1. Venezuela just sacked US-sanctioned CFO of PDVSA, Simon Zerpa. Any significance to this move? Does it even matter?

  2. Univsion is reporting a mass exodus of employees from state-run PDVSA, as rising inflation has basically made their public worker salary almost owrthless. PDVSA...

  3. So, Russian banks are apparently "eager" to take a piece of Aramco, in partnership with Chinese investors. I wonder if it's too late for...

  4. Nigerian fuel hawkers are turning in a good profit even without fuel shortages in the country. As they apparently get their goods from pipeline...

  5. China is still digging its heels in, and not allowing Tesla to 100% own a factory there. China, as in all manufacturing businesses there,...

  6. I read this article https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/White-House-Proposes-Sale-Of-Federal-Power-Assets.html that talks about the government piecing out fed power assets. How would that even work? I'm not sure I get it.

  7. IEA OMR today says oil production growth, led by US production, will outweigh oil demand growth. Not good for oil prices. Not good for...

  8. We all know that big oil and the militancy in the Niger Delta have destroyed this place for local communities, but I hadn't heard...

  9. I hadn't realized until the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) started investigation just recently, that Norway lets companies deduct 78% of their exploration costs...

  10. Colombia again shutting in an oilfield for safety reasons as threats against it are made. Things are not looking so good for marriages between...

  11. Big Oil majors are fighting for investors' favors, apparently, now that they have more cash to dangle in front of their eyes. SO, who's...

  12. March 26th is the date, supposedly, for China's oil futures contract. Talk about a market disruptor. This has been talked about seemingly forever. If...

  13. Iraq, OPEC's 2nd largest oil producer, wants to build new refineries as its oil processing capacity was severely curtailed by damage to its largest...

  14. EPA penalties were significantly less this last fiscal year, partially under Trump administration. To be fair, part of it was under Obama and part...

  15. Battling for Asian market share with OPEC and US, Russia is diverting higher-quality crude cargoes from Europe to China. Something's got to give. Europe's...

  16. After a seven-month stoppage, Venezuela once again buying crude (and when I say "buying", I mean swapping goods for) for its Isla refinery. It's...

  17. Budget deal congress reached yesterday calls for the sale of 100 million barrels of SPR between 2022 and 2027. Hope the prices are high...

  18. India is planning to raise its LNG import capacity from 20 million tonnes to 70 million tonnes and is boosting oil refining capacity by...

  19. Greenpeace is challenging a Norway court's decision to leave Arctic oil licenses in place. last year it went to protest against Arctic drilling on...

  20. Britain's most important oil route, Forties pipeline, down again, after being down for weeks starting in December. This does not bode well for the...

  21. I mean, more grim that it already has. Moody's says high oil prices cannot offset the drop in production, and inflation of 4,000% expected...

  22. India’s Oil and Natural Gas Corp. planning to sell off uts largest state-run refinery, and largest state-run utility to unburden itself from $5billion worth of...

  23. WCS not looking pretty these days.   check out the comparison with WTI  

  24. “If we want to make a decision, it has be at the right time, which is June -- when we’ll next meet,” Zanganeh said....

  25. Climate change will place disproportionate burden on women in the future, as women will shoulder the brunt of foraging for food and firewood, according...

  26. We've talked about oil types somewhat--this is a great article about the different types of oil for anyone interested.   https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/A-Detailed-Guide-On-The-Many-Different-Types-Of-Crude-Oil.html  

  27. I thought Venezuelan production was already stymied?  am I missing something? https://www.reuters.com/article/us-venezuela-politics-usa/maduro-says-u-s-sanctions-will-not-stymie-venezuela-oil-industry-idUSKBN1FP2UR

  28. Venezuela reportedly hit with blackouts this afternoon, my Twitter feed suggests. Hard to mine those cryptocurrencies that way, I think.

  29. API expected to report another draw in crude oil inventories today, as US production moves back up to 9.750 million bpd. 

  30.   Cushing inventory down to  37 million barrels. Lowest it's been since 2015 as I understand it. https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=PET&s=W_EPC0_SAX_YCUOK_MBBL&f=W (exclusing SPR)