1. Happy New Year Everybody! Let's put down the rhetorical weapons and try and have some fun this evening. Be like this guy...  

  2. Of course they did.... Crude inventory build means SA needs a crisis to keep prices up.  Like clockwork in 2019... so too in 2020 it seems.  I...

  3. Yay! https://www.rt.com/news/470667-iranian-tanker-explosion-jeddah/

  4. Washington's "swamp" and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi are "scared out of their gourd" about President Donald Trump's remaining days in office, according to radio...

  5. The US has slapped visa bans on ICC officials who are investigating so-called war crimes by US or allied military personnel in Afghanistan, as...

  6. The current unrest in Kazakhstan is linked to internal power politics and could have major geopolitical implications for the region. While it remains unclear exactly...

  7. How the Pentagon Countered China’s Designs on Greenland

  8. Trump Tweet Sends Oil Soaring 25% By Tsvetana Paraskova - Apr 02, 2020, 10:30 AM CDT Join Our Community Oil prices spiked on Thursday morning after U.S. President Donald...

  9. "Trump slapped $34 billion in tariffs on Chinese goods last week with another $16 billion coming later this month. China retaliated with equal tariffs....

  10. Now, a newspaper in Denmark has publicly apologized for reporting government narratives surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic without questioning them. https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/we-failed-danish-newspaper-apologizes-publishing-official-covid-19-narratives-without "We Failed": Danish Newspaper Apologizes For...

  11. This may become a major political issue. Brasil plans on doubling output by 2024  

  12. Tom Nolan Here:  Again, I want to make it clear that I intentionally don’t vote, because the entire system is broken.  I am neither...

  13. So Sir Kim Darroch resigned due to Trumps ego being hurt, I think US politics has really stooped to a level beneath being referred...

  14. So: who here is for executive orders, and who here is against it? 

  15. Labor anger over Green New Deal greets 2020 contenders in California   https://www.politico.com/states/california/story/2019/06/01/labor-anger-over-green-new-deal-greets-2020-contenders-in-california-1027570?fbclid=IwAR0eOZYJwfO73DZAJtBbYUb3vi287wtNFxVi58YXgaCO9SK-0DT2WchPge0

  16. More to follow . . .  The "SQUAD" won't let Nancy go back on Impeachment.  The SQUAD rules.   Can't wait till Senate trial. . ....

  17. Is it alright to assassinate him? Be careful of how you answer.  It may boomerang.  

  18. The Washington Post report trying to control the narrative. .  More cover-up just like Comey covered up for Hillary Clinton. Washington Post trying to vilify...

  19. Quote   Formally, in 2021, an energy crisis occurred in the world. On the other hand, no one has died from this crisis so far, which means...

  20. The US has been hacking into Russia's electrical grid and other targets, presumably planting malware should it become necessary to disable or degrade Russia's electrical networks...

  21. A sobering look at what China is up to globally. Good win to get the Singapore candidate appointed instead of China. Fighting China’s ploys to...

  22. Antifa is being subdued finally it seems they have finally created enough outrage within the traditional liberal community. https://www.king5.com/article/news/local/seattle-mayor-to-make-city-budget-changes-for-black-communities-in-response-to-chop-protests/281-de995e1b-27fc-4089-bb9e-e68b389901a6#:~:text=SEATTLE — Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan,that left...

  23. Letters Editor The Jerusalem Post   Sir:   Proposed Title:  Might Iran Attack on US Inauguration Day?   Your pages have rightly covered the threat of Iran seeking revenge for the...

  24. Let me inform you what is happening in the Ukraine. On March 16, a 33 year old woman from Chernivtsi Oblast, Ukraine died from COVID-19 complications, nine...

  25. China has offered joint exploration for oil and gas to Brunei. Could be a step in the right direction. If Brunei Takes China’s Energy Deal,...

  26. U.S. Resists Guaido's Request to Shield Venezuela From Creditors If this guy seriously expected the U.S. -- or anyone else, for that matter -- to...

  27. Wolf Blitzer angry with Senator. Wolf acting out of his form. https://www.infowars.com/rabid-wolf-blitzer-flips-out-on-rand-paul-for-standing-with-trump-questioning-u-s-intel/ Swap creatures in their habitat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiUWtQCndNQ

  28. Section 32 of the North American Trade Agreement states that if one of the members discusses an independent trade agreement with a non-market trading...

  29. From the Financial Tribune, a non-governmental newspaper in Iran. Amusing that this Iranian business broadsheet is hoping for Trump to fix Iran's oil curse. Will Trump...