1. I've read some articles, still unsure on something. Use an oil deal between two companies as an example. Say you (seller) own leases that...

  2. Venezuela has pulled out of a partnership with Cuba in its Cienfuegos oil refinery and the Caribbean island has taken full ownership of the...

  3. IEA just dubbed Venezuela, country with largest oil reserves, as the biggest risk to global markets.  

  4. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  5. Saudi coalition says it thwarted an attack on an oil tanker by Houthi fighters. Never sure who to believe in all this mess.

  6. The oil & gas industry continues to come under increasingly hostile political attacks from the U.S. far left.  The escalating rhetoric is really becoming...

  7. The U.S. Shale Oil industry is reluctantly waking up to a few doses of reality.  What goes up eventually comes down.  The beer is...

  8. https://seekingalpha.com/article/4333579-contrary-to-assertions-saudi-arabia-cant-endure-30_00-oil-for-long Contrary To Assertions, Saudi Arabia Can't Endure $30.00 Oil For Long

  9. Hi, new here. Does anyone know which index UWT/DWT actually tracks...for real? If you look at the Natural Gas ETNS UGAZ or DGAZ, they consistently hug...

  10. Let’s have some more fun as the last post did so well trying to inject some history or experience into this forum. >sarc< Question -...

  11. Quote Occidental Petroleum Corp. wants U.S. government financial aid for the oil industry even as the biggest producer of Permian Basin crude urges Texas regulators...

  12. https://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2019/08/23/u-s-accuses-china-blocking-access-trillions-south-china-sea-oil-gas/   U.S. Accuses China of Blocking Access to Trillions in South China Sea Oil and Gas 76

  13. Britain increases financial health check for frackers in Britain. Frackers already have it tough here. Will regs kill fracking completely? http://www.hellenicshippingnews.com/britain-to-tighten-financial-checks-on-fracking-firms/  

  14. Read recently that a bunch of companies have all piled into West Texas for the frac sand, and all combined they are planning to...

  15. Just an observation.  Today is 7/3/2019 has oil stopped affecting the world?  I see very little activity in the movement of oil as a...

  16. Behind the recovery is an easing global supply glut, and nations beginning to relax lockdown restrictions that have crippled oil-intensive sectors like transport and...

  17. First of all this has nothing to do with the oil's industry's struggle as of now. Right now is merely a bump in the...

  18. The price of crude oil has been falling while defying the inventory draw reported by the EIA, US Energy Information Administration. This happens when...

  19. Question: If, hypothetically, a E&P has hedged production of 100,000 barrels with a ceiling of $65 and crude goes to $100 does that company...

  20. The author of this story must be investor. Depending on what side of the street your on, consumer or investor it is good/bad news....

  21. So much for those aggressive clean energy targets: https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-44738952 And it's not energy related..... but it IS crude oil related: polyurethane foam!  

  22. This article is a bit feisty.  More than a bit, actually.  Pretty sure quite a few readers here will disagree. And that's perfectly OK.  Give...

  23. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-01-17/activist-valueact-takes-aes-stake-in-push-for-cleaner-energy   haha...and I bet he buys Playboy for the articles.

  24. A survey has apparently conclusively proven that Norway has avoided the so-called Dutch Disease named after the Netherlands' drop in manufacturing activity after the...

  25. Interesting story that puts the Eni, Shell corruption scandal in Nigeria into a more colorful light. I guess the question is how we define...

  26. Or they elect a new one and stay their current course? https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2022/07/06/breaking-opec-secretary-general-muhammad-barkindo-is-dead/

  27. Looks like Petroteq, the very small company using technology developed by Canadian oilmen and financed by a somewhat opaque oil deal/distributor in Ukraine, has...

  28. https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-solutions/2023/04/11/plugging-abandoned-oil-wells/ https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/4089319-biden-administration-announces-650-million-to-plug-orphaned-gas-and-oil-wells/   

  29. I had raised this question with Tom Kirkman and he advised to start a thread on this to know views of experts on the...

  30. We all should take note of this article by Irina Slav:   if 'vote counts' can be tampered with, why not oil prices...or vice...