prior to the 2020 Covid era with all its madness, and then the Biden Campaign, James Corbett and Marc...

  15. ELON MUSK Will rule this Decade!

  16. Cement manufacture produces carbon dioxide from decomposition of calcium carbonate and also from the combustion of fuel that is burned to drive that endothermic...

  17. Strange, Newly Found Magnetar Signals May Force Us to Rethink Fast Radio Bursts (

  18. German Greens Want to Persuade Voters to Power Economy With Debt  

  19. I found this an interesting article. What do you think of these 5 (6) points? (((1. Price))) I am not sure how valid this point...

  20. Lithium is a constraint. Vast amounts of research are being done on alternatives, including zinc-air, magnesium, sodium, and so forth. There are all kinds...

  21. Tesla's Supercharger Network In Australia Officially Costs More Than Filling Your Car With Gas by Tyler Durden Mon, 11/16/2020 - 23:40 Using the Tesla Supercharger...

  22. This sounds like a viable development.  Can it work large scale?  Can they supply sufficient quantities and deliver them to airports worldwide? Rolls-Royce to test...

  23. Terpenes are hydrocarbons synthesized by plants. The 'pine smell' is something called α-pinene. There are a dozen others, mostly that contribute aroma or flavor...

  24. "SPARC is a compact, high-field, DT burning tokamak, currently under design by a team from MIT and CFS.  This timeline could mean that the team...

  25. An interesting video presentation of ways to use ALL available clean energy technologies for now, and continue heading for Nuclear Fusion, which, they say,...

  26. Why solar PV is given high subsidy? Now for the world solar PV is becoming a god sent messenger to save the earth. Look...

  27. A recent OilPrice article discusses the "NDB battery". The article and the company's web site go to great lengths to avoid discussing the actual nature...

  28. The German government has said a coronavirus vaccine may not be widely available to the public until the middle of 2021. It's warned people...

  29. In today's article: the author states that EVs are not "revolutionary" replacements for ICEV, and repeats the assertion that "EVs are an alternative technology...

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