1. Venezuala's oil crisis is worst crisis in second decade of 21st century.million's of people live under poverty and unemployment .can OPEC help venezuala?....

  2. Aug. 28, 2019 : Google announces the Pixel Smart Phone will be moved to Vietnam and the Speaker mfg to Thailand.  There are at least...

  3. Baltimore has become the latest U.S. city to try and hold the world's biggest oil companies financially responsible for global warming.The city filed a...

  4. Can anyone please tell me what the heck is a "safe climate" ?  And "climate justice" ? New York City officials declare climate emergency The New York...

  5.       .

  6. If no Mideast conflict with peace across the region where would oil be priced ?    

  7. Social media is something that I'm straying away from. Changing my mind and stuff is impossible when not allowed to delete previous posts. So I...

  8. "With oil traders forecasting crude oil to rise to $100 (£76.5) a barrel by the end of the year, Indian refiners are considering cutting...

  9. Just curious, is Greenpeace using diesel or other hydrocarbons to power their boat, which they are using to try to stop BP from installing...

  10. This legal suit has the potential to disrupt U.S. oil operations due to disgruntled landowners. Landowners group sues North Dakota over 'pore space' law A landowners group...

  11. .  

  12. After a seven-month stoppage, Venezuela once again buying crude (and when I say "buying", I mean swapping goods for) for its Isla refinery. It's...

  13. Colorado toughened up its oil and gas rules. But how tough are they? Activists, community members see new law as their seat at negotiating...

  14. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  15. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this article.  Presented without additional comment, from Oil Price main news site: Forget The Hype, Aramco Shares May be Valued At Zero...

  16. OPEC is struggling to add barrels to the market after agreeing in June to increase output, an internal document seen by Reuters showed, as...

  17.   60 Years on, Is OPEC past its sell-by date?   On October 16, 2013 a Foreign Policy article carried the caption: The End of OPEC. Seven...

  18. China imported Iranian crude oil in July for the second month since a U.S. sanctions waiver ended, according to research from three data firms,...

  19. US – update through February 2018 This article contains still images from interactive dashboards available on the blog post. To follow the instructions detailed here,...

  20. U.S. sanctions on Venezuela’s oil industry have made winners out of Royal Dutch Shell Plc and BP Plc, Gulf of Mexico offshore heavyweights, as...

  21. Well..... I have always maintained that predicting oil prices is a very tricky business. However,one should always try to grasp the "trends" that have,...

  22. I can confirm there are talks amongst the G20 Energy Ministers. From the sounds of it I'm guessing it may contain some type of price...

  23. Probably not a good thing for oil prices. Some highlights:  "Recoverable reserves from the Middle East, which holds the largest oil resources, could be increased...

  24. Presented without my usual comments.  I bolded certain parts to assist in navigating through the legalese wording. Executive Order on Securing the United States Bulk-Power...

  25. South Korea imported no crude oil from Iran for a second month in June following the end of a U.S. sanctions wavier, with Iranian...

  26. Let's see how popular this Carbon Tax financial scam gets when it seriously hits people's pocketbooks. The oil haters are really getting out of control,...

  27. Conservative estimates are the Covad-19 virus will cost the U.S. economy $7 to $9 Trillion. That's devastating.  They will send the world economies into a recession. ...

  28. Hello,  I just read a lot about capex cuts in the Oil & Gas upstream industry and how capex developed since 2014  https://www.iea.org/data-and-statistics/charts/global-oil-and-gas-upstream-capital-spending-2014-2019 I was wondering whether...

  29. Finally!  Some long overdue common sense!  Yes, please make this happen.  The Texas RR Commission was extremely successful in the past in putting in...

  30. The world’s top oil and gas companies locked in cheap borrowing rates to raise a record amount of debt in the second quarter of...