1. Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has threatened opponents with prison if they try to impeach him, the latest in what a top U.N. official and...

  2. Geopolitics aside, this will be explained to you by 2 charts from the latest Shell report on the global LNG market

  3. Set a thief to catch a thief, after all, right? Interesting to watch how this develops. Only Criminals Can Clean Up Argentina’s Corruption

  4. “OPEC+ facing demand “trap.”Moscow has balked at deeper production cuts not only because it has a stronger stomach for lower prices than Riyadh, but...

  5. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/OPEC-Oil-Demand-Will-Grow-Until-Late-2030s.html Pasted the article I am referencing. Opinion: OPEC thinks oil demand will grow until 2040. I would agree with them except for this thing called coronavirus. Oil...

  6. I will only note that the following open letter appeared in Politico magazine today. A letter like a letter, but please note the list and...

  7. Is China Trying to Draw the United States into Imperial Overstretch? Opinion - May 13, 2020 By Vivian Ng     The global COVID-19 pandemic has brought severe economic...

  8. https://www.kyivpost.com/opinion/27951   OPINION: Putin’s Genocidal Myth Tucker Carlson’s interview with Vladimir Putin reveals much more than the foolishness of fascism. It offers us a view into the mechanism...

  9. New York City hospitals have started a double blinded clinical trial using over-the-counter antacid Pepcid for therapy to treat Coronavirus Active Ingredient is Famotidine.  It...

  10. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-iran-crash/our-enemy-is-here-iran-protesters-demand-that-leaders-quit-after-plane-downed-idUSKBN1ZA0X6 'Our enemy is here': Iran protesters demand that leaders quit after plane downed   “They are lying that our enemy is America, our enemy is right...

  11. This may become a major political issue. Brasil plans on doubling output by 2024  

  12. If the numbers don’t force your agenda...force the number!  

  13. https://www.news-journal.com/news/business/sitton-the-u-s-must-protect-free-markets-in-the/article_6a79a240-6aba-11ea-a17e-df45acfe727b.html Okay, from the article above, the ‘best case’ is that we are presently oversupplied by roughly 10 million barrels of oil per day. This...

  14. The China Virus panic being inflamed by the media and politicians is creating misery around the world.    Corrupt leaders are seizing ever more control,...

  15. https://www.smh.com.au/world/europe/coronavirus-pandemic-may-not-have-started-in-china-experts-say-20200706-p5599t.html Dr Tom Jefferson, senior associate tutor at the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine at Oxford University, and visiting professor at Britain's Newcastle University, says there...

  16. Just one day after U.S. president accused Pakistan and government in Islamabad for support terrorist, Pakistan's Central Bank announced how will be replacing dollar...

  17. Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan returned home from Washington on Thursday after a visit seen by supporters as a major diplomatic success, saying he...

  18. India on Thursday urged Pakistan to review its decision to downgrade diplomatic ties over the withdrawal of special status to Kashmir, saying it was...

  19. As never before, Pakistan with former cricket star Imran Khan (new PM) has a chance to separate army influence in public and political sphere,...

  20. According to latest report from AP, Pakistani terror cells are still biggest threat not just for that country, but also for the entire region....

  21. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/53jazk/i-accidentally-ate-the-worlds-most-illegally-trafficked-animal Probably very tasty if you're the type that like pungent flavored meat.  

  22. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-01-22/parler-s-new-partner-has-ties-to-the-russian-government?srnd=cybersecurity&sref=RzXyyOXY When you can't deal with American censorship any more, give Russia a chance!

  23. Unarmed passerby in his t-shirt was engaged in heated argumentation with group of protesters as he was against them vandalizing a shop. Video shows...

  24. Russia of gangster capitalism of the 90s, or why the Russians support Putin collectively. Quote   Paul Klebnikov (Russian: Павел Юрьевич Хлебников; August 6, 1964 – July 9, 2004) was...

  25. UPDATE. FIRST SUBPOENA ISSUED Senator Johnson opening Investigation into Hunter Biden Barisma. Should lead to other Joe Biden Hunter, Brother and daughter/son-in-law sweetheart federal handout...

  26. South Korea’s President Moon Jae-in said on Monday there could be more impromptu talks and summits with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un, as U.S....

  27. Another day, another peaceful demonstration, another horrible police brutality. It is a miracle that nobody was killed yet.   Answer yourself 1 question: What would be the reaction...

  28. Starting a thread to highlight the backlash against overly restrictive rules issued by elected representatives.  As an example of overly restrictive and arbitrary restrictions,...

  29. Amusing article which is pure propaganda of course.  Last week George Soros rose from his casket to give an interview with, of course, The New York...

  30. The European Union will consider imposing import tariffs on U.S. orange juice, peanuts, cranberries, and--wait for it--bourbon. That's in response to the steel and...