1. Without any doubt, 2019 will be a crossroad for many Latin American countries. Let’s paraphrase Shakespeare and Hamlet: To be, or not to be?...

  2. Japan intends this week to dump into the Pacific many millions of gallons of waste water from the Fukushima disaster. The water contains a...

  3. Just saw a Libyan news report saying Gaddafi's son, Saif al-Islam, is going to run for president ... So even if General Haftar isn't...

  4. Starting next week the Muslim sultanate of Brunei will make gay sex and adultery punishable by death. Theft will be punished by amputation of the...

  5. "The Rise of Strategic Corruption How States Weaponize Graft" Foreign Affairs, July/August edition 2020https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/united-states/2020-06-09/rise-strategic-corruption?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter_posts&utm_campaign=tw_daily_soc Excerpts: Quote The plot’s political objectives and Firtash’s apparent involvement elevates this sordid tale from...

  6. https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/dukes-hazzard-remain-displayed-auto-museum

  7. In coming days a new meeting of the GECF will be held in Equatorial Guinea with a general landscape on its behalf and advantage...

  8. Having recently read the General's book titled "It Doesn't Take a Hero", this story was a great follow on.  An interesting thing about Stormin'...

  9. The last recent weeks we have seen how political and geopolitical events have influenced in one way or the other the oil markets, be...

  10. See the greatly ignored story about how Russia has done all it could to keep the West from fracking. It has been aided by...

  11. ICYMI, Donald Trump got humiliated by an alliance of K-Pop Stans (fans) and American Tik Tokers at his Tulsa, OK rally yesterday. They tricked...

  12. According to KSTP the TV station in Minneapolis.  How is the Government going to handle this?  He was murdered.  

  13. Just to set the narrative, I believe, from what I have seen, that Mr. Floyd died as a result of police brutality and that...

  14. WHERE IS EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER THE LAW ? There are over 100,000 employees in the Justice Department .  Most of them are career Democratic Activist...

  15. https://www.foxnews.com/us/protest-kneel-black-lives-matter-georgia-state-trooper I left church yesterday thinking the same thing

  16. Well, the title may be somewhat misleading in that it appears to be click-bait.  But that may explain why it has not been deleted...

  17. Economy Minister Peter Altmeier just gave a very simple lesson in defending national interest to at least half of the European Union: “They are looking...

  18. Works council has announced how neo-Nazis are attempting to infiltrate in Daimler, one of the biggest automaker in Germany. In their statement they didn't...

  19. Elections in two of Germany’s most prosperous regions are likely to diminish Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservative bloc and further destabilize her fragile government, potentially...

  20. German economy books record budget surplus of $45B in 2017. They are synonymous for export strength and industrial prowess. This result's coming in period...

  21. https://www.theepochtimes.com/us-allies-snub-bidens-plan-to-counter-china_3694025.html US Allies Snub Biden’s Plan to Counter China We need to redefine who are allies are. RCW

  22. A German court has ruled cities can impose driving bans on the oldest and most polluting diesel cars. This decision could lead to millions...

  23. https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2020/05/15/germany-declares-burning-eu-flag-a-hate-crime-punishable-by-three-years-in-prison/   This is the nation that decries nationalism. RCW   Germany Declares Burning EU Flag a Hate Crime Punishable by Three Years in Prison 3,030 LOUISA GOULIAMAKI/AFP/Getty Images OLIVER JJ...

  24. The German government said it is considering whether to allow the deportation of some Syrian asylum seekers back to their home country in the...

  25. https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2019/07/31/germany-refuses-military-cooperation-us-persian-gulf/   NATO ‘Ally’ Germany Won’t Back U.S. in Gulf to Avoid War with Iran 8,921  

  26. Germany will work with France to tackle pressing issues such as trade policy, the war in Syria and competition with China. This is attitude...

  27. Planned government funding for Germany’s military, which faces worsening equipment and personnel shortages, will not meet its needs after next year and should be...

  28. Bad news.  A beer shortage could be devastating. Oktoberfest Cancelled For First Time Since WW2 As German Hop-Growers Warn Of "Beer Shortage"  

  29. EU ON BRINK: Germany unleashes Brexit burden WARNING as migration row erupts I'll leave this here without any comments, shall I?

  30. German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said on Wednesday that Europe must respond to U.S. President Donald Trump’s “America First” agenda of tighter borders, protectionist...