1. President Trump on Wednesday said that he wished he had picked someone other than Jeff Sessions as attorney general, renewing a slight of the...

  2. The European Union has imposed asset freezes on six Russian firms for their involvement in the construction of a new road-and-rail bridge linking Russia...

  3. Tomorrow parliamentary elections will be held in Iraq, also crucial for world oil markets in my personal view, now that Iran is on a...

  4. https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/14353/europe-will-not-be-europe "Europe Will Not Be Europe" by Guy Millière

  5. Shut the internet please President Trump took to Twitter yesterday to note the record-breaking cold weather currently slamming much of the eastern U.S. “In the East, it...

  6.    I am pleading with all of you folks in the oil and gas industries to join together in an idea that will change...

  7. Oops, sorry.  Google brought me here, I must have misclicked. I seem to be on an oil forum. Carry on. 

  8. All for what ? Saudi Arabia ?  The Saudis are trying to destroy U.S. independent oil industry and Trump sends more U.S. military  equipment,...

  9. So, now we learn that the EU has developed a "new mechanism" to trade with Iran, circumventing U.S. sanctions...Really?  Is it possible that they imagine...

  10. Saudi Arabia, by the official attitude, suggested  three things in a "new accord" for Iran : 1- Cut back Tehran ability to support extremist groups...

  11. Welp, we are all going to die due to Climate Apocalypse, because I don't see Trump not being re-elected in 2020. Climate change is already here....

  12. https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Fallout/John-Solomon/9781642935714   Is Joe Biden or other family members (wife) a Partner or benefit from the business VP Biden funneled to Rosemount Seneca LLP between 2009...

  13. I must admit that the corruption of european politicians (and some forum participants) know no bounds... First of all, these so called "migrants" are illegal...

  14. Saudi Arabian prosecutors will seek the death penalty for five of the 11 suspects detained over the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, the Saudi...

  15. Interesting thread from LinkedIn  https://www.linkedin.com/posts/thesilentpartner_former-secret-service-cia-agent-issues-warning-activity-6619229553858535425-HRdS

  16. According to KSTP the TV station in Minneapolis.  How is the Government going to handle this?  He was murdered.  

  17. The German government is warning that a number of indicators suggest Europe could be on the brink of witnessing a new refugee crisis explode...

  18. Soo, the "Davos of the Desert" began today and I've been hanging around in Twitter only to read that while it started with a...

  19. https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2019/05/28/britains-conservatives-are-committing-green-suicide/ https://policy.greenparty.org.uk/   What We Stand For Our Core Values Philosophical Basis Record of Policy Statements JOIN THE GREEN PARTY Long Term Goals Animal Rights Climate Change Countryside Crime and Justice Culture, Media and Sports Disability Drug Use Economy Education Energy Europe Food and...

  20. Does anyone really believe in story about protecting the Earth from climate change? Especially when countries, which are most responsible for this situation are...

  21. https://tsarizm.com/opinion/2018/12/18/too-many-vested-interests-against-peace-with-russia/

  22. https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2020/03/14/815748914/judge-blocks-rule-that-would-have-kicked-700-000-people-off-snap While insane Trump's leadership kills Americans every day and threatens the lives and livelihood of others, it's good to know there are still mechanisms...

  23. The USATODAY article in the Farmington Daily Times is here-> https://www.daily-times.com/story/money/industries/oil-gas/2018/05/27/if-free-traders-saddle-up-higher-oil-prices-and-opec-run-cover/615999002/ Among some speakers at the 2018 Four Corners Oil and Gas Conference last month in Farmington...

  24. Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman was in the United Arab Emirates on Friday, on his first tour abroad since the killing of...

  25. U.S. President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that talks with North Korea were “going well” as U.S. officials seek to reach an agreement with...

  26. .  

  27. I've been sort of mapping out Europe's energy policy and options for less dependence on Russia and while most of the countries' situations and stances...

  28. The North Korea saga has definitely been stepped up a few notches to the point that I'm hoping isn't one of no return, however...

  29. Is anyone else concerned that Eric Prince (aka Blackwater) is gunning for a major contract in Libya as the saviors of refugees reportedly being...

  30. .