Opinion piece - China Vs US - Overstretch Tactic
Is China Trying to Draw the United States into Imperial Overstretch? Opinion - May 13, 2020 By Vivian Ng The global COVID-19 pandemic has brought severe economic...- El Nikko Replied
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The Year of Corona: Ten Megadeaths & the Crash of Western Supremacism
From Anatoly Karlin blog- interesting reading. This is one of best russian born bloggers living in US for more than 2 decades until coming...- Tomasz Replied
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Reactions to Delaware Basin news shows misunderstanding of petroleum economics (or the end of OPEC) by Dr. Daniel Fine
The full article is here-> https://www.daily-times.com/story/money/industries/oil-gas/2018/12/18/delaware-basin-news-reveals-public-misunderstanding-oil-industry-economics/2282224002/ "This writer has warned that world oil demand is sluggish and imprecise with only references to legacy guesswork that the...- delaware basin × petroleum × petroleum economics × american petroleum institute × opec × nopec × russia × china × qater × lng × saudi aramco × saudi arabia × mbs × oil demand × crude oil × oil glut × oil consumption × new mexico × permian × permian basin × wti × brent × oil prices × bakken × williston basin × colorado × san juan basin × albuquerque × santa fe × dr. daniel fine × republican party × democrat party × gop × president trump × white house × energy dominance × foreign policy × energy policy × foreign affairs × european union × united kingdom × british prime minister × nafta × fair trade × geopoltics × oil and gas × shale × u.s. oil producers × oil and gas association × oil producers × free market × world news × business news × oil news × oil traders × oil trading × intelligence community × israel × middle east ×
- oil
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- bluewill Replied
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One month ago Congressman Nunes announces going to sue CNN . Then CNN parent AT&T Illegally releases list of Giuliani and Nunes telephone calls. Really ?
Congressman Nunes files $435 million lawsuit against CNN last night. Nunes and Giuliani can't talk ? This impeachment is a Schiff Soviet Show Trial. Now it's...- Jabbar Replied
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Chinese GDP in 2050: the Debate
Of course, this is not my work below, but I found this post interesting enough that I am posting it on the oilprice forum. Because...- Tomasz Replied
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Never Trumper Alaskan Republican Senator Murkowski says she won't leave party despite the wishes of some fellow Republicans.
Now Joe Biden is about to stop new leases and all drilling on Federal land . Alaska will be one of the states effective by...- Roch Replied
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"Environmentalist" Tom Steyer Proven a Fraud
https://www.breitbart.com/2020-election/2019/07/17/revealed-tom-steyers-firm-funded-coal-plants-australia-china-indonesia/ Revealed: Tom Steyer’s Firm Funded Coal Plants in Australia, China, and Indonesia Despite marketing himself as an “environmental justice” advocate combating “climate change,” billionaire Democrat...- tom steyer
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- ronwagn Replied
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The Global Competitiveness Index 4.0 2019 Rankings
Report by World Economic Forum could be downloaded at this site: https://www.weforum.org/reports/how-to-end-a-decade-of-lost-productivity-growth It is one of the best rankings of comperehensive total country strength and competitiveness. It...- Marcin Replied
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China Plans to Increase Emissions for a Decade
https://www.breitbart.com/asia/2020/12/14/china-debuts-ambitious-environmental-plan-increases-co2-emissions-decade/ North Americans and Europeans are weakening their economic competitiveness to please environmentalists while spending more for energy, while China endeavors to take control of the...- ronwagn Replied
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Hunter Biden alleged $156 Million of money Laundering
FOLLOW THE MONEY (1) Burisma sent money to shell Company in Latvia (2) the money was then sent to Cyprus (3) then transfered to Hunter...- Jabbar Replied
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- Roch Replied
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Obama, NSA, Merkel
https://www.foxnews.com/politics/obama-knew-of-nsa-spying-on-merkel-and-approved-it-report-says Rather obvious why Trump's overlords will fight tooth and nail to preclude Huawei 5G from Europe: it will block them from further spying.- frankfurter Replied
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Analysis: What's next for oil and gas prices after Putin-Trump summit? by Dr. DANIEL FINE USA-TODAY ENERGY MAGAZINE (FARMINGTON DAILY TIMES)
THE FULL ARTICLE IS HERE--> https://www.daily-times.com/story/money/industries/oil-gas/2018/07/20/oil-and-gas-prices-after-putin-trump-summit-analysis/808906002/ Quote "The opposition in Congress wants to see a transcript of what President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin...- bluewill Replied
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Dr. Daniel Fine: Trump and oil in trade geopolitics
The full article by Dr. Daniel Fine "Unlike 1973, and its oil embargo against the United States, there is no supply threat from the Middle...- democratic party
- new mexico
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- bluewill Replied
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Brexit Party Leader Farage Says He Will Run In Next Election
MANCHESTER, England (Reuters) Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage said on Sunday he would run for a seat in Britain’s Westminster parliament in any upcoming... -
Trump's worried about mail-in voting fraud ? Come on man. Folks there is no voting fraud.
Election Mail Fraud ? Remember the Minnesota U.S. Senate race between Incumbant Norm Coleman v. Al Franken. It was a close one. They were up counting...- trump
- mail in ballots
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- BLA Replied
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Big10 football reportedly will vote to start play this October. Trying to avoid any suggestion that Democrat Governor's caved to voters pressure
Was original Big10 Football cancellation done for political reasons ? Big 10 teams getting ready to play . Of the 14 Big10 schools voting on Aug...- presidential campaign
- trump
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- BLA Replied
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Comparative National Debt vs GDP
In many recent threads, the US national debt vs. GDP has been mentioned without any comparison to other nation's debt vs. GDP. I thought...- Douglas Buckland Replied
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My recent post on Venezuela: Has it reached an exhaustion point?
Here is to share my recent post for my blog on Venezuela: https://josechalhoub.blogspot.com/2019/06/has-venezuelas-crisis-reached.html. Hope it serves for discussion here in the forum.- jose chalhoub Replied
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Введут Ли Военное Положение В Украине В 2024 Году
Привет товарищи[url=https://ukrjizn.com/]![/url] Если Вы ищите качественный источник информации о событиях Украины на каждый день, тогда Вы обратились правильно. Мы являемся ТОПовым(ой) онлайн СМИ в...- zlganmaarleyo8961 Replied
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Russian Ruble Hits Lowest Point in Five Years
https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2020/03/20/russia-coronavirus-ruble-stock-market-reaction-live-updates-a69640 https://www.bloomberg.com/quote/USDRUB:CUR My Russian Stories https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TNLgFNBS_jURlZiqkdZfYjG6DoGiYbcwcdn1e-62rUM/edit Rising Oil Prices Lift Russian Ruble and Stocks The latest on how the ruble and Russian stock markets are reacting to the coronavirus. Updated: March...- ronwagn Replied
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Getting closer ..
Just now: "Sources say the investigation of open source and classified data points to the work in the lab of Dr. Shi Zhengli, who was...- TooSteep Replied
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- BLA Replied
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US Court Finds Turkish Banker Guilty of Iran Sanction Breach
Relations between the US and Turkey are bound to deteriorate further after a US court found a Turkish banker guilty of helping Iran circumvent sanctions...- united states
- turkey
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- Marina Schwarz Replied
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China's Tiananmen protests: From reform hopes to brutal crackdown
An excellent reminder and a pretty good timeline of what China did the last time in Tiananmen Square. Not only in Beijing, but in...- Dan Warnick Replied
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Don't expect Libya to disrupt oil supply glut this year, or next
I really don't think the on-and-off fears of Libyan oil production further upsetting the oil supply glut are founded in any way. There's no...- Seleskya Replied
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EU Fights Dollar Dominance
The European Union has convened a wide-ranging industrial group to work on promoting the euro and fighting the monopoly of the U.S. dollar in...- Marina Schwarz Replied
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GOLD: A safe bet to mitigate Coronavirus generated Geopolitical & Macro-economic fallout?
GOLD: A safe bet to mitigate Coronavirus generated Geopolitical & Macro-economic fallout? Posted by: Iain Fraser - Consultant Editor GEOPoliticalMatters.com Malaga City (Remote) I have been monitoring...- geopolitics
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- IainFraserJournalist Replied
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- BLA Replied
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How to measure geopolitical risks in the oil sector
Many times political and geopolitical risks premiums have been overlooked by the investors, CEO's and the different players and actors in the global energy...- geopolitics
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- jose chalhoub Replied
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