1. It really is essential that critical thinking be used to counter the mindless media panic being forcibly foisted daily onto pretty much the entire world. We...

  2. Just one of Joe Joe's deals to enrich his family .   I'm not saying Hunters China deals completely paid for Hunter's $4 Million Hollywood Hills...

  3. Check out the data of each country's GDP, Q4 gdp had all being in decline, apart from China, but after lately virus ravaging, its...

  4. An aide to Russian President Vladimir Putin, Yuri Ushakov, said U.S. President Donald Trump has invited the Russian leader to the White House, but...

  5. Looks like the CCP is having the usual problems with arithmetic. As always 2+2=5. https://www.ntd.com/the-closing-of-21-million-cell-phone-accounts-in-china-may-suggest-a-high-ccp-virus-death-toll_447579.html?fbclid=IwAR0q2qSYtSBrPsPfkRJpH0Vt2QQ9S5Keqc1LvJtEn8_eFczt8vztYXJBJ_Y

  6.                       .

  7. The leader of the Opposition Conservative Party, Andres Scheer, just resigned, leaving the place in chaos.  It turns out that the Party used some...

  8. The European Union will consider imposing import tariffs on U.S. orange juice, peanuts, cranberries, and--wait for it--bourbon. That's in response to the steel and...

  9. It would be interesting to debate the demerits of the great hoax of our day, Climate Alarmism.  CO2 can only raise global temperatures by...

  10. Indonesian authorities on Tuesday declared a state of emergency after an oil spill last weekend that killed multiple people. A fire ignited from the spill killed four...

  11. Was original Big10 Football cancellation done for political reasons ? Big 10 teams getting ready to play . Of the 14 Big10 schools voting on Aug...

  12. Once again Maduro plays sticks and carrots with the U.S. now ordering Todd Robinson, charge d'affaire in US embassy in Caracas to leave the...

  13. There are shockingly close similarities between the Green New Deal of U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) that intends to get America off deep earth...

  14. Fascinating reports coming out of Iran and US over both sides naval ambitions in the Gulf--one of the most important oil routes. Now we...

  15. Perhaps to no great surprise, Lloyd Blankfein, the exemplar of personal piggery, self-aggrandizes himself and his outfit "Goldman," the whores of Wall Street, with...

  16. Toyota Motor Corp. has ended talks with the Environmental Protection Agency to overhaul internal management practices at the agency. The decision comes more than a month after EPA...

  17. President Trump rolled out a White House budget that includes deep cuts to some federal agencies. It includes proposals to cut deficits by more than $3 trillion over...

  18. All settled between the U.S. and the EU after Trump-Juncker meeting (no word of Juncker's sciatica this time), so as the SCMP reports, Trump...

  19. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-09-03/us-military-surrounding-venezuela-new-deployment-guyana https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Essequibo_River

  20. North Korea has said yes to talks with South Korea after Seoul and Washington agreed to postpone a joint drill. I can't help but...

  21. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-iran-crash/our-enemy-is-here-iran-protesters-demand-that-leaders-quit-after-plane-downed-idUSKBN1ZA0X6 'Our enemy is here': Iran protesters demand that leaders quit after plane downed   “They are lying that our enemy is America, our enemy is right...

  22. Mexico has found itself in a real pickle. "The Oil Is Ours" expropriation by Lazaro Cardenas now can be described as "The Oil Is...

  23. According by egypt's newspaper, Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has described Turkey as part of a “triangle of evil” along with Iran...

  24. US sanctions accelerate Iran’s blockchain drive I'm the last person to claim they understand anything about blockchain and cryptocurrencies but this sounds like a serious...

  25. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/11/27/trump-warns-brexit-agreement-could-threaten-future-us-uk-trade-deal.html

  26. That he wants his people to stand at attention for him the way the people of N. Korea stand at attention for Kim Jong...

  27. As we wait for the NDA to pick a target, there's a new gang in town, calling themselves Coalition of Niger Delta Agitators and threatening to...

  28. The head of Libya's National Oil Company (NOC), the new 'face' of rationality (at least that is how he's being propped up by the...