1. While it's certainly true that on a total liquids basis the US is a net exporter, because of biofuels production and refinery gains, the...

  2. Forget Oil, The Real Crisis Is Diesel Inventories: The US Has Just 25 Days Left by Tyler Durden Wednesday, Oct 19, 2022 - 09:05 PM For all...

  3. We need to immediately put a tariff on all imported oil to the USA to keep our domestic oif field service companies, and oil...

  4. Let the games begin! This should be an amusing show to watch.  From ZeroHedge: Slash Oil Output Or Else! Senate Bill Would Remove US Troops From Saudi...

  5. And now for a short commercial break from our regularly scheduled forum threads about U.S. vs China, impeachment, climate and fracking.   Iran's Press TV reports: US military...

  6. A very odd drilling disaster in Louisiana in 1980. An entire lake is sucked down a well. An interesting documentary for oilfield hands an...

  7. The two prime mover of transportation, the jet turbine and the diesel engine, provide the backbone of our prosperity – commerce and recreation.  The...

  8. Saudi Arabia considers disbanding oil production cartel OPEC amid growing pressure following Trump criticisms and Jamal Khashoggi murder And that's just a day after I...

  9.  Russia made a point of announcing they are removing the group of military "advisors" they sent to Venezuela a couple of months ago. Unrelated, U.S....

  10.   Petroleum’s importance to humankind took a giant leap in the late 1800’s when it replaced coal as the primary fuel for the machines of...

  11. Well, does it? From a recent Oilprice story: "More recent history shows Saudi has never produced more than 10.6mn b/d on average over a single...

  12. Petrodollar nuclear option? Quote Reuters reports that Saudi Arabia has threatened to sell its oil in currencies other than the U.S. dollar if the bill becomes...

  13. Will Oil Price Recover and Oil Industry Survive?

  14. I think: Irena missed the mark here actually:  I think the takeaway is not that USA refiners will pay more, as who can actually...

  15. All, I understand many of you have a much better handle on the current trends in the land shale industry than me.  I am...

  16. How low will the price of oil drop? State oil giant Aramco will boost its crude output after the current OPEC+ cut deal expires at the...

  17. From molecules to electrons; can Big Oil become Big Power? Informative, I thought. Just like Big Tobacco going e-tobacco.

  18. Unbelievable.That'll show 'em.  Some sugar cane derivative on a global landmark of art. ''Let's free The Louvre'' by making it dirty for a few hours. Brilliant.  https://uk.reuters.com/article/us-climate-change-activists-paris/activists-daub-louvres-pyramid-with-molasses-in-anti-total-protest-idUKKBN1WC1SF PARIS...

  19. Crude oil and natural gas production hit a new record in June with the highest production ever in the U.S. Production of crude topped 10.7 million barrels per...

  20. The production elements that manufacture the products and service in capitalist economy models are raw materials,land,labor and money.

  21. Hello All! I have been away due to some health issues but now as I have recovered considerably...time is ripe to start anew. Interesting times for...

  22. A possibly outrageous overview of plastics from Wood Mac. They are not all bad! The very thought would stun many but, well, facts.

  23. If you are one of the three people in the world holding out that Aramco will complete its IPO this year or next, you...

  24. Over the past few months there have been numerous articles predicting the impending decline of shale production mostly related to profitability. When I looked at...

  25. Bioplastics are challenging Big Oil's grand plan to become all petrhochems and plastics producers in the distant future. Not sure how realistic this challenge...

  26. 400 injured, one dead as the French protest higher prices at the pump. The idea of Macron's government is to wean them off fossil...

  27. In today's episode of the long running soap opera called "OPEC and Frenemies", Saudi Arabia blurts out on behalf of the whole group, and...

  28. I was watching some TEDx Talks videos and came across this title from 2015:  Making Safe Nuclear Power from Thorium I remember Jan talking briefly on...

  29. U.S. Senate Democrats  urged President Trump to try to prod OPEC to take steps to lower oil prices and suggested that millions of Americans...

  30. Dr Tim Ball got legal costs awarded to him for previously dropped defamation lawsuit by Dr Michael Mann (of the hockey stick and ClimateGate...