1. I'm not sure if we should be running to the underground bunker now or not. Is anyone else overly concerned about Trump meeting with...

  2. Looks like the opposition is leading in the polls for now but it's just the start of the campaign. How much weight do their...

  3. Biden has taken some campaign money from certain oil industry groups.   

  4. The Canadian prime minister with his softly diplomacy is "most valuable person" for good deal with U.S. about tariffs for Canada and Mexico. Now,...

  5. The anti-Brexit People's Vote campaign has disintegrated into an open feud among 9 sub-groups. The People's Vote campaign has disintegrated. Eurointelligence calls it a Civil War. People's...

  6. I know this is from Salon (No I'm not a Liberal Democrat) it is interesting Tho.  I Wondered where Trump's early ties to Russia...

  7. Quote The move is also intended to claw back control of China's crude refining sector from private refiners to state-owned refineries. And it's reminiscent of...

  8. .  

  9. This is gold ...   https://www.zerohedge.com/political/and-prize-most-transparently-disingenuous-media-agitprop-goes An eerie silence cloaked the political landscape this lovely fall weekend as the soldiers in this (so far) administrative civil war scrambled...

  10. oh come ooooon. Classic geopolitics lesson for dummies http://www.jpost.com/Israel-News/Stocks-fall-shekel-weakens-amid-Trumps-Jerusalem-announcement-517243

  11. Once again, while the Left was looking at the shiny thing over there, the President has made significant inroads to change and peace in...

  12. .

  13. A "Madagascarian?"  Also, how do you tell apart a person from Botswana from someone from Ghana? I mean, I can tell apart a Frenchmen from a...

  14. In March, oil imports from Saudi Arabia to the world's largest market - China fell by 1.6% compared to the previous year, while purchases...

  15. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced a proposal to spend $236 million to partially excavate the decades-old nuclear site in Missouri. The proposed remedy would both...

  16. Well, wouldn't be the first president to try to control news flow with a well-timed missile strike in Syria. Yay, oil prices! But any...

  17. BLOOMBERG MAKES TEN'S OF BILLIONS BY SUCKING UP TO CHINA Bloomberg has a conflict with China if elected. _______________________________ Trump "America First" vs. Bloomberg "China First" and "Makes...

  18. King Albert II, who abdicated from the Belgian throne six years ago, is to be fined €5,000 ($5,600) for every day that he refuses...

  19. I would say this article is extremely interesting and written by veteran Forbes contributor Kenneth Rapoza last week. Really good one I must say. Due...

  20. Jumping in. Charts look good. Earnings look good. Price to book low.   In 4.2. Fuck INO (lost a quarter of my profits from INO...

  21. The Islamic State just killed 27 Iraq militiamen near Kirkuk...Maybe they were a bit hasty in taking Kirkuk back from the Kurds, which were...

  22. any truth in this? https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/02/business/tax-bill-offers-last-minute-breaks-for-developers-banks-and-oil-industry.html

  23. https://video.foxnews.com/v/6099854410001/#sp=show-clips Democratic Party tears U.S. apart. Democrats power grab destroying U.S. Institutions and Justice Systems. All but two Democrats in Congress House voted for this scam.  Power...

  24. Sanctions can be very disruptive, but at the very least they send a powerful message.  It sounds like Poland, and possibly other Eastern European...

  25. The UK has decided to let Huawei continue to be used in its growing 5G networks - but with restrictions.   Link to the article: https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-51284393 But some...

  26. With Venezuela in the mire I would have thought that the oil price might rise, but it is as steady as a rock, or even...

  27. As the world's central banks and economic policymakers convened in Washington over the weekend for the annual meetings of the IMF, IIF and World...

  28. Nothing would rock markets like this for the year ... https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-10-19/saudi-allegiance-council-meeting-secret-consider-mbs-replacement-report But speculation is now going to come out of the woodwork from everywhere. Also heard...

  29. Despite the American media's presentation of Russia as Putin's playground, the new reality facing the President of the RF is that the power vertical...