1. From Bloomberg article " This third boom will be driven by the international oil majors and will be characterized by a focus on better extraction, rather...

  2. "Over the past year, production from the Permian in West Texas and New Mexico has changed, with more super-light oil being extracted, as producers...

  3. Let the games begin! This should be an amusing show to watch.  From ZeroHedge: Slash Oil Output Or Else! Senate Bill Would Remove US Troops From Saudi...

  4.  Russia made a point of announcing they are removing the group of military "advisors" they sent to Venezuela a couple of months ago. Unrelated, U.S....

  5. When oil prices crossed $71...it was in no time that the bulls came to announce for a $90 oil very soon. However, it was...

  6. Well, does it? From a recent Oilprice story: "More recent history shows Saudi has never produced more than 10.6mn b/d on average over a single...

  7. We need to immediately put a tariff on all imported oil to the USA to keep our domestic oif field service companies, and oil...

  8. Progression Of Completions   The evolution of designs hastens the U.S. shale boom. In the 70 years since the first hydraulically fractured well began commercial operations, the technique’s processes and...

  9. Will Oil Price Recover and Oil Industry Survive?

  10. US crude exports are averaging 4M barrels per day, up 19% vs. 2022. || ZEROHEDGE: For those who are confused why the US has spent...

  11. The International Maritime Organisation's (IMO) has ruled to reduce the sulphur cap for bunker fuel from 3.5% to 0.5% by 2020. The world merchant...

  12. You may all go to hell and I will go to Texas. Most famously stated by Davy Crockett. And now Elon Musk. Tesla will be...

  13. .

  14. This tiny little thing seems to be swimming in it almost literally. ExxonMobil, Hess announce 13th Guyana discovery I think if I was an investor, I'd...

  15. How low will the price of oil drop? State oil giant Aramco will boost its crude output after the current OPEC+ cut deal expires at the...

  16. What level of WTI crude price is typically thought of a "break even" for a driller/developer of a new crude oil source in the...

  17. Are rigs in the Eagle-Ford shell going to move north towards HWY37 towards San Antonio or continue to stay more south and the south...

  18. Hello All! I have been away due to some health issues but now as I have recovered considerably...time is ripe to start anew. Interesting times for...

  19. This amusing item was on the BBC site. The police in Scotland did well in stopping the car without injury to anyone or even...

  20. A possibly outrageous overview of plastics from Wood Mac. They are not all bad! The very thought would stun many but, well, facts.

  21. If you are one of the three people in the world holding out that Aramco will complete its IPO this year or next, you...

  22. And now for a short commercial break from our regularly scheduled forum threads about U.S. vs China, impeachment, climate and fracking.   Iran's Press TV reports: US military...

  23. "Green New Deal" is insanity. Green New Deal FAQ attached.  Please do read it. Here's an excerpt.  $4.6 Trillion to repair and upgrade U.S. infrastructure ? !    Here's a...

  24. Oil will begin it huge recover starting SUMMER 2020. *Summer.....countries opening up.  *Usual Demand Rises *OIL......the 20m cut does not come off completely until 2022!!!!!!!! Oil will begin...

  25. For much of the time since the cap was imposed, Russia’s oil—which does not only include Urals—has been trading above $60. Not only are Russian...

  26. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/The-Truth-Behind-The-Torpedoed-Tankers.html  So now we have the 'truth' from some talking head on OilPrice.com. We don't have to look any further into the situation from either...

  27. Greenpeace activists halt BP's North Sea oil rig "The activists demanded that one of the world’s biggest energy companies immediately end drilling new wells and...

  28. Here is my bigger picture analysis of what is going on and what might happen. Yes...I do believe that oil prices will come down.....the reasons?...

  29.   Petroleum’s importance to humankind took a giant leap in the late 1800’s when it replaced coal as the primary fuel for the machines of...