1. Electrification is happening quickly in Asia now. Half of the fossil fuel demand is about to perish in next 3 years. Oil Marketing companies...

  2. Zerohedge reported Iranian oil tanker was hit by two missiles in Red Sea 60 nm off Jeddah. Israel is blamed. Fire and leak seems...

  3. Thank you, dear banks. Your moral high ground is truly inspiring. https://www.ft.com/content/7d6be782-6328-11e8-90c2-9563a0613e56

  4. This was an interesting article. However, I was not able to completely understand it. Help me out:   https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Trouble-In-Paradise-For-US-Frackers.html   @William Edwards, @Tom Kirkman, @ATK, @Dan Warnick.

  5. Sooo, Statoil again and musings on how its competitors don't have "oil" or "gas" in their names. Correct me if I'm wrong but this...

  6. Presented without comment, for your consideration.  Season with salt as necessary. 19 Banks Merge, Etihad, Mubadala Can't Pay Back Debt, Aramco Can't Pay Salaries, UAE/Saudi Halt...

  7. OPEC and allied oil producers are ready to hold an extraordinary meeting and will do what is needed if the current cut in oil...

  8.   .       

  9. Simple question what will change if the Democratic Party got elected in 2020, would the US continue to eradicate its strategic oil reserves?

  10. Britain's most important oil route, Forties pipeline, down again, after being down for weeks starting in December. This does not bode well for the...

  11. Irana wrote oil price raised due to negotiations of Republican and Democratic but now oil price declining ?

  12. .

  13. Plasma Pulse Technology is a new fracking tech that requires no chemicals or water.  Its developers describe it as a technique that is complementary...

  14. Get rid of this 100 year old law already There is no disagreement that the Jones Act raises the prices of goods shipped between ports...

  15. So says Bob Dudley. I usually like to poke fun at people stating the obvious but this obvious piece of fact needed to be...

  16. In this report, we will analyze the latest developments in the 4 largest US tight oil basins, which include the Permian, Williston, Eagle Ford,...

  17. So I've been waiting and waiting for this news to come out.  Due to higher oil prices, many U.S. Shale Oil companies are starting...

  18. For a long time, I was generally under the impression that the years long international conflict in Syria was actually all about competing international...

  19. Bahrain has discovered an oil field that they say will dwarf its current reserves. No details in numbers, though. Kind of ironic this find...

  20. Front page article here at oilprice.com  https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Corn-Industry-Battered-By-Shocking-Ethanol-Decision.html Why should there be a subsidy mandate for ethanol to begin with?  If people want to buy...

  21. Drilling Dates on Kenyan Project? Any Work schedule  on Liberia  and Guinea  Projects?

  22. According to Reuters agency, Russia should not unleash an oil price war against the United States but rather stick with output cuts even at...

  23. The price of crude oil fell on Monday and the only factor that apperas to be determining it is the decreasing strength of the Hurricane...

  24. https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/pet_sum_sndw_dcus_nus_w.htm

  25. BP and Shell Call on Texas to End Routine Flaring     (Bloomberg) -- Two of Europe’s biggest oil companies urged Texas regulators to end the routine...

  26. From a surge in share prices to a collapse of circa 20%, oil tanker stocks have taken a beating over the last few days....

  27. A Texas based  Buckeye Pipe Line says one of its pipelines has spilled more than 8,000 gallons of jet fuel into a river in...

  28. I'm very much pro oil & gas.  And currently I am very much knowingly biased in favor of oil & gas over "renewable" energy, which...

  29. I am new to Oilprice.com. But I am not new to the oil business. I personally experienced much of the industry history that most...

  30. Not only is Saudi Arabia in economic trouble, the whole world is, but those countries with the most dependence on high oil prices are...