1. Nick Cunningham has written some very good articles in the past, but he reached rock bottom with this one. None of it is factually...

  2. Energy is leading the S&P 500, jumping by 57% YTD. Out of the top ten best-performing stocks in the S&P 500 year to date, nine...

  3. Hi guys.  Hanging in and hanging on still in West Texas...The roads are dead and the nights are pitch black.  Our company has had 3...

  4. More smoke and mirrors .   Saudis produced 9.8 mm before OPEC deal fell apart. Saudis say they are going to produce 12.3 in April.  That is a joke.   Saudis say they will cut 4...

  5. Get rid of this 100 year old law already There is no disagreement that the Jones Act raises the prices of goods shipped between ports...

  6. The report linked below is very interesting https://docfinder.bnpparibas-am.com/api/files/1094E5B9-2FAA-47A3-805D-EF65EAD09A7F Oil Prices likely to fall to $20/b by 2030, as predicted by William Edwards (though he might estimate...

  7. Electrification is happening quickly in Asia now. Half of the fossil fuel demand is about to perish in next 3 years. Oil Marketing companies...

  8. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the interactive...

  9. Plasma Pulse Technology is a new fracking tech that requires no chemicals or water.  Its developers describe it as a technique that is complementary...

  10. .

  11. Bahrain has discovered an oil field that they say will dwarf its current reserves. No details in numbers, though. Kind of ironic this find...

  12. Not sure how far these changes will go, but FERC says oil and gas pipeline approval process will be reviewed. Also, it will tighten...

  13. The "Co-operative Refinery Complex,"  known generally as the "Co-op," is currently in a labor conflict, with management locking out some 800 refinery workers.  The...

  14. Presented without comment, for your consideration.  Season with salt as necessary. 19 Banks Merge, Etihad, Mubadala Can't Pay Back Debt, Aramco Can't Pay Salaries, UAE/Saudi Halt...

  15. Everybody seems to be eager to give their money to Aramco ahead of its IPO. And if it flops?

  16. This is significant.  We have all seen the many articles which show how investment dollars are not going into the oil and gas industry. ...

  17. Can anyone  explain the impact  of saudi aramco approval in oil price please

  18. I am new to Oilprice.com. But I am not new to the oil business. I personally experienced much of the industry history that most...

  19. There is a zinger of a very accurate point in this article (at least in my opinion, anyway.) Blame Oil For Our Trade Deficit With Canada Without...

  20. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/aug/04/russia-lays-claim-to-vast-areas-of-arctic-seabed Russia lays claim to vast areas of Arctic This article is more than 6 years old  So what. RCW Foreign ministry says it has submitted bid...

  21. A Texas based  Buckeye Pipe Line says one of its pipelines has spilled more than 8,000 gallons of jet fuel into a river in...

  22. According to Reuters agency, Russia should not unleash an oil price war against the United States but rather stick with output cuts even at...

  23. A picture that is worth a thousand words - in summary, Coal falling, Crude and Nuclear flat with Nat Gas and Renewables rising. Doesn't look...

  24. How many EV's will be there on roads by 2022. Give me your estimated numbers for Electric trucks, Electric buses, Personal Electric cars and ride...

  25. I'm very much pro oil & gas.  And currently I am very much knowingly biased in favor of oil & gas over "renewable" energy, which...

  26. So I've been waiting and waiting for this news to come out.  Due to higher oil prices, many U.S. Shale Oil companies are starting...

  27. The Strait of Hormuz is the world’s most important oil transit chokepoint   The Strait of Hormuz, located between Oman and Iran, connects the Persian Gulf...

  28. Sooo, Statoil again and musings on how its competitors don't have "oil" or "gas" in their names. Correct me if I'm wrong but this...

  29. Irana wrote oil price raised due to negotiations of Republican and Democratic but now oil price declining ?

  30. This was an interesting article. However, I was not able to completely understand it. Help me out:   https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Trouble-In-Paradise-For-US-Frackers.html   @William Edwards, @Tom Kirkman, @ATK, @Dan Warnick.