1. https://www.zerohedge.com/crypto/chinese-media-stunner-china-will-be-next-country-cut-rates-zero Chinese Media Stunner: China Will Be The Next Country To Cut Rates To Zero

  2.   Susan Rice, Obama’s NSA claims this is another Russian meddling in US election. Russians want Trump to win, among chaos and obvious diversion from current...

  3. The world hopes North Korea and the United States can talk to each other and for those talks to be successful, Chinese President Xi...

  4. A Kremlin adviser says that President Vladimir Putin will meet the North Korean leader in Russia’s Far East on Thursday. Yuri Ushakov told Russian...

  5. It is fantastic to see common sense and science prevailing in the ongoing battle between State's power vs The Constitution and the law.  We...

  6. In a hit to the Trump administration, the Supreme Court unanimously ruled Monday that cases litigating the Clean Water Act should be heard by federal district...

  7. SWIFT, a Belgian cooperative founded in 1973, is nothing less than the backbone of the entire global financial system. Its lifeblood is U.S. dollar...

  8. The purpose of Putin in Syria is not to fight against ISIL, but to hold on to the throne the bloodthirsty dictator Assad. Russian...

  9. The US has approximately 500 heavily-armed troops in the Idlib region of Syria. Additionally, the remnants of AlQaida and the ISIS are in the...

  10. Well, wouldn't be the first president to try to control news flow with a well-timed missile strike in Syria. Yay, oil prices! But any...

  11. One person has been killed every 15 minutes in Syria in the last 4 days. One person has been killed every 15 minutes in Syria...

  12. https://sana.sy/en/?p=125892 "Electricity Minister, Mohammad Zuheir Kharboutli discussed on Tuesday with Russian Deputy Energy Minister, Kirill Molodtsov means of implementing  agreements signed between Syria and Russia...

  13. In recent weeks we have seen that the people of Hong Kong have expressed displeasure over the meddling of Communist China (PRC) into their...

  14. King Albert II, who abdicated from the Belgian throne six years ago, is to be fined €5,000 ($5,600) for every day that he refuses...

  15. any truth in this? https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/02/business/tax-bill-offers-last-minute-breaks-for-developers-banks-and-oil-industry.html

  16. China tells government offices to remove all foreign computer equipment Directive is likely to be a blow to US multinational companies like HP, Dell and...

  17. It looks like Joe Biden is breaking the Logan Act.  Sorry Joe, it's Leavonworth for you!  

  18. The presidents of Iran, Russia and Turkey have begun a summit on Syria as a bloody offensive on Idlib province looms, despite warnings from...

  19. The former president is the latest to get swept into the Car Wash investigations. I'm beginning to wonder if anyone will be left standing...

  20. Today New York Times continues to claim no proof it works.  There is significant statistical evidence it works.  New York times should talk to...

  21. Pakistan’s foreign minister appealed to the U.N. Secretary General on Tuesday to help ease tension with India that has escalated sharply following a suicide...

  22. France has recalled its ambassador in Rome on Thursday after what it described as baseless and repeated attacks from Italy’s political leaders, whom it...

  23. In fresh show of naval force in the contested South China Sea, a U.S. guided missile destroyer conducted drills with a Japanese aircraft carrier,...

  24. Astonishing.  Coming soon to a totalitarian state near you.  It's all about the State, and obedient citizens can go jump in a lake.*     *Only once Social...

  25. What’s an organization designated as a terrorist group in the U.S. and Europe supposed to do when it comes to raising funds? Think cryptocurrency....

  26. At Least 25 Dead, 60 Wounded In Military Parade Attack In Iran Can the Middle Eastern hell get any more horrible? Sure it can.

  27. For once, I will keep my big yap shut, not spout off my opinion, and simply direct your attention to this official testimony to the U.S....

  28. Water, food, power, natural gas, gasoline, semiconductor chips, credibility. Did I miss anything?

  29. Russia now a net food exporter (overall - not just wheat), first time since Bolshevik management lost it that status in the 1950s.  

  30. U.S. MSM apparently doesn't want to report much about this news; the only newsworthy events as far as CNN is concerned are Orange Man Bad...