1. any truth in this? https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/02/business/tax-bill-offers-last-minute-breaks-for-developers-banks-and-oil-industry.html

  2. A "Madagascarian?"  Also, how do you tell apart a person from Botswana from someone from Ghana? I mean, I can tell apart a Frenchmen from a...

  3. There appears to be a curious symmetry connecting both the blocking of Brexit, and the continued attempts to bring down a free and fair...

  4. Love the way the local media is presenting what they call 'phase 2' of the Saudi smash and grab of the money and assets...

  5. https://www.zerohedge.com/health/smoking-gun-chinese-scientist-finds-killer-coronavirus-probably-originated-laboratory-wuhan The paper was supported by China's National Natural Science Foundation, which means that the paper would likely never see the light of day if...

  6. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/10/us/politics/trump-antisemitism-executive-order.html From the NYT:  "The order will effectively interpret Judaism as a race or nationality, not just a religion,.."     “To determine the true rulers of any...

  7. Beijing saw a threat in New Delhi’s steady improvement of borderland infrastructure and renewed Indian claims on disputed territory.Tensions between Indian and Chinese troops...

  8. "Deutsche Bank will pay a $150 million fine from a New York regulator for allowing disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein to make payments to Russian...

  9. South Korea is investigating a second vessel it suspects of illegally transferring oil for shipping to North Korea in violation of UN sanctions, maritime...

  10. Very interested to see how the likely Iraq election win by Shi'ite Al-Sadr pans our for all the external players on this field, and...

  11. The New York Times published a list of questions that special counsel Robert Mueller wants to ask President Donald Trump. Many of the questions...

  12. The US ambassador to Yemen has accused the Iranian backed Houthis of failing to uphold what was agreed to in talks held in Sweden...

  13. So, this is a new twist I wasn't aware of earlier. The Yemeni island of Socotra has now been sucked into the war, but...

  14. Wow, news of Trump withdrawal from Syria is good news for peace, but it sounds more like a desperate call that a coup is underway...

  15. https://edition.cnn.com/2003/US/04/11/sprj.irq.pentagon/ "And while no one condones looting, on the other hand one can understand the pent-up feelings that may result from decades of repression and...

  16. Plenty of interesting stuff here, not sure how easy it will be for a layman to understand but if anyone wants any help understanding...

  17. Russia has now officially started up its massive $27-billion Arctic LNG project. Production started today, and first exports should be by week's end. Novatek...

  18. Apparently everything. I'm sure then VP Biden and then Secretary of State Kerry had no idea what the kids were playing around with.  You think...

  19. Authored by Charles Hughes Smith, a humorously cantankerous old fart, whose musings I tend to enjoy reading. Taxing the air is apparently the last refuge...

  20. I won't bother commenting, I'll just leave this here. 

  21. What happened with the scandal over Qatar earlier this year, also happened to Lebanon's PM, Hariri, and it's all about Iran. Hariri is back...

  22. Make no doubt about it: it's now trendy to be the most planet-loving, alternative energy supporting, climate changing fighting Captain Planet that you can be. And...

  23. GOLD: A safe bet to mitigate Coronavirus generated Geopolitical & Macro-economic fallout? Posted by: Iain Fraser - Consultant Editor GEOPoliticalMatters.com Malaga City (Remote) I have been monitoring...

  24. Saw this news from official Iranian press.  Note that I am about as skeptical of Iran's Mehr News as I am with USA's CNN...

  25. An American civilian and his family were the victims of a home invasion in Germany by at least 2 invaders. Thank God he fought...

  26. https://money.usnews.com/investing/news/articles/2019-06-07/europe-saved-8-billion-on-gas-bill-in-2018-due-to-lng-reforms-iea Europe Saved $8 Billion on Gas Bill in 2018 Due to LNG, Reforms: IEA   June 7, 2019, at 3:08 a.m. More Europe Saved $8 Billion on Gas...

  27. Sean Misko on Schiff's Staff https://www.redstate.com/elizabeth-vaughn/2019/11/20/eric-ciaramella-bro-like-friendship-nsc-sean-misko-now-member-schiffs-staff/ "Grace, 36 was hired to investigate Trump  .  .   .    .    . " https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/adam-schiffs-staff-includes-2-aides-who-worked-with-whistleblower-at-white-house Eric Ciaramella the fake whistleblower...

  28. With respect to Venezuela, my country, like José, I have to say about it. As a Philosopher, the center of all human activity, it is...