1. needing to put "far" in front of "left" or "right" when you describe the political identity of a future president is never a good thing...

  2. Brexit paralysis has prompted talk of a British election or a second referendum but one odd side-effect could be Britons having to cast their...

  3. Some economic experts who specialize in China think that their economy is failing. Their leadership has been tightening restrictions on communications and behaviors. Some...

  4. I believe if China gets too desperate, they will attack our satellites, I don't believe we'll be able to keep them at bay.  This...

  5. So today President Maduro assumed his 2nd term with the landscape of an important number of countries in Southamerica, the EU, the U.S. not...

  6. U.S. naval operations in the South China Sea could spark conflict and the United States would be to blame if a clash occurred, a...

  7. In command economies with 5-year plans, this is not a good sign. More power for Xi? Or, liberalization and reform?  What're your thoughts?  https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-01-09/rare-schedule-changes-suggest-major-china-policy-meeting-is-near?utm_source=google&utm_medium=bd&cmpId=google

  8. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un arrived in Beijing on Tuesday at the start of a four-day visit, in what's likely an effort to...

  9. U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton has arrived in Turkey for negotiations on the fate of American-allied Kurdish fighters in Syria. Bolton will seek...

  10. Allegedly there was an attempt of a military coup in Gabon, the second minor oil producer in OPEC against president Ali Bongo, which was...

  11. Canada has this bizarre extra-tax system to enable the Federal Govt to hand out so-called "equalization payments."  The whole idea originally was to give...

  12. This year will be probably the most difficult for the largest oil reserve of the world Venezuela, as Maduro will assume his 2nd term...

  13. Hi Guys does Any one have a copy of Boos Allen Hamilton 2005 report about china. I tried to Find it couldn't. it's for...

  14. The EU Commission has opened disciplinary procedures against Italy after the country refused to submit a budget proposal that squares with its rules. The warning, while not...

  15. Is Saudi Arabia in cash difficulties?  Could be.  The Kingdom has a huge contract for what is known in military-speak as "light armored vehicles,"...

  16. China's predatory lending to corrupt African countries may bear dividends soon. With all of the predatory loans that China has made to Venezuela's government, it...

  17. Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador issued an executive order on Monday lowering taxes in municipalities along the U.S.-Mexico border. Can anyone see a point...

  18. In his New Year address on Tuesday, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un warned he might take a “new path” if Washington maintains sanctions...

  19. German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron demanded on Friday that Russia release Ukrainian sailors who were seized along with their ships...

  20. I have always said that things and issues in Sudan and also in South Sudan are far from being over, either between both states...

  21. Just released, Israel will call for elections and dissolution of the Knesset, and Prime Minister Netanyahu under investigations under charges of corruption, which surely...

  22. Just a few days ago, according to local and international news outlets, a ship of venezuelan navy had a face off with an exploration...

  23. Public outrage over corruption helped put Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador into office, but his campaign to clean up the country’s government hasn’t...

  24. China accused Britain and the European Union of hypocrisy on Monday for expressing concern about China’s detention of two Canadian citizens, saying they had...

  25. Without any doubt, 2019 will be a crossroad for many Latin American countries. Let’s paraphrase Shakespeare and Hamlet: To be, or not to be?...

  26. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said on Wednesday, without providing evidence, that U.S. national security adviser John Bolton was leading a plan to invade the...

  27. Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said he hoped to reach an agreement on Tuesday with Russia and Turkey on the composition of a new...

  28. https://www.dr.dk/tv/se/kampen-om-det-rene-vand/-/kampen-om-det-rene-vand-2-3#!/  Interesting documentary. And interesting take on some conflicts around the world. 

  29. Another summit took place of a bloc that was supposed to be a very strategic one with decisions to be solidly considered and heard...

  30. According to Reuters, the U.S. Senate voted on Wednesday to advance a resolution to end U.S. military support for the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen’s...