1. RSVP now-> http://www.nmt.edu/research/research_helium_conference.php Helium-Non-Government Source Conference: Albuquerque NM December 1Helium is essential to Space in NASA and Private Exploration/Development. But there will be no Government Source (Stockpile...

  2. If this is true you will see the end of OPEC and the start of an oil price war. Untold damage on many fronts.  According to...

  3. The usual, usual lies - masks do not work, HCQ does, but now it gets bizarre - allegedly a female "expert" quoted by Trump...

  4. Iranian media say that the country's crude exports have managed to hit a new record even as Washington withdrew from nuke deal and promised...

  5. So, you think China is going to be your savior?  Think again. How Venezuela lost three oil supertankers to its Chinese partner (Excerpt - Full story...

  6. ...which everyone expected. The question is if it may be the first domino to fall and drag others after it. Here.

  7. So, have the Kurds definitively lost Kirkuk to the Iraqis? I've read now that Iraq wants to build a new pipeline to transport oil...

  8. Huawei Manages to Make Smartphones Without American Chips For China’s top smartphone maker, U.S. suppliers are increasingly a nice-to-have, not a must-have American tech companies...

  9. https://triblive.com/news/world/not-a-wave-a-tsunami-italy-hospitals-at-coronavirus-limit/ The coronavirus outbreak tearing through Italy has turned a nation that usually donates medical expertise and equipment abroad into a country in need. Some...

  10. It was going so well for Iran and now the ayatollah has gone and tried to ruined it by threatening Iran will restart its...

  11. https://www.daily-times.com/story/money/industries/oil-gas/2019/05/24/analysis-oil-market-glut-lead-declining-prices-through-2020/3760213002/ Use link for complete article "With the OPEC-Russia meeting ahead, the price of oil is at a crossroad.  President Trump wants lower prices for gasoline at...

  12. Nations with their Build Back Better and Climate Change Agendas, set their plans according to the Davos meetings of the World Economic Forum where...

  13. China didn't export any oil products to North Korea in November, customs data say. And all this time Washington has been insisting they do...

  14. Pakistan has caught my attention in the last weeks and months due to its political instability, geopolitical risks for the region, the changing nature...

  15. Iraqis will be swapping 60,000 of their 'new' Kirkuk oil with Iran--in return for Iranian crude for one year ... wonder how the Iraqi...

  16. https://www.wsj.com/articles/rising-oil-prices-are-bad-news-for-saudi-arabia-1537915829 Who would have thought?

  17. Just released today (Sunday May 17, 2020), the third of a series by The Corbett Report.  The visuals are fantastic.  Hear Bill Gates tell...

  18. A group of more than 100 bipartisan lawmakers in the U.S. House urged President Donald Trump to reconsider the omission of climate change from his...

  19. EDMONTON -- While their pastor remained held at an Edmonton correctional facility, more congregants than maybe ever before gathered for service at GraceLife Church...

  20. Good for a laugh, this one:  Recorded drunk outside a strip club, Netanyahu's son apparently talks about the gas deals Israeli closed, prostitutes and hits...

  21. Some of the European Union countries said they may follow the U.K.’s lead in expelling Moscow’s diplomats. At a summit in Brussels, the 28...

  22. Ken Isaacs, Trump’s nominee  for running the International Organization for Migration (IOM) , came last in the race for the top U.N. migration job...

  23. According to the Islamic Republic's ministry of intelligence, two large caches of bombs, explosives and ammunition have been found in eastern and western Iran....

  24. The recent discovery of what could be the largest oil reserves for Bahrain will have important geopolitical implications for not just the tiny sheikhdom,...

  25. I’m trying to make sense of this KSA situation as I find it hard to believe (but not completely implausible) that people could be so sloppy....

  26. ‘We’ll gradually bring those people back and see what happens’ Goldman veterans Blankfein and Cohn want the economy ‘back on’ The billionaire Tom Golisano was smoking...

  27. For once, I will keep my big yap shut, not spout off my opinion, and simply direct your attention to this official testimony to the U.S....

  28. Financial risk, poverty and pollution are China's biggest enemies at this moment. With all wealth this country owns, China's debt now stands at roughly...

  29. An independent U.N. report into the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi said Wednesday there is “credible evidence” to warrant further investigation into the...