1. Oil rose on Thursday on concerns about a plunge in exports from Venezuela, although surging U.S. production kept gains in check. Venezuela, which faces...

  2. "I think OPEC will try to somehow moderate the current situation but it will be very difficult given their opposite sides and the huge...

  3. Pretty good analysis of the Iran oil political pressure cooker, in my opinion. I've mentioned a few of the points in this article in...

  4. "The Quebec government will ban fracking for shale gas and impose stricter rules when it comes to the exploration, extraction and storage of oil...

  5. Presented without comment, the article title is clear enough. Sam Zell: 'Every Recession Since 1973 Has Been Due to Oil Prices'  

  6. It's always a pleasant surprise when someone writes an article about oil & gas and addresses such topics as moderation, restraint, and fiscal realism. ...

  7. Social media is something that I'm straying away from. Changing my mind and stuff is impossible when not allowed to delete previous posts. So I...

  8. Today report was so bearish And price dropped dramatically. But statted to recover? Seems uptrend despite the bearish report. Any comments? 

  9. A new coalition in support of offshore energy exploration and development was launched Wednesday by a national oil and natural gas industry trade association. Explore...

  10. Social media is something that I'm straying away from. Changing my mind and stuff is impossible when not allowed to delete previous posts. So I...

  11. Indian Essar Oil Limited will now be known as "Nayara Energy Limited".  I'm sure other "oil" companies will be dropping that word from their brands...

  12. https://www.capitalfm.co.ke/business/2018/06/taxpayers-pay-extra-sh4-4b-revised-oil-pipeline-settlement/ Kenya settled with the oil pipeline contractor, who sued it for yeas of delays. Taxpayers to pick up the tab.

  13. Permian – update through February 2018 This article contains still images from interactive dashboards available on the blog post. To follow the instructions detailed here,...

  14. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/OPECh-Ministers-Keep-Mum-On-Oil-Production-Plans.html OPEC really can keep secrets, I guess. Usually they let something slip out (purposefully I'm sure). The fact that nothing has leaked yet about...

  15. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-06-05/u-s-said-to-ask-opec-for-1-million-barrel-a-day-oil-output-hike

  16. Oil prices, as I have maintained, have started to fall. How low can they go? Well that is not easy to answer. Nor should...

  17. Take note of this one key sentence in Nick's article: > > >  "In short, the global growth story is starting to look a little shaky."...

  18.   platts: Venezuela's PDVSA has notified eight international customers it will not be able to meet its full crude supply commitments in June.  PDVSA is contractually...

  19. "What started as a pipeline protest in Calgary quickly became a show of support for the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion and the oil industry...

  20. https://www.google.com/amp/s/mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSKCN1J00DU motiva refinery won't be expanded, due to hurricane risks?  anyone see an alternate motive here?

  21. "A musician who claimed he could use sound waves to improve oil and gas exploration and transportation was actually running "sham enterprises" that defrauded...

  22. Daily Open-Analysis, Free to share the information from other portals and sites and also your own prediction of the Price.

  23. When do you think will EV population be able to cause a decline in annual consumption of oil? 2022 or 2023? 

  24. Great day for Kenya (hopefully), as they ship the first oil from the 2012 discovery that put Kenya on the crude oil map (courtesy...

  25. Much has been written regarding the impact on the industry of the IMO-mandated bunker fuel regulation change. Many workable solutions have been presented that...

  26. http://www.arabnews.com/node/1315386/business-economy Aramco sheds some non-oil assets, emerging as a leaner company supposedly ahead of the much-anticipated IPO.   

  27. A nice infographic from some think tank named Overseas Development Institute. So despite their commitments, despite all the assurances that they're fighting climate change...

  28. Cartels gonna cartel. The basic premise of a cartel is to restrict supply, in order to drive up prices for the cartel's goods. OPEC's global influence...