1. Here is a simple chart that shows the low made was made at about $72. It also shows the Trend line from the highs of...

  2. As i mentioned for a couple of days now that Crude would head toward the $60, here is some more evidence. The fact that...

  3. So much for those aggressive clean energy targets: https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-44738952 And it's not energy related..... but it IS crude oil related: polyurethane foam!  

  4. To me, it seems very apparent that various writers are consciously making blatant efforts to constantly boost oil price increase expectation. It seems quite...

  5. Dear all, I’m an HR professional and I’m preparing a thesis for my MBA in oil and gas management at Geneva Business School. I'm conducting...

  6. Scott Pruitt resign from his position leading the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Friday, following months of high-profile controversies regarding his spending, ethics and...

  7. Total s selling $1.5 billion worth of oil and gas field stakes in the North Sea. Good for them. Those renewable energy firms won't...

  8. Looking for some weekend hyperbolic reading to kerfluffle your feathers?  Here ya go.  Maybe try enjoying 4 cups of coffee before reading it if you want to...

  9. DRC is considering opening up its national parks to oil exploration. This is where I draw the line. Oil exploration is well and good...

  10. Have you seen this? Pretty impressive, this sucker is fast! Amazing technology. Watch the video a bit! Electric car sets Pikes Peak ascent record,...

  11. http://energymixreport.com/shell-md-says-oil-giant-pends-2bn-yearly-on-renewables-but-wont-set-carbon-targets/ Shell to spend $2 billion annually on renewables/clean fuel tech out of $25/30 billion annual budget 10% on renewables for an oil company seems like a...

  12. First of all a disclaimer, I'm not a professional advisor, or CPL, also you could lose more than your whole account in trading futures....

  13. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-07-06/billionaire-dangote-readies-refinery-for-2020-talks-with-vitol Pushed back multiple times, now into 2020. 

  14. Google search is not kind to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt. Is he the last to leave Big Brother house? Watchdog to probe EPA email...

  15. What is really amazing, there is so much positive news out there saying Crude will hit 80s, as so many top analysts and talking heads, are predicting,...

  16. I've alluded to this before: but it seems others have also been thinking similar thoughts.  Perhaps Trump is trying to kill 2 birds with 1 stone... ...

  17. As electric cars begin eating into profit growth at oil companies, the war for electric-car drivers' pocketbooks has begun. Oil majors, who've sold fossil...

  18. The US has told its allies to cut all oil purchases from Iran to zero by November as it prepares to reinstate sanctions against...

  19. Not least because the driving ban is now gone and Aramco's IPO is yet to happen. But Bloomberg has estimated the removal of the...

  20. Hello, Just wanted to start a discussion on this topic. IEA reports huge draw of crude and it's leading people to believe there is a...

  21. Yes we has small move down of 70 Basis then the reversal up of 100 Basis, and then it came, the slow death spiral...

  22. Hi All. I'd like to have a discussion about tariffs, mainly because I want to see if I truly understand them, but also because there...

  23. Permian – update through March 2018 This article contains still images from interactive dashboards available on the blog post. To follow the instructions detailed here,...

  24. Some deepwater projects can now break even at $30 a barrel and by some Rystad means 16. Good going for deepwater explorers.

  25. The Oil-Producing Exporting Countries (OPEC) yesterday disclosed that a whopping $10.3 trillion investment would be required to meet the 15 million barrels per day...

  26. Is it me or is Argentina's energy policy a little bit hectic? They were all for foreign investments, tax incentives, the lot, now, apparently,...

  27. Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are set to resume oil production at their shared neutral zone next year, according to Japan’s Toyo Engineering that is...

  28. https://www.reuters.com/article/saudi-asia-oil-prices/update-1-saudi-aramco-plans-to-change-asia-crude-oil-price-formula-adopt-dme-oman-sources-idUSL4N1U021C?rpc=401& can someone dumb this down for me?

  29. Big Oil is in the rink with Big Utility. The fight is for power supply for EVs. From Bloomberg.

  30. Holy sh*t my phone is exploding with messages since I posted this morning on LinkedIn.  Having trouble keeping up: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6418231960677814272 Direct link to article: Cover Story: How...