1. In an ideal new regime, how long would it take to get Venezuela's oil industry humming? What would it do to the world oil...

  2. Those who are aware of the carbon credit charade know that it was designed by the elite who also benefit greatly from this scam. ...

  3. .

  4. 'Who's the cleanest of them all' Take a wild guess what country is reducing its greenhouse gas emissions the most? Canada? Britain? France? India? Germany?...


  6. Perry has it right.  This action by Mohammed bin Salman is in violation of antitrust law,  World Trade Organization by-laws and just unfair.  This...

  7. ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — Two New York state lawmakers are introducing legislation that would ban the development of new fossil fuel plants or pipelines...

  8. Italy’s imports of U.S. crude oil vaulted to a record in June after attacks by armed groups shuttered two major Libyan oil ports and...

  9. Ok, ye smart guys. The oil biz in the USA is now mostly shale oil/gas. Vertical drilling by independents (or anyone) seems to have...

  10. Once again Iran’s rhetoric is beefed up regarding blocking the straights of Hormuz. I believe this time we may be the closest we have...

  11. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/keystone-oil-spill-in-kansas-is-largest-in-pipelines-history-federal-data-shows That bitumen-loaded stuff must make a real mess, too.

  12. The article below from Arab News smells like *disinformation* to me. Really, I find it difficult to believe that the U.S. and Iran would be...

  13. The logic of a lot of Trump supporters is myopic and wrong.  What's likely to happen is both sides lose.  

  14. Oil Rigs dropped 2 1/2 % (20 Rigs) from this time last year. Oil Production increased 20% (to 12.2 mbd) from this time last year. I...

  15. Another one bites the dust... Kommunal Landspensjonskasse, a Norwegian $70 Billion pension fund,  announced today that it will exclude companies that derive revenue from oil sands.

  16. Once the China Flu lockdowns go away, demand for oil & gas will return, at least somewhat in the near term, and pretty much...

  17. 7 minutesThis is an absolutely brilliant speech by British satirist, Konstantine Kisin.https://twitter.com/LetsGoBrando45/status/1614260315453292544 Taken from…https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/best-video-climate-change-you-will-ever-see

  18. Native Americans sue Enbridge over Line 5.  A Native American tribe in Wisconsin is suing Enbridge (NYSE: ENB) over its aging Line 5 pipeline,...

  19. Petroteq, the outfit incorporated in Toronto and running a tiny oil-extraction-from sand operation in Asphalt Ridge, Utah, is again very short of cash, and...

  20. Once again “OIL” combined with political bluster and a provocateur has the world is in turmoil and everyone is hoping that somehow a peaceful resolution...

  21. Interior Department is planning to hold the largest sale of oil and gas leases in the country's history. The plans, announced Friday, would auction off...

  22. Last night I saw this Hungarian military plane being tracked as it was arriving in U.S. and wondered what was going on:   Then this morning...

  23. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  24. This entire narrative stinks.  Seems to me that Trump's continued refusal to start a unilateral military attack against Iran (despite implied Saudi urging) has...

  25. U.S. oil projects begin to falter as producers curb spending

  26. https://qz.com/1284239/70-of-saudi-arabias-electricity-is-used-for-air-conditioning/ 70% of Saudi electricity usage goes toward air conditioning, and 100% of electricity is generated from fossil fuels. 

  27. Current news regarding Saudi Arabia and the oil production attack…   This is a good read.   September 19, 2019 – Zero Hedge Pepe Escobar: “How The...

  28. Fatih Birol, executive director at the International Energy Agency, said for Bloomberg,  "oil demand is still strong and OPEC should "think twice" before cutting...

  29. BC to Alberta: We don't want the Trans Mountain pipeline expanded. Alberta to BC: But our oil needs shipping and selling, and we need the revenues...