1. Hello, Just wanted to start a discussion on this topic. IEA reports huge draw of crude and it's leading people to believe there is a...

  2. Yes we has small move down of 70 Basis then the reversal up of 100 Basis, and then it came, the slow death spiral...

  3. Hi All. I'd like to have a discussion about tariffs, mainly because I want to see if I truly understand them, but also because there...

  4. Permian – update through March 2018 This article contains still images from interactive dashboards available on the blog post. To follow the instructions detailed here,...

  5. Some deepwater projects can now break even at $30 a barrel and by some Rystad means 16. Good going for deepwater explorers.

  6. The Oil-Producing Exporting Countries (OPEC) yesterday disclosed that a whopping $10.3 trillion investment would be required to meet the 15 million barrels per day...

  7. Is it me or is Argentina's energy policy a little bit hectic? They were all for foreign investments, tax incentives, the lot, now, apparently,...

  8. Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are set to resume oil production at their shared neutral zone next year, according to Japan’s Toyo Engineering that is...

  9. https://www.reuters.com/article/saudi-asia-oil-prices/update-1-saudi-aramco-plans-to-change-asia-crude-oil-price-formula-adopt-dme-oman-sources-idUSL4N1U021C?rpc=401& can someone dumb this down for me?

  10. Big Oil is in the rink with Big Utility. The fight is for power supply for EVs. From Bloomberg.

  11. Holy sh*t my phone is exploding with messages since I posted this morning on LinkedIn.  Having trouble keeping up: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6418231960677814272 Direct link to article: Cover Story: How...

  12. https://in.reuters.com/article/venezuela-china/venezuela-to-receive-250-mln-from-china-to-boost-oil-production-idINL1N1TZ1J4. I have always said that the day China stops these types of aids to venezuelan government, the Maduro administration will definitely enter its...

  13. https://www.wsj.com/articles/glencore-subpoenaed-by-u-s-over-compliance-with-corruption-laws-1530604303?mod=e2tw

  14. https://www.reuters.com/article/libya-security-oil/libyas-noc-warns-of-impact-of-oil-port-shutdown-idUSL8N1TX0SP?rpc=401&  

  15.  Venezuela's production is heading to 1.000.000 barrels a day, something never happened to venezuelan oil industry, and soon its exporting capacity will be close...

  16. Any emerging consensus re. real potential for  Potus to swing oil markets by simply picking up the phone to say that - for instance...

  17. https://www.thestar.com.my/business/business-news/2018/07/02/saudi-arabia-may-cut-aug-arab-light-crude-price-from-4-yr-high/

  18. After Trump's tweet on Saturday, Iran has a blustering reply.  Did Jahangiri take lessons from Kim Jong Un on hyperbole?  See the bolded bit at...

  19. So, after much ado the oil producers have reached some sort of agreement. The figure was expected to be more than 1mbpd (the production...

  20. http://www.scmp.com/news/world/united-states-canada/article/2153248/donald-trump-says-saudi-king-salman-agrees-ramp-oil. Why doesnt OPEC plan its next meeting in Washington? OPEC back to its previous pro Washington agenda, this time in close cooperation with...

  21. OPEC moved closer on Friday toward boosting oil output as its leader Saudi Arabia appeared to have persuaded arch-rival Iran to cooperate, after major...

  22. Since long its been talked in oil and gas world and markets and geopolitics about any potential chance of Russia becoming member of the...

  23. Interesting "comment" from Iranian media post-OPEC meeting in Vienna:  For those who might construe Iran’s relatively mild public statements following the OPEC session as a sign that...

  24. https://www.aa.com.tr/en/africa/ethiopia-begins-first-ever-crude-oil-production/1190035

  25. Through this forum, I became aware of the Tony Seba report, Rethinking Transportation 2020-2030. I have a lot of reading to do to, hopefully,...

  26. Criminal proceedings began in London  against two companies run by Unaoil, a Monaco-based energy consultancy firm accused of corrupt business practices in Iraq. The charges...

  27. At the recent Intertanko conference gathering independent tanker owners in Rome an online vote gave us some insights on the way this industry sees...

  28. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-5880609/Tesla-electric-cars-not-greener-petrol-ones-according-UK-data.html not that anyone cares about studies or data these days.....

  29. Saudi Arabia is planning to pump a record amount of crude in July, embarking on one of its biggest-ever export surges to cool down...

  30. Although articles posted in Oilprice.com have referenced, and discussions have focused, on all manner of technological innovation to try to coax some extra barrels...