1. Maduro has reportedly given his oil minister, Manuel Quevedo, 'extra powers' to deal with the steep oil production decline. Keeping in mind that the...

  2. Reuters is reporting that Venezuela is considering, for the first time, refining foreign crude because it can't meet its obligations for Russia/China fuel contracts....

  3. https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/Indias-Oil-Imports-From-Venezuela-Plunge-To-Lowest-Since-2012.html And this is what happens, my friends, when you get so far into debt. You're beholden to your creditors. Venezuela pumps at the mercy...

  4. https://www.reuters.com/article/conocophillips-pdvsa-assets/conoco-moves-to-take-over-venezuelan-pdvsas-caribbean-assets-sources-idUSL1N1SD07L

  5. and China as well https://seekingalpha.com/article/4131801-venezuela-moves-oust-dollar-oil-trade-russia-next

  6. Venezuela's oil exports to US drop 12% month on month as production falls.

  7. It may sound illogical but it's yet another example of pure market logic: Venezuela's oil production is falling but its exports to the US,...

  8. A proposal to modify U.S. oil sanctions on Venezuela to allow crude exports to be bartered for food has divided the country's opposition between...

  9. Venezuela is saying it will be no problem to raise its production by 1 million bpd. They say this as their production continues its...

  10. I thought Venezuelan production was already stymied?  am I missing something? https://www.reuters.com/article/us-venezuela-politics-usa/maduro-says-u-s-sanctions-will-not-stymie-venezuela-oil-industry-idUSKBN1FP2UR

  11. Venezuela is about to experience its most critical situation since it started to be an oil producing and exporting country: to pay international prices...

  12. "Venezuela is to increase its oil exports to China to one million barrels a day, President Nicolas Maduro said on Tuesday, just days after...

  13. https://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2018/12/24/venezuela-invades-guyana-block-exxon-mobil-oil-exploration/   I wonder what country will end up using their warships to protect the exploration ships when they return. Will Maduro end up getting his ship...

  14. US chastising China for bailing out Venezuela. Is their propping up of Venezuela with loans just forestalling the inevitable? Is China's motive here nefarious? Must...

  15. Venezuela reportedly hit with blackouts this afternoon, my Twitter feed suggests. Hard to mine those cryptocurrencies that way, I think.

  16. On a personal anecdote, i need to change my motor oil of my car, and Im nervous since i dont know if and when...

  17. "Venezuela Imports Crude for the First Time in Five Years" https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bloomberg.com/amp/news/articles/2019-04-23/venezuela-imports-crude-for-the-first-time-in-five-years  

  18. higher oil prices can't do enough when your oil production isn't  half of what it used to be. I wonder if $100 oil would...

  19. Rafael Ramirez, former venezuelan oil czar, just published another piece, another ranting, predicting something that started under his very tenure. Here's the link: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-05-04/man-who-ran-venezuelan-oil-giant-for-decade-predicts-fast-demise

  20. I'm no Econ major, but removing some zeros from their currency doesn't seem like it would solve Venezuela's problems. Is this kicking the can,...

  21. This article does a fairly deep dive into the Venezuela Oil problem.  Meaty, lengthy and disruptive. Tackles some prickly subjects that will likely poke people...

  22. From the very much leftist BBC.  Note the total absence of any mention about Venezuela's Socialism creating the collapse of the country.  Iran is portrayed...

  23. Venezuela said to be implementing a new cryptocurrency backed by oil, gold in temper tantrum aimed at US and its sanctions. How realistic is...

  24. US may stop sending Naptha to Venezuela--they need this to mix with their heavy oil or it doesn't flow in the pipelines. This would...

  25. http://money.cnn.com/2018/05/09/news/companies/venezuela-oil-industry/index.html

  26. according to a news release, Minister of Oil Manuel Quevedo called for a mass at a church in order to pray to God to...

  27. So how exactly is a military general with no experience in Oil & Gas supposed to significantly increase oil output, despite increased international sanctions? Maybe...

  28. According to their lawyer, Venezuelan state oil company PDVSA has sued a group of oil trading companies through a U.S. trust over a multi-billion...

  29. Last Saturday, President Maduro announced his intentions to rationalise the supply of gasoline in the country through some tool called Carnet de la Patria...

  30. China and Venezuela are both feeling the bite of U.S. trade sanctions.  Neither are happy campers. Will China start seizing Venezuelan oil & gas assets...