1. Turkey, the perpetual suitor for EU membership, is undergoing what was a slow-motion deterioration, and is now rapidly escalating into a full-blown economic and...

  2. We have been here before while carpet bombing, UK 🇬🇧 flags will be burned alongside 🇺🇸  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diego_Garcia

  3. NATO’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Tuesday that there was a real chance for peace in Afghanistan as U.S.-Taliban peace talks continue in...

  4. Short calculation below shows that impact of trade war on US-China bilateral trade is negligent (less than -1.6%). Trade war is not important.   Per Sunday, December...

  5. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo arrived in Pyongyang on Friday, saying he expects North Korea to be ready to “fill in some details” of...

  6. Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg will write a $4.5 million check to fund the United States’ annual commitment to the Paris climate deal...

  7. The Iraq Parliament voted to expel the U.S from Iraq. Two points : (1) It's not the Parliament's  decision.  Parliament does not have the authority...

  8. Installations of industrial robots are good indicator of trends in advanced manufacturing development. The largest cluster of supply chains in advanced manufacturing is located in...

  9. The White House has been considering a plan to rejoin the Paris climate agreement by 2020, George David Banks, former top White House adviser on international...

  10. More than 40,000 people have been intercepted in the Mediterranean and taken to detention camps and torture houses under a European migration policy that...

  11. Metabiota, the US company funded by US Department of Defence’s Threat Reduction Agency (“DTRA”) to operate biolabs in Ukraine, was founded by Nathan Wolfe...

  12. Standing on the grounds of Israel’s national Holocaust museum on Monday, Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte declared Adolf Hitler “insane,” a jarring turnaround for a...

  13. China and Germany defended their business ties with Iran on Wednesday in the face of President Donald Trump’s warning that any companies trading with...

  14. Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny was discharged from a Moscow hospital on Monday and returned to prison under guard after being treated for what...

  15. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Tuesday the country had to develop its military forces to prevent other states taking over its territory and...

  16. A government statement said the 10 women who were issued licenses already held driving licenses from other countries, including the U.S., U.K., Lebanon and...

  17. Iran has informed ambassadors from the United Kingdom, France, Germany, China and Russia of its decision to stop implementing “some commitments” under a 2015...

  18. New U.S. sanctions against Iran took effect on Tuesday, and President Donald Trump, who defied Washington’s allies to impose them, pledged that firms doing...

  19. "Colombia will be the first "global partner" of NATO in Latin America, beginning next week, President Santos announced Friday." Venezuela not happy. But what does...

  20. Since the rhetoric here at Oil Price has reached hysterical levels of racism, hatred, nationalism, and including threats of vigilantism, may we please collectively take...

  21. Hi Im a newb, so please keep that in mind before trolling.  I was wondering if you oil industry veterans think that it's plausible that...

  22. Pres. Trump's national security adviser John Bolton meets with Russian Pres. Vladimir Putin in Moscow, says he looks forward to discussing "how to improve...

  23. According to a post on the former Georgian leader’s official Facebook page and his spokeswoman, Ukrainian opposition leader Mikheil Saakashvili has been detained in...

  24. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1N-TLMeHsKYBCirxS0vbqMGHpU2SmyLuCc7bqp8eYXVM/edit https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7523839/Hong-Kong-protesters-throw-eggs-Chinas-President-Xi-Jinpings-portrait-National-Day.html China Stories https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Wb2YoQGpSWTz32ljsiA_ey6FLVqc2Dpe7Fnpiqn9lBs/edit# Police shoot 'schoolboy' activist, 18, in the chest with a live round as streets of Hong Kong turn into a protest battlefield on...

  25.        .

  26. I am quite surprised at the reaction and geopolitics of the 2019 attack on Saudi Facilities. The oil industry needs to revisit the 2019...

  27. How many so far? Everyone but Hillary? https://edition.cnn.com/2019/05/15/politics/bill-de-blasio-2020-presidential-announcement/index.html

  28. I'm sure you republican jerks will refuse to cash your massive wealth-transfer stimulus cheques LOL. The virus is spreading socialism; be afraid fossil humans, your...

  29. U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper asked South Korea to send troops to join a U.S.-led maritime force in the Strait of Hormuz off the...