1. a good read about this trade war stuff, I have my doubts that trump would do much at this time because the way this...

  2. According to world's biggest oil traders, oil prices won’t rally and may fall further in 2019 as a slowing global economy and booming U.S....

  3. Hello Traders,   According to the Seasonality Method the Average Value of Crude Oil WTI, for September is estimated   69,90$.

  4. Spend 20 minutes on this free YouTube Video for the "Game Plan" of Monday December 4 2023:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNQai1ufytE Gareth Soloway is a master trader...

  5. The OPEC+ Cut helps but hardly makes up for demand loss. It's not a supply problem at this time.  It's the DEMAND. Said the OPEC+ cuts...

  6. Trafigura is focusing on US, as environment in Europe is becoming less palatable given new regulations. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-trafigura-trading/trafigura-moves-hedging-out-of-europe-leads-u-s-oil-exports-race-idUSKBN1GW150 Not very inviting, Europe!  

  7. Despite the headlines that might lead one to believe that opposition is increasing for Trans Mountain, a new poll out suggests that the opposite...

  8. Kinder Morgan may have threatened to pull the plug, but Alberta is considering buying up the whole Trans Mountain bailiwick just to keep it...

  9. I think: Irena missed the mark here actually:  I think the takeaway is not that USA refiners will pay more, as who can actually...

  10. Excerpt from transcript from Trump meeting with the Polish President.  26 minute video, many topics covered in the video; section about oil & gas and LNG...

  11. VW is going all in.  Moving from diesel to electric.   Elon is screwed. Transition Time: Volkswagen Announces "Electric for All" Campaign Volkswagen is transitioning away from diesel....

  12. "Russian pipeline monopoly Transneft expects Russia’s oil output to rise by about 2 million tonnes next year, RIA news agency cited the company’s head,...

  13.  https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/Watchdog-Group-Says-Lack-Of-Transparency-Will-Hurt-Oil-And-Gas.html  But more importantly, "Every week a journalist is killed in a highly corrupt country Analysis of the index results by Transparency International further examined the relationship...

  14. There are a few strong long-term tendencies that are taking shape in global oil  markets. (Similar forces are at play in natural gas market but...

  15. The trial against Shell and Eni, along with several executives from the two supermajors has started. They are accused of bribery in a Nigeria...

  16. oil and gas

    Share to FacebookShare to TwitterShare to LinkedInShare to WhatsAppShare to MessengerShare to EmailShare to Telegram BP Trinidad & Tobago (BPTT) has made a promising gas...

  17. The weather model that I follow shows the Tropical Storm Ida is going to hit the southern states of the US at the weekend....

  18. Just like when the sanctions on Iran were lifted, insurance proved to be particularly rough on shipments. Even with some people willing to buy...

  19. Is anybody outside of oilprice.com writers paying attention to what's going on in Iraq, and specifically in Basra. Honestly, I'm surprised it's taken this...

  20. Chinese teapots are cutting their crude oil purchases as they face higher taxes, costlier imports, and a glut of refined products. It's pretty serious,...

  21. I’m envisioning refrigerated trucks running all across the earth distributing the vaccine in advance of the overall pickup of the economy. Would there be...

  22. Better late than never - Trans Mountain Pipeline is approved. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/trudeau-trans-mountain-pipeline-wherry-1.5179626 Interesting to see if and when it'll be built and how change in heavy oil...

  23. Trudeau takes it verbally on the chin by a Canadian in the audience, regarding pipelines.  3 minute video.  Too bad the video doesn't include...

  24. PM Trudeau is heading to western Canada, where he will have to face opponents to the Trans Mountain project as well as the oil industry...

  25. Any ideas for a prospective Canadian version of France's Yellow Vest Protests?  Perhaps meeting up at the local Tim Hortons for a Double Double coffee and...

  26. Canada set to approve hotly-debated pipeline expansion, Trudeau unlikely to benefit Yes, Trans Mountain is one of may favourite discussion topics here and yes, I'm...

  27. True Confessions of a Billionaire:  https://www.counterpunch.org/2019/11/20/neoliberalism-backfires/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=th3KE_H27bs

  28. https://www.msn.com/en-us/finance/markets/us-says-oil-tariffs-still-on-the-table-even-after-opec-2b-deal/ar-BB12Gz4I U.S. imported 5.68 mm bbls/day of crude for week ending 4/10.  Over half of that from Canada.  I think Trump just giving Tariffs lip service....

  29. Trump's Plan to End the Russia-Ukraine War: An Opportunity for Markets? Donald Trump is reportedly planning to send a special envoy to negotiate an end...

  30. One of my normal daily news searches is for "Trump Oil" as well as just for "oil". The amount of negative bias in news articles found with the...