1. Is Saudi Arabia in cash difficulties?  Could be.  The Kingdom has a huge contract for what is known in military-speak as "light armored vehicles,"...

  2. The Hatfields and McCoys of the Middle East are at it again. Saudi Arabia is going ahead with plans to turn Qatar into an island,...

  3. http://www.saudiaramco.com/en/home/news-media/news/Bahri-Ship.html?utm_content=buffer13b1b&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer#.W1jrkRlhfRc.twitter

  4. The proposed Saudi Aramco IPO seems increasingly unlikely to actually take place, in my opinion. The Aramco IPO of 5% of the "family jewels" was originally heavily...

  5. Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman was in the United Arab Emirates on Friday, on his first tour abroad since the killing of...

  6. The US ambassador to Yemen has accused the Iranian backed Houthis of failing to uphold what was agreed to in talks held in Sweden...

  7. Houthi rebels in Yemen attacked Saudi oil facillities using drones, causing fire. Although it was brought under control, the risk remains high for further...

  8. According by egypt's newspaper, Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has described Turkey as part of a “triangle of evil” along with Iran...

  9. A crackdown on corruption in Saudi Arabia has severely dented the kingdom’s private jet industry in a sign of the impact the campaign has...

  10. Saudi Arabia encouraged foreign workers to leave – and the resulting exodus has left the country struggling I remember an older report about Saudis having...

  11. Hmmmm, nobody seemed to have mentioned that Saudi Vision 2030 involved actual work ....  this culture shock could be interesting to watch from afar. Saudis forced...

  12. What happened with the scandal over Qatar earlier this year, also happened to Lebanon's PM, Hariri, and it's all about Iran. Hariri is back...

  13. KSA insider indicates Iranian made cruise missile found intact in the desert!! https://www.news.com.au/technology/innovation/military/fresh-doubts-about-what-caused-attack-on-saudi-arabia-oil-plant/news-story/cfe40dbcbaf19e4315990eff348ac8e4

  14. Definitely not winning this passive-aggressive war they started with Qatar. US is now supporting Doha, and while the blockade hurts, international deals are still...

  15. Reports are saying that the Saudis are digging in and preparing an attack on the Yemeni port of Hodeidah. This will be a disaster...

  16. This is getting ridiculous. Nobody's mentioned sanctions but the big boys in Riyadh are ready for them. "As the Riyadh stock market plunged on growing...

  17. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-denmark-election-welfare-insight/danes-make-welfare-a-hot-election-issue-as-cracks-show-in-nordic-model-idUSKCN1SZ0IC It should be clear that no economic system could go on forever without changes but that's theoretical. @Rasmus Jorgensen, what is your take on...

  18. Are we moving from smart to vulnerable? Just now: YES. Since january 23th, 2020, the lockdown city scenario is a hardly known, but now realistic...

  19. LONDON (Reuters) - More than 300 scientists have endorsed a civil disobedience campaign aimed at forcing governments to take rapid action to tackle climate...

  20. Antifa is being subdued finally it seems they have finally created enough outrage within the traditional liberal community. https://www.king5.com/article/news/local/seattle-mayor-to-make-city-budget-changes-for-black-communities-in-response-to-chop-protests/281-de995e1b-27fc-4089-bb9e-e68b389901a6#:~:text=SEATTLE — Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan,that left...

  21. Many questions on tensions around the world and especially with China, and China vs Taiwan issues are after he makes his statement.  Recommend, if...

  22. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo arrived in Pyongyang on Friday, saying he expects North Korea to be ready to “fill in some details” of...

  23. "Cases are going up in the U.S. because we are testing far more than any other country, and ever expanding. With smaller testing we...

  24. When Trump started to right the wrongs U.S. suffered from China New York Senator Schumer was very supportive.  He even wanted Trump to be...

  25. Supposed to start first week in January. Everything said today ( and probably tomorrow during Impeachment vote) looks like a precurser for Republican's Motion...

  26. The "CARRIED INTEREST" issue will be key to exposing Schumer hypocracy and bring on his ultimate defeat.   Schumer is taking preemptive defensive measures and moving...