1. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Why-Brazil-Joining-OPEC-Would-Be-A-Massive-Mistake.html Umm not a good time to blurt this out. Repsol are not bidding next round due to the high royalty prices, but the royalties are...

  2. I guess they just weren't satisfied enough by trying to thwart pipeline projects--now they're taking aim at oil by rail too. What's next? https://beta.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-bc-will-ask-court-for-authority-to-limit-oil-by-rail/  

  3. 48 seconds ago..... Watch ➤ ➤ ➤ Click Here To link (Full Video Link) ➤►DOWNLOAD (Full Video Link) L𝚎aked Video video bulan sutena yang lagi L𝚎aked...

  4. The U.S. government will not ensure sale of its oil to India at cheaper rates as the commodity is controlled by private companies, U.S....

  5. It has begun: independent Chinese refiners are cutting their U.S. crude oil imports in anticipation of the tariffs Beijing threatened in response to the...

  6. The author of this story must be investor. Depending on what side of the street your on, consumer or investor it is good/bad news....

  7. Let’s have some more fun as the last post did so well trying to inject some history or experience into this forum. >sarc< Question -...

  8. I bought Occidental shares about 10 trading days ago and they are already up over 13%, which is cool.  I knew it was undervalued.  I'm...

  9. What does it take to invest in Oil & Gas and which way to go?

  10. I was searching about how to prevent damage in hydraulic fracturing. I have found this link: https://www.drillingmanual.com/hydraulic-fracturing-oil-gas-wells/ which suggests the following: All fluids pumped must be compatible....

  11. The space for cost reduction among the supermajors is dwindling. What now?

  12. https://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2019/08/23/u-s-accuses-china-blocking-access-trillions-south-china-sea-oil-gas/   U.S. Accuses China of Blocking Access to Trillions in South China Sea Oil and Gas 76

  13. Opinion: Europe must retain control of its energy security | DW | 07.02.2019 dw.com "The Nord Stream 2 pipeline will drastically increase Russia's energy leverage over...

  14. The price of crude oil has been falling while defying the inventory draw reported by the EIA, US Energy Information Administration. This happens when...

  15. Read recently that a bunch of companies have all piled into West Texas for the frac sand, and all combined they are planning to...

  16. Holy sh*t my phone is exploding with messages since I posted this morning on LinkedIn.  Having trouble keeping up: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6418231960677814272 Direct link to article: Cover Story: How...

  17. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  18. Does the world agree with Iran's oil sanctions ??? Oil exporting countries are seeking to stabilize high oil prices and importing countries are trying to...

  19. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  20. Saudi coalition says it thwarted an attack on an oil tanker by Houthi fighters. Never sure who to believe in all this mess.

  21. propaganda

            During the Iraq protests their were signs and chants saying “ no blood for oil “ but after oil companies...

  22. I've read some articles, still unsure on something. Use an oil deal between two companies as an example. Say you (seller) own leases that...

  23. Some can never pass up an opportunity to dump on shale. 

  24. Co-founder of Greenpeace speaks out against Green New Deal as unfounded alarmism.

  25. @Tom Kirkman, now they're keeping it in the ground. Unbelievable.

  26. Quote Occidental Petroleum Corp. wants U.S. government financial aid for the oil industry even as the biggest producer of Permian Basin crude urges Texas regulators...

  27. This article is a bit feisty.  More than a bit, actually.  Pretty sure quite a few readers here will disagree. And that's perfectly OK.  Give...

  28. Interesting story that puts the Eni, Shell corruption scandal in Nigeria into a more colorful light. I guess the question is how we define...

  29. Regardless of however serious you may think the Coronavirus may or may not be, it *is* affecting oil prices seriously. Significantly, the IEA is alarmed...

  30. The U.S. Shale Oil industry is reluctantly waking up to a few doses of reality.  What goes up eventually comes down.  The beer is...