- BLA Replied
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Asia-Pacific trade deal is a big win for China and a blow for US. America First has in fact put America Last on the world stage
Tom Fowdy is a British writer and analyst of politics and international relations with a primary focus on East Asia. Quote The repercussions of the new RCEP...- Tomasz Replied
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Why Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine is a Disaster for China
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qR7jICmkUG0 Why Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine is a Disaster for China- Ron Wagner Replied
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Yemen footage that might be interesting
I don't think there's any dead bodies or anything gruesome but just be aware that war footage can be. I was (and am always interested)...- El Nikko Replied
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Non-Whistleblower Ciaramella's two NSC cohorts that also worked with Biden . . Sean Misko and Abigail Grace need to testify under oath. The noose is closing.
Sean Misko on Schiff's Staff https://www.redstate.com/elizabeth-vaughn/2019/11/20/eric-ciaramella-bro-like-friendship-nsc-sean-misko-now-member-schiffs-staff/ "Grace, 36 was hired to investigate Trump . . . . . " https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/adam-schiffs-staff-includes-2-aides-who-worked-with-whistleblower-at-white-house Eric Ciaramella the fake whistleblower...- Jabbar Replied
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Process Banned By President Carter Could Solve U.S. Nuclear Waste Problem
This is the exact text of Jimmy Carter's Policy: "First, we will defer indefinitely the commercial reprocessing and recycling of the plutonium produced in the...- nuclear
- reprocessing
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- Meredith Poor Replied
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- Tom Nolan Replied
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IMF Warns of Recession round the Corner
IMF has just released a very upbeat World Economic Outlook but has warned recession can hit sooner than many expect. "The next recession may be closer...- imf
- r ecession
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- Marina Schwarz Replied
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John Lennon v The Deep State. One Man Against The "Monster"
“You gotta remember, establishment, it’s just a name for evil. The monster doesn’t care whether it kills all the students or whether there’s a revolution.... -
Stimulus after stimulus, a desperate measure to counter deflation ?
Will fiscal policy like this work or simply delay the inevitable and exacerbate the econmic crisis ? A question for open discussion I would love to hear your opinion.- Erin Bale Replied
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Maduro assumed 2nd term with the outlook for a clash of power with an opposition controlled national assembly.
So today President Maduro assumed his 2nd term with the landscape of an important number of countries in Southamerica, the EU, the U.S. not...- venezuela
- politicalrisk
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- jose chalhoub Replied
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- BLA Replied
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New Director of PETROBRAS. Privatisation soon?
Brazil's newly elected president Jair Bolsonaro just announced new director of PETROBRAS, Eduardo Castelo Branco, former member of Brazil's central bank and apparently well...- jose chalhoub Replied
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"US Retaliates Against Hungary For Obstructing 15% Global Minimum Tax" - Zero Hedge (New World Order emerging)
In response to Hungary's obstruction of the European Union's adoption of a 15% global minimum tax on corporate income, the Biden administration on Friday...- Tom Nolan Replied
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What Will Mueller Ask Trump?
The New York Times published a list of questions that special counsel Robert Mueller wants to ask President Donald Trump. Many of the questions...- Stormysaga Replied
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How many people have had COVID 19 in the Czech Republic?
Today, the Czech government published the results of nation-wide testing of what should be a representative sample of the Czech population (the testing was...- Yoshiro Kamamura Replied
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- BLA Replied
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How the Marxist Frankfurt School Changed America
https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-08-12/birth-cultural-marxism-how-frankfurt-school-changed-america The gradual undermining of Western Culture has succeeded whereas outright attacks have failed. The need for a clear war of ideas has only recently...- marxist
- frankfurt school
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- ronwagn Replied
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Internet Speech Will Never Go Back to Normal
https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/04/what-covid-revealed-about-internet/610549/ The USA is 1984. Your govt, media, corporation control you totally. By focussing your attentions upon the enemy-du-jour, you are diverted from the enemy within. By...- frankfurter Replied
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The pigs at Goldman Sachs pig out again.
Perhaps to no great surprise, Lloyd Blankfein, the exemplar of personal piggery, self-aggrandizes himself and his outfit "Goldman," the whores of Wall Street, with...- Jan van Eck Replied
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Lawsuit alleges Whistleblower Ciaramella was CIA operative and part of Russian collusion hoax . . .
Summary of Lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch. You know Barr / Durham investigation will be looking into all of this. Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced...- Jabbar Replied
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China, Uighurs and the NBA
Last week the National Basketball Association was brought to heel by China over a tweet by Daryl Morey, the general manager of the Houston Rockets, supporting...- morals
- freedom of speech
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Where will Russia take Syrian Oil?
So now that Russia has total control of Syrian oil, what can we expect? There's not a significant amount of onshore here. I think...- Seleskya Replied
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Trump is @sshoe if RFID tracking chips are part of US DOD and HHS Vaccine for the China Flu
DO. NOT. WANT. EVER. Trump better wake up, RFID tracking chips should never be part of any bullpoop "vaccine" for the hugely over-hyped China Flu. If Trump is going...- Tom Kirkman Replied
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Where's Hunter ?
Former Biden Crime Family member Tony Bobulinsky told the FBI Joe Biden was fully aware and benefited from son Hunter and brother James international...- Bla2 Replied
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Chinese defense minister says Tiananmen crackdown was justified
Chinese defense minister says Tiananmen crackdown was justified Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe said on Sunday that the bloody crackdown on protesters around Beijing's Tiananmen...- china
- tiananmen tanks
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- ceo_energemsier Replied
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NIH gave 3.7 Million Dollars to Wuhan, China Lab
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8211291/U-S-government-gave-3-7million-grant-Wuhan-lab-experimented-coronavirus-source-bats.html REVEALED: U.S. government gave $3.7million grant to Wuhan lab at center of coronavirus leak scrutiny that was performing experiments on bats from the caves...- ronwagn Replied
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Is war talk crazy?
http://www.paulstramer.net/2020/04/war-talk-against-china-is-crazy-and.html?m=1 Saturday, April 18, 2020 War "Talk" Against China is Crazy --- and Unjustified By Anna Von Reitz We have heard sabers rattling and all sorts of bombast...- frankfurter Replied
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Washington Post says IG report will say there was sufficient evidence for FISA warrant to investigate Trump and that Atty General Barr Disagrees. More Post propaganda..
The Washington Post report trying to control the narrative. . More cover-up just like Comey covered up for Hillary Clinton. Washington Post trying to vilify...- Jabbar Replied
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The Ugly Truth About How Much Americans Have Been Spied On By The Gov't Since 2001
https://www.zerohedge.com/political/ugly-truth-about-how-much-americans-have-been-spied-govt-2001 And to think certain members here have the gall to condemn China for this. Your USA govt is equally as bad, if not worse. ...- frankfurter Replied
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