1.                       .

  2. Recognize that socialism, communism and globalism, (per their manifestos) are deliberately spread through the infiltration of ideas and norms in a society – not...

  3. When the supposed leader of a country openly calls on (pays) armed thugs to scare ordinary citizens into submission, I think it's safe to...

  4. Today, the Czech government published the results of nation-wide testing of what should be a representative sample of the Czech population (the testing was...

  5. Posting this in response to comments by others on this forum that Trump and the Trump administration are supposedly to blame for the spread of the Covid...

  6. Representatives of almost all the countries on the planet are gathering in Katowice, Poland, for the 24th Conference of the Parties (COP24) of the...

  7. Venezuela will assume from January 2019 the presidency of OPEC as a mere symbolic consolation prize ( of course its known that it corresponds...

  8. I have always said that things and issues in Sudan and also in South Sudan are far from being over, either between both states...

  9. Public health specialists have for months warned the U.S. government that shuffling detainees among immigration detention centers will expose people to COVID-19 and help...

  10. Even if now for this weekend global investors and analysts of oil and gas markets are watching closely presidential elections in Venezuela and its...

  11. The haters that gave us four years of hoaxes , false narratives and demonization will put on two more days hyper partisan "Impeachment for...

  12. https://www.breitbart.com/asia/2020/12/14/china-debuts-ambitious-environmental-plan-increases-co2-emissions-decade/ North Americans and Europeans are weakening their economic competitiveness to please environmentalists while spending more for energy, while China endeavors to take control of the...

  13. .

  14. Protestors storm DC. National Guard deployed. Woman shot by Guard in cold blood, dies. The so-called democracy the USA has exported and forced upon...

  15. .

  16. Isn't this scary to you ?  They are going after Trump, his family, his businesses and anyone that supports him.   They want to neuter him....

  17. Just came across this today. I have a not so sneaky feeling we're about to see a GIANT backlash from the CCP and some...

  18. "Mexico’s leftist presidential front-runner, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, may allow more oil and gas fields to be auctioned off if elected on July 1,...

  19. People will not allow control freak Governors to take away their freedom green shoots will flower this summer Summer vacations will not be denied ENJOY OP’s Shale “disastrous...

  20. I very much agree with these 2 key proposed reforms for Malaysia's oil & gas industry.  (I'm a U.S. expat and also a Permanent Resident...

  21. New Hunter Biden revelations  Seems Hunter and his business partners set up accounts for Ukraine gas company Burisma at Morgan Stanely.  Reportedly the accounts  opened had deposited over $150 Million. There is...

  22.  attem his toughne    

  23. Well, they don't actually indicate that.  But what they DO indicate is that Joe Biden's standing, according to the polls, is higher than Barrack Obama was at...

  24. 198 mutations have been found so far. Some of the virus is very stable. None of the mutations are really enough to call it...

  25. World Bank had made an estimate about global GDP growth during period 2017 - 2019. And, of course big countries will have a biggest...

  26. If this is confirmed .  .  .  .    https://nationalfile.com/evidence-video-shows-georgia-vote-counters-pull-ballots-out-of-black-suitcases-after-sending-everyone-home/

  27. More fun in Libya: Two militias battling it out in the capital, at a main airport today--20 people reported killed. And the kicker: Both...

  28. Jeremy Hunt says he ‘150% agrees’ with Trump’s attack on Sadiq Khan Okay, I understand a lot of people agree with Trump's opinion of London's...

  29. Does the launch of the petro-yuan represent the ultimate deathblow to the petrodollar – and the birth of a completely new set of rules? https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/The-Petrodollar-Isnt-Dead-Yet.html