1. More to follow . . .  The "SQUAD" won't let Nancy go back on Impeachment.  The SQUAD rules.   Can't wait till Senate trial. . ....

  2. Dunno if he can win, but I don't like the other options.  

  3. In coming days a new meeting of the GECF will be held in Equatorial Guinea with a general landscape on its behalf and advantage...

  4. U.S. MSM apparently doesn't want to report much about this news; the only newsworthy events as far as CNN is concerned are Orange Man Bad...

  5. Picture of R&D spending by countries and regions, from Global Innovation Index 2019. Most of R&D (about 75%) globally is funded by business. Area...

  6. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/11/21/greta-who-china-ramps-up-coal-fired-energy-production/ https://oilprice.com/Energy/Coal/Is-Chinas-Clean-Coal-A-Lie.html This information needs maximum exposure throughout the world. It is one of the reasons we should reduce our trade with China and other countries...

  7. The ideal situation would be Haley as V.P and Pence take Sec State position. Doubt Pence would go for it.   I say 70% probability.

  8. Deliberately leaked as trial balloon to gauge feasibility.  Would be convient way out for Democrats.   The proposed plan entailed the cooperation from the House...

  9. There are a lot of unpleasant things in George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984. Spying screens. Torture and propaganda. Victory Gin and Victory Coffee always sounded particularly...

  10.   6. Democrats forced to hold public hearings   7. Amb Sondland testifies at public hearing contradicting himself time and again.   8. Republican brings up the...

  11. Roughly 23,000 years ago in modern-day Israel, a small tribe of ex-cave dwellers built a tiny village near the Sea of Galilee that may...

  12. Interesting article here regarding history and government. I don't agree with all of it but thought I'd share. I know you guys love a...

  13. An act of Congress becomes the law of the land when passed.  Giving political support to Hong Kong is one thing. Making that political...

  14. < *happy dance* > Shot across the bow.  MSM should freak out.  Waiting for criminal indictments. https://mobile.twitter.com/JamesOKeefeIII/status/1196228039551725568      

  15. Authored by Sylvain LaForest via Oriental Review #copyandpaste #DTisnotajournalist #theclueisinthename The timing is right for everyone to understand what Donald Trump is doing, and try to...

  16. The world today has a myriad of energy policies. One of them seems to be to encourage renewables, especially wind and solar. Another seems to...

  17. Check out the clips in this link:   🤣🤣 https://www.zerohedge.com/political/former-ukraine-ambassador-testify-about-concerted-campaign-oust-her Fireworks Erupt As Schiff Shields Questions Over Biden And Burisma ''Once again, Adam Schiff flat out REFUSES to...

  18.         P.S.  Eric Ciaramella is deep state, and is not an actual whistleblower.       Meme haters, please feel free to hate.  

  19. France’s Macron has burst into tears again and has used the British press to hold court and whimper about how he and his EU vision...

  20. Unarmed passerby in his t-shirt was engaged in heated argumentation with group of protesters as he was against them vandalizing a shop. Video shows...

  21. China has begun to build a parallel international order, centered on itself. If the European Union aids in its construction – even just by positioning...

  22. In addition a request has been made that the INSPECTOR  GENERAL INVESTIGATE. Think Justice Department Barr and Durham subpeona Whistleblower ? https://thefederalist.com/2019/11/12/new-complaint-alleges-anti-trump-whistleblower-tried-to-get-rich-off-his-icig-complaint/  

  23. After taking a quick look at the EV and hybrid vehicle numbers available on the internet (you can check for your own edification if...

  24. https://www.eetimes.com/document.asp?doc_id=1335248 The settlement this week between TSMC and GlobalFoundries appears to be a David vs. Goliath victory with the smaller US foundry gaining access to...

  25. As always, EUphiles are free to disagree, no hard feelings. Bonus points if EUphiles were unaware that there was already a Trade War between U.S....

  26. Democrats will not allow GOP to cross examine so called whistleblower Eric Ciaramella during impeachment hearing. But the Whitehouse visitor logs show he could  be...

  27.   https://www.cfact.org/2019/11/08/does-one-ten-thousandth-of-the-atmosphere-control-earths-thermostat/ Does one ten thousandth of the atmosphere control Earth’s thermostat? See both images.  The temperature is going down to 9 degrees tonight. We have about eight...

  28. I was reviewing "good ideas" for China found in media last week. Chosen 3 most stupid ones. 1. Create and enforce own list of "unreliable"...

  29. Tom , looks like you were correct.  You can't make this stuff up.  Looks like your Dem impeachment might backfire on them. Excerpt from Article A...

  30. Iran has stepped up activity at its underground Fordow nuclear plant, state TV said on Wednesday, a move France said showed for the first...