1. Is the US government and the democrats overly reliant on China. Instead of traditional allies such as the European Union/UK/Nato/Indo-Pacific and the Gulf States...

  2. North Korea and the US began preliminary talks on Friday, with working-level negotiations on Saturday in Sweden.... which then ended just as abruptly as...

  3. FULL ARTICLE -  https://www.zerohedge.com/political/trump-reveals-his-top-5-names-replace-john-bolton President Trump Tuesday afternoon revealed to reporters his short list of candidates to replace former national security adviser John Bolton. He presented his "top...

  4. Or will you just become more stubborn? 

  5. Just now: "Sources say the investigation of open source and classified data points to the work in the lab of Dr. Shi Zhengli, who was...

  6. The global crude oil supply is severely under stress and so are the global economies, regardless of their size and the block they belong...

  7. Two bombings in Iraq in one day. That peace didn't last long.

  8. There are a lot of unpleasant things in George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984. Spying screens. Torture and propaganda. Victory Gin and Victory Coffee always sounded particularly...

  9. Mob before the Constitution ? The Mob and Democrat legislators  promised riots before the election if Trump won. (Isn't that considered insurection)  Every major city...

  10. GeopoliticalMatters.com is Europe´s Leading Geopolitical News Network with over 140k Subscribers are over 450K web visitors a month!

  11. The US and Taiwan plan a meeting later this year which will surely enrage China and will include a senior US official. China claims Taiwan...

  12. I understand that most people believe that money does not grow on trees.  That it has to come from somewhere, etc. etc. If money...

  13. Amazing turn of events!  Oil for Freedom! The U.S. places sanctions on Venezuela, protecting the oil and other recourses for the people. It appears it is...

  14.   Hunter Biden and Chris Heinz of Rosemont Seneca LLC *. Ukraine *. China *. Federal TALF $130,000,000 2009 loan with profits diverted to Cayman tax haven. Thats $130...

  15. The Russian liberal opinion-forming daily Kommersant devoted an article on the balance sheet of the Maidan on the occasion of the 7th anniversary of...

  16. New York City first commemorated Columbus Day on the 300 year anniversary in 1792.  It was made a Federal holiday in 1937. Will Congress take...

  17. FULL SPEECH -   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mHtjunI7F4   01:00 - 37.25

  18. The ideal situation would be Haley as V.P and Pence take Sec State position. Doubt Pence would go for it.   I say 70% probability.

  19. In China, you must report the "truth." Or, you get disappeared! Well, maybe they'll let you leave and never return.  In America, the First Amendment...

  20.       .

  21.   6. Democrats forced to hold public hearings   7. Amb Sondland testifies at public hearing contradicting himself time and again.   8. Republican brings up the...

  22. Does anyone else feel that these attacks were are seeing on Saudi boats and infrastructure is really Saudi Arabia attacking its own infrastructure so...

  23. Utilities are 'the new cyber battlefield,' as US ramps up pressure on Russia's electric grid Call me if the discussion goes into a general grid...

  24. NIGERIA BRACING FOR 2020. The maojor sustainance of the Nigeria Economy is doubtlessly the Oil and gas sector,Apart from being the most exploited industry,its contributions...

  25. For whatever reason, it's no longer just softballs and compliments. At 29:30, Trump openly admits that he hopes to rule through "special powers" granted...

  26. BRUSSELS (Reuters)  - France told its European Union peers this week it was against launching membership negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania for now,...

  27. I wish I could take credit for the title, but I cannot.  That honor goes to The Hill, incredibly.  Incredibly, because The Hill has...

  28. FOLLOW THE MONEY  (1) Burisma sent money to shell Company in Latvia (2) the money was then sent to Cyprus (3) then transfered to Hunter...

  29.   Sanctions against Russia have been under heavy discussion for many years. Although I would agree that the West and the USA, it would probably have effectively...