1. .

  2. Brazil will face an important and determinant presidential elections in October 2018, after a wave of shocking political dynamics where corruption has been at...

  3. LOL        PayPal becomes first member to exit Facebook's Libra Association      https://uk.reuters.com/article/us-facebook-cryptocurrency-paypal/paypal-becomes-first-member-to-exit-facebooks-libra-association-idUKKBN1WJ2CY WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. payments processor PayPal Holdings Inc said on Friday...

  4. Co-owners Hunter Biden  and Chris Heinz established Rosemont Capital in 2008 while Joe Biden was VP and John Kerry was Secretary of State.  Over the years the Rosemont Capital has signed up lucrative...

  5. Not a moment too soon, either. Unfortunately, the replacement will hardly be any better. https://www.jpost.com/Israel-News/Defense-Minister-Avigdor-Liberman-resigns-over-Hamas-cease-fire-571890

  6. What a knowledgeable "influencer".  https://www.nydailynews.com/coronavirus/ny-rush-limbaugh-coronavirus-covid-19-thinks-nineteen-20200313-7rpnlxvaljhyribh6sxgg5f6ja-story.html

  7. Here's a prediction I made elsewhere in 2016, so I may as well put it up here.  It was after Trump won the election....

  8.           .

  9. Title says it all.  LOL.   I'm telling ya: Trump is a disaster for his "allies."  He's going to fuck over the Republican party for a generation. Everything...

  10. Trump, Kushner, Bibi just don’t seem to get it, what difference will 50bln USD ( if they ever saw it, I call liar liar...

  11. You're either an "insider"  or an "outsider".  The DC bureaucracies have built up over last 30 years.  They (Justice, State, FBI, Intelligence) have all been working together forever.  They...

  12. China has slammed Taiwan for "stepping up efforts to steal intelligence with the aim of “infiltration” and “sabotage”, and warned the island against further...

  13. 1978 Deng Xiaoping reforms start. China is agriculture based economy, not much changed since 1952 1979-2000 Rebalancing from agriculture to industry and services. Employment in...

  14. There are a lot of unpleasant things in George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984. Spying screens. Torture and propaganda. Victory Gin and Victory Coffee always sounded particularly...

  15. Will fiscal policy like this work or simply delay the inevitable and exacerbate the econmic crisis  ? A question for open discussion I would love to hear your opinion.  

  16. Utica and Marcellus shale has been the "nOPEC" destroyer going on a decade now. Also to understand oil pricing one must understand how the...

  17. I hope everyone gets a chance to read this article. https://oilprice.com/Geopolitics/International/Oil-Crisis-Challenges-Putins-Power.html If you know how Russia and Putin operates you'll have some good laughs. Russia is...

  18. Vaccine testing.  

  19. https://www.unionesarda.it/articolo/news/italia/2021/01/11/covid-trovato-il-paziente-zero-italiano-giovane-donna-affetta-da-137-1102862.html The article describes the research in Italy, confirming Italy had the covid before the Wuhan outbreak. This proves the covid was circulating the world...

  20. Geopolitics aside, this will be explained to you by 2 charts from the latest Shell report on the global LNG market

  21. Of course they did.... Crude inventory build means SA needs a crisis to keep prices up.  Like clockwork in 2019... so too in 2020 it seems.  I...

  22. $4 trillion climate plan that aims to tax carbon, return funds to American people   Democratic presidential candidate John Delaney became the latest 2020 candidate to...

  23. Presented in full for your consideration, without my usual comments.  Please note that this article is more than 10 years old. Why The WHO Faked...

  24. Here’s one big reason that America is driving itself batshit crazy: the explosion of computerized records, emails, inter-office memos, Twitter trails, Facebook memorabilia, iPhone...

  25. Yay! https://www.rt.com/news/470667-iranian-tanker-explosion-jeddah/

  26. I am aghast at the deliberate f*ckery of most of American Mainstream Media.  Yesterday's achievments in Trump disabling the North Korea nuclear threat and enabling an outbreak...

  27. "Britain will see "food rotting at ports," unable to be transported to shops and the consumers who need it if the UK fails to...

  28. Is the US government and the democrats overly reliant on China. Instead of traditional allies such as the European Union/UK/Nato/Indo-Pacific and the Gulf States...

  29. FULL ARTICLE -  https://www.zerohedge.com/political/trump-reveals-his-top-5-names-replace-john-bolton President Trump Tuesday afternoon revealed to reporters his short list of candidates to replace former national security adviser John Bolton. He presented his "top...