1. Unexpected article.  But this pretty much fits in with my *hope* for $70 Brent in 2019. Malaysia to boost revenue in 2019 on higher oil...

  2. South Korea imported no crude oil from Iran for a second month in June following the end of a U.S. sanctions wavier, with Iranian...

  3. US chastising China for bailing out Venezuela. Is their propping up of Venezuela with loans just forestalling the inevitable? Is China's motive here nefarious? Must...

  4. Is this that big reset that many people have felt will happen 'someday' in the USA, possibly the world? I have certainly thought that...

  5. Tsvetana Paraskova QUOTE:  “The new world energy order in which geopolitics trump market signals will likely accelerate the momentum for additional U.S. LNG export...

  6. I don't believe that the Saudis should be allowed to import and refine their on oil in the United States while attempting to bankrupt...

  7. Aug. 28, 2019 : Google announces the Pixel Smart Phone will be moved to Vietnam and the Speaker mfg to Thailand.  There are at least...

  8. Looks like that Aramco IPO is going to turn around and bite the Saudi royal family in the butt.  Saudi Aramco dividend to be paid to...

  9. The west Texas drillers that drove the shale revolution have overwhelmed the region’s infrastructure with oil production -driving up costs, depressing regional oil prices...

  10. A fire in a vat of butane at the largest oil refinery on the U.S. East Coast turned the early morning Philadelphia sky a...

  11. OPEC is struggling to add barrels to the market after agreeing in June to increase output, an internal document seen by Reuters showed, as...

  12. Let's see how popular this Carbon Tax financial scam gets when it seriously hits people's pocketbooks. The oil haters are really getting out of control,...

  13. Hello,  I just read a lot about capex cuts in the Oil & Gas upstream industry and how capex developed since 2014  https://www.iea.org/data-and-statistics/charts/global-oil-and-gas-upstream-capital-spending-2014-2019 I was wondering whether...

  14. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  15. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/09/07/joe-biden-promises-environmentalist-look-into-my-eyes-i-guarantee-you-we-are-going-to-end-fossil-fuel/ Joe Biden Promises Environmentalist: ‘Look into My Eyes; I Guarantee You, We Are Going to End Fossil Fuel’ 3,599

  16. This legal suit has the potential to disrupt U.S. oil operations due to disgruntled landowners. Landowners group sues North Dakota over 'pore space' law A landowners group...

  17. Listened to a Freakonomics podcast about Corporate Social Responsibility and one phrase got my attention: "there is a study showing that when people express a...

  18. Funny this huge oil discovery in Iran is announced shortly after Saudi Aramco announced its plan to move forward with an IPO. < *cough* > Iran...

  19. So, there are plant to make Saudi Arabia a top tourist destination; a new renewables hub; now they're announcing nuclear power plans. What's next...

  20. China released its growth figures for the third quarter, Q3, admitting its economy slowed down more than it expected, citing four reasons for the...

  21. Back in the Saddle Again - Aerosmith | YouTube   Oil Enters Bull Market As Shorts Are Wiped Out After crude suffered a near record, 44% plunge...

  22. Is the Canadian Oil Patch Nightmare Over? Last year, the lack of adequate pipeline and rail export capacity to handle growing oil output drove the...

  23. Pemex world's deadliest Covid company     Tomás Morales Vega shivered and huddled close to his co-workers in a narrow corridor outside the doctor's office. They...

  24. https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2020-03-20/a-trump-texas-oil-deal-opens-the-door-to-a-green-new-deal?srnd=premium&sref=RzXyyOXY If the US Government assists frackers now, what happens when power shifts in to parties in favor of 'green' energy. Bloomberg requires a subscription, but...

  25.   .

  26. Just curious, is Greenpeace using diesel or other hydrocarbons to power their boat, which they are using to try to stop BP from installing...

  27. California is also importing more oil from the Amazon rainforest than any country in the world. WATCH THE NEW Oilprice Videos  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnH6QL7JCDRp9HBXtm4mqxg/videos https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/california-addicted-oil-amazon California Is Addicted To...

  28. Story#1 - UN Demands $2 Trillion A Year From Rich Countries For ‘Climate Justice’ (but exclude China) Story#2 - UK “Nudge Unit” Recommends Banks Track...

  29. Saudi "Scorched Earth" strategy violates WTO law and U.S. antitrust law. Can't threaten Producers.  Oil Producers call your Congressional contacts.  Tell the Justice department to get...

  30. What makes the  people of the US so stupid with all the College and university professors  students etc. etc,  oh i forgot to mention all...