1. I think there is a difference this time with  ten months back that the sanctions was announced by president trump. This time president trump did...

  2. With all instability in Middle East and South America, why not extracting oil and gas in Mozambique that has the biggest reserves in the...

  3. I read this article that was discussing if a V shaped economic recovery was possible. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Oil-Demand-Wont-Bounce-Back-Any-Time-Soon.html Scrolled down, saw this comment and laughed out loud, "As...

  4. The main methods used to help forecast oil prices include futures prices, fundamentals, the cost of production, the exchange rates of commodity-exporting countries, technical...

  5. ConocoPhillips Co. is backing an effort to impose a tax on carbon dioxide emissions. The company is pledging $2 million over the next two...

  6. https://www.theepochtimes.com/study-opposition-to-pipelines-costs-jobs-needed-infrastructure_3494286.html Study: Opposition to Pipelines Costs Jobs, Needed Infrastructure

  7. This seems ... unusual. Islamic Development Bank to loan oil to Pakistan Pakistan has entered into an arrangement to borrow billions of dollars worth of oil The...

  8. Husky advances Superior refinery rebuild, revamp     Husky Energy Inc. has received required permit approvals to begin reconstruction of its 47,500-b/cd refinery in Superior, Wis., after...

  9. On January 14th WHO reported that the virus DOES NOT transmit from Human to Human.  They were very wrong ! WHO would not designate the...

  10. Uncertainty still surrounds Colorado producers following oil, gas overhaul bill   Highlights Governor declares end to 'oil and gas wars' State activists still pursue fracking ban   Denver — ...

  11. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the...

  12. Seems that Trump has successfully convinced Japan to shoulder more responsibility for the safety of Japanese ships transporting oil from the always volatile Middle East...

  13. Trump  again slammed OPEC — tweeting that prices keep rising even as the US spends billions to safeguard oil-producing Mideast countries. “We protect the countries...

  14. Goldman has been terrible at predicting oil! Which big name advisory has been good at predicting price trend ?

  15. EXCERPT  The groups, called Responsible Investment and the European Sustainable Investment Forum (sigh), are urging that the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive require companies to...

  16. .

  17. Texas Railroad Commission wins a Darwin Award.  Natural Selection will clean out the gene pool a bit.  Congrats on your award, TRRC. OPEC doesn't play...

  18. Concerned that fuel costs would spike, US is considering delaying the IMO sulfur cap transition that was scheduled to go into effect in Jan...

  19.   Big Oil is moving aggressively into petrochemicals, unleashing huge amounts of capital for new projects worldwide. A natural extension would be the acquisition of...

  20. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  21. Once again, Canada shoots itself in the foot regarding its oil & gas natural resources. Canada's federal elections later this year may change things a...

  22. Saudi expects wider 2020 budget deficit of $50 billion - finance minister   https://www.reuters.com/article/us-saudi-economy-budget/saudi-expects-wider-2020-budget-deficit-of-50-billion-finance-minister-idUSKBN1XA2EO?il=0

  23. Canada first needs to figure out how to curb Trudeau's obstinate insistence on virtue signalling his support for the Climate Armageddon agenda. Don't shut in...

  24. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-mexico-oil-exploration/mexico-must-double-oil-exploration-spending-to-halt-output-fall-pemex-idUSKCN1M82VN?rpc=401& I guess it's better than nothing, but Mexico's decade+ oil production decline is unlikely to be saved anytime soon by upping spending now. Also saw...

  25.                              .

  26. Aramco to Restart IPO Preparations (Bloomberg) -- Saudi Arabia is restarting preparations for a potential initial public offering of oil giant Aramco, months after putting...

  27. Where does this site get its data from?

  28. Crown prince Mohammed bin Salman's four lap dogs . . . J.P Morgan, Morgan Stanley. Citi and Bank of America will say anything for...

  29. For info.  Details in the link.  Unlike the OPEC cartel, the U.S. federal government will not mandate country-wide production cuts. Factbox: What U.S. states are...

  30. Note: I am not a fan of either Goldman Sachs or Huffington Post. That said, will have to wait and see if this newfound "woke"...