1. Question: If, hypothetically, a E&P has hedged production of 100,000 barrels with a ceiling of $65 and crude goes to $100 does that company...

  2. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the...

  3. Stimulating Future Positive results are emerging from fracturing field laboratories.     John Duda and Cassie Shaner, NETL Mon, 01/06/2020 - 11:00 AM     Hydraulic fracturing has come a long way as a...

  4. So the financiers turned off the tap, the fly by night shale players went belly up. Whose fault? It's Type Curve Engineers' fault. They...

  5. Don't put all your energy "eggs" in one basket.  Especially, when it's Russia you're depending on. 

  6. Oh dear, oil & gas companies in the USA and Canada are apparently the worst evildoers in the world for Climate Armageddon. (Ignore that Middle...

  7. Finally!  Some long overdue common sense!  Yes, please make this happen.  The Texas RR Commission was extremely successful in the past in putting in...

  8. A lot of people have asked about doing a breakdown on Iran and how the USA is draw them out to be. So today we...

  9. A *holistic* approach to developing oil & gas natural resources.  Good idea.  Hope other countries try out this holistic planning. Falklands releases the socio-economic impact of...

  10. The far left 'Mother Jones' is freaking out again about eeeeeevil oil pipelines, and I find it amusing.    The civilized world runs on oil &...

  11. I bought Occidental shares about 10 trading days ago and they are already up over 13%, which is cool.  I knew it was undervalued.  I'm...

  12. Only a brave or a reckless analyst can predict precisely what happens to oil prices during 2020. Today the benchmark Brent rose by 4%...

  13. A surprisingly neutral look at oil exploration attempts in the U.S. Arctic Refuge.  Attempts made to balance both pro and con viewpoints. Polar bear protections...

  14. Personally, I wish the U.S. could extract itself from the endless morass that is the Middle East incessant religious and sectarian warfare. Wishful thinking.  Anyway, since...

  15. The Saudi one trick pony (which has been firmly dependent on easy oil revenues) will have the pony bucking and kicking and throwing a mule-digging-in-its-heels-tantrum, as the...

  16. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1212121026072592384?s=19 Trump has tweeted and give warning to Iran for any damage on US facilities after the Iraq embassy attack.  "This is not a Warning, it...

  17. Chinese and Russia are emboldened in 2020 as the Democrats and DeepState try to defeat Trump instead of putting U.S. first. Trump will be preoccupied ...

  18. Since I'm a strong, vocal supporter of oil & gas, I'm sharing this article to poke the oil hater climate panic-mongers, who generally get...

  19. As 2020 is coming with many new opportunities with lots of highs and lows. So, what will we expect from the industry in 2020....

  20. Real Clear Politics Video https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2019/12/28/oan_news_report_court_filing_shows_hunter_biden_earned_156_million_from_ukraine_corruption.html    

  21. Only going to get worse. ME countries can't pay social stipends, grow economy and build a viable military as price of oil decreases.   Possible that future...

  22. For Climate Alarmists, both cows and oil are bad.  Since I grew up on a dairy farm with 50 cows and I strongly support...

  23. If so, what is U.S. response ? Can they stop it ?    Does Europe stand with U.S.  ? What about the rest of the regional...

  24. New Hunter Biden revelations  Seems Hunter and his business partners set up accounts for Ukraine gas company Burisma at Morgan Stanely.  Reportedly the accounts  opened had deposited over $150 Million. There is...

  25. And in other news, the Middle East continues its cheery holiday tradition of merrily celebrating with good cheer and camaraderie.  Oh wait.   Iraqi Protesters Shut Down...

  26. Seems that Trump has successfully convinced Japan to shoulder more responsibility for the safety of Japanese ships transporting oil from the always volatile Middle East...

  27. Presented without much comment.  I've seen the videos long ago, before YouTube yanked them.  Now with Trump tweeting about it, he is forcing the...

  28. Love the guy... If you need to deconstruct all the bullshit about O&G in 10 lines... here they are... https://www.barrons.com/articles/peter-lynch-how-to-find-growth-opportunities-in-todays-stock-market-51576877980 Oil is interesting. Look, longer term, solar, windmills...

  29.  .   .   .   So they are talking to their enemies.  That's good. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/26/world/middleeast/saudi-iran-qatar-talks.html It's about time.  Why should U.S. spend over $30 Billion a...

  30. The civilized world runs on oil and gas. Oil haters making oil & gas to be the bad guy is ludicrous. Way to go Norway, in...