1. So, I live in one of the most polluted cities in Europe but last week I got the chance to see how they do...

  2. .  

  3. How Fracking Turned OPEC Into The Walking Dead I just loved this headline. Can't blame me.

  4. The oil & gas industry continues to come under increasingly hostile political attacks from the U.S. far left.  The escalating rhetoric is really becoming...

  5. 99,000,000     Barrels of oil per day global consumption as of the end of 2018 1,628,200     Watt-hours barrel of oil equivalent 161,191,800,000,000     Total consumption...

  6. This report could disrupt the relative calm in the Mideast.  Saudi Arabia has had to deal with descent on several fronts as human rights,...

  7. https://oilprice.com/The-Environment/Global-Warming/Shocking-Evidence-Suggests-Much-Faster-Global-Warming.html   I've never read such a piece of commie pinko dripping wet slop in my life, see article.     They got a lot of nerve calling it...

  8. Herbert Diess Chief Executive of VW "Such an industry can crash faster than many people realize... I see our chances of keeping the lead...

  9. A very odd drilling disaster in Louisiana in 1980. An entire lake is sucked down a well. An interesting documentary for oilfield hands an...

  10. It seems we have now entered into the perfect storm scenario.   An over zealous segment of the oil industry hyped up by the government and...

  11. I'm sure you are all aware of Alexander Novak, the destroyer of worlds, who is using Russia's sovereign wealth fund to subsidies oil at below break...

  12. "The analysis shows oil consumption growing in coming decades, due to rising petrochemicals, trucking and aviation demand. But meeting this growth in the near...

  13. Tough with $22 brent Their pipeline  is vulnerable to attack  for 100's of miles.  Why would someone want to invest in such a risky asset,...

  14. This dam site is always negative, ESPECIALLY on US OIL!!  I look at this as being a British dominated site, SOCIALIST and really against...

  15. I'm not endorsing or promoting Knoema, but I do find their oil price trends / data analysis interesting. Crude Oil Price Forecast: 2018, 2019 and Long...

  16. After a discussion with @Douglas Buckland we thought it may be interesting to try something which relates to our industry at grassroots, the forum could...

  17. Front page oilprice.com..... So, the Kurds are about to be butchered...  In an ironic twist, they should have wished to be incorporated into Turkey as...

  18. New York Attorney General ran straight past full stupidity and went straight to potato.  The eventual backlash should be spectacular.   The underlying Environmental "political correction"...

  19. The United States has instructed oil trading houses and refiners around the world to further cut dealings with Venezuela or face sanctions themselves, even...

  20. I trade trade Oil stocks which those prices are highly effected by all the variables. Oil consumption , what ever govt agency records this reports...

  21. The thought is Putin is pissed at the U.S. for (1) U.S. not cutting production (2) Sanctioned companies thwarting the Russian completion of Nordstream2...

  22. To me, it seems very apparent that various writers are consciously making blatant efforts to constantly boost oil price increase expectation. It seems quite...

  23. The latest breathtakingly shocking revelation from Goldman Sachs: Goldman Sachs says $50 crude is bad for the U.S.

  24. British PM Eyes Banning Gasoline and Diesel Car Sales     U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to unveil a green 10-point plan on Wednesday, as...

  25. New York Bans Offshore Drilling in Its Waters Gov. Cuomo said the new law sends a message to the Trump administration that the state’s coastline...

  26. "One of the basic assumptions or “Paradigms” that is keeping a lid on the price of oil is the belief that U.S. oil production...

  27. The author of this story must be investor. Depending on what side of the street your on, consumer or investor it is good/bad news....

  28. Is this potential situation credible? https://oilprice.com/Geopolitics/International/Iran-Threatens-To-Close-Key-Oil-Choke-Point.html