1. German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Tuesday she wanted Britain and the European Union to divorce on good terms. “I care now that we...

  2. (shared via facebook) Pipeline vs Train vs Ship to Transport Crude Oil. 1 Train has 100 cars, 2 engines and weighs 27,240,000 lbs. 1 Train transports 3,000,000...

  3. Chinese military is technologically very backward in comparison to US military.  For contemporary US-China hegemony conflict the most important are naval assets. Navy is the major...

  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3TJ0Aez3PY&t=18s RUSSIAN Economy Devastated by 2 Years of Ukraine War as Costs & Sanctions Inflict Long Term Damage

  5. https://www.news-journal.com/news/business/sitton-the-u-s-must-protect-free-markets-in-the/article_6a79a240-6aba-11ea-a17e-df45acfe727b.html Okay, from the article above, the ‘best case’ is that we are presently oversupplied by roughly 10 million barrels of oil per day. This...

  6.         .

  7. A very surprising Rasmussen poll showing strong flip of black voters in response to Trump's campaign effort and debate performance. https://onenewsnow.com/politics-govt/2020/10/24/rasmussen-poll-blacks-give-trump-46-approval-rating https://twitter.com/Rasmussen_Poll/status/1319605958037950470 Cahaly is pointing out a...

  8. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/sep/01/inner-mongolia-protests-china-mandarin-schools-language The CCP is attacking all minorities throughout China, Han and non Han groups. Mongolia is the latest. The others I know of are Hong Kongers, Tibetans,...

  9. I'd post Trump's response but can't.  Twitter deleted his response almost immediately.  IS FREE SPEECH (First Amendment) DEAD ? Trump's response talked about Twitter's abuse of...

  10. Supremely interesting and touching story. 

  11. What exactly are you supposed to do to counter that? Shooting a missile at a drone isn't worth the cost and they fly too...

  12. Beijing’s city government on Tuesday raised its COVID-19 emergency response level to II from III, according to state media. The Chinese capital has been...

  13. How to collapse China ? First of all you should ensure that all university cooperation in US and EU with China is breaked. This is...

  14. Perhaps nowhere in today’s South Africa is the country’s inequality on more dramatic display than in the neighboring Johannesburg suburbs of Sandton and Alexandra....

  15. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2020/09/03/navalny-case-poisons-ties-between-germany-russia-a71336 Putin and his cronies are losing touch with the Russian people. The people can see through them and know how rotten their government is....

  16. Re Biden's proclamation to withdraw troops from Afghanistan by September. The proclamation is a clear violation of the agreement reached with the Taliban in Doha...

  17. Illegal immigration is ILLEGAL.  The EU really is turning into the Borg collective. Happy I'm back in the U.S. where it is slightly less Borgy. See 90...

  18. Of course we cannot be sure about ultimate outcome but probability of Huawei building 5G network in Germany just skyrocketed. No backdoors policy Angela Merkel is...

  19. Prince Andrew Duke of York has a new title. Andrew Mountbatten-Windsor the Pediphile of York. The Queen just booted him from the Buckingham palace. He should be...

  20. Chancellor Angela Merkel and the whole German government do not see Germany taking part in a U.S-led naval mission in the Strait of Hormuz...

  21. Has anyone noticed that POTUS Has changed how he is handling the press etc? His communication if far less typical Trumpesque he is appearing...

  22. Given how much bandwidth was consumed on OilPrice at the start of the 'S.M.O.', I'm interested in seeing if any Russian trolls (excuse me, correspondents) are...

  23. #Obamagate is not going away, no matter how much Twitter tries to censor it from its Twitter Trending lists worldwide. Pretty amazing to see this...

  24. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Big-Oils-Petrochemical-Bet-Has-Hit-A-Snag.html

  25. Well? There have been threats in the past but they have remained threats. This time things look different for various reasons but it could be...

  26. https://www.theepochtimes.com/us-allies-snub-bidens-plan-to-counter-china_3694025.html US Allies Snub Biden’s Plan to Counter China We need to redefine who are allies are. RCW

  27. .  

  28. Here is their backdoor plan to do just that : The process will be when you get the vaccine you will receive a Federal issued...

  29. Spain’s government said Wednesday it would do whatever it takes to stamp out violence in Catalonia, where clashes between regional independence supporters and police...

  30. The Hatfields and McCoys of the Middle East are at it again. Saudi Arabia is going ahead with plans to turn Qatar into an island,...