1. The price of crude oil started tumbling again on Friday as the concerns mount over the banking sector in general and Credit Suisse in...

  2. Interestinger and interestinger.  More good news about international oil & gas getting back in the game again after getting burned big time by the...

  3.  Of all the companies around the world affected by Covid-19, none has disclosed a worse death toll than Pemex, Mexico’s state-owned oil producer. It...

  4. BP joined its competitors in posting a strong 2018 performance, with a doubling of profits driven by strong growth in oil and gas output...

  5. Question: if there's no further negotiation or agreement on trade between US and Iran , what next? 

  6. Is oil and gas industries dying in this pandemic situation?

  7. The US Glut this time is more shallow than the 2016 Glut. As of last week the EIA reported  US crude storage of about 440,000...

  8. Quote   https://www.linkedin.com/posts/meredithpoor_chevron-ceo-says-no-new-refineries-in-usever-activity-6938641347490807808-Fdh6?utm_source=linkedin_share&utm_medium=member_desktop_web So lets see here - no methane to liquids conversions, no 'biocrude' refining, no oil excreting algae, no electrochemical ethanol or other fuel production...

  9. Well, as you see, charts can predict future prices quite accurately. They can't predict the event though. But this is not saying you can...

  10.   platts: Venezuela's PDVSA has notified eight international customers it will not be able to meet its full crude supply commitments in June.  PDVSA is contractually...

  11. Angola's oil industry could be at a tipping point and not in a good direction: no interest in exploration from the industry, declining production...

  12. It seems funny that so much attention is given to the so called "oil glut" that tanked prices. Then the reduction of said glut...

  13. My hope for 2018 was an average of $65 oil (Brent). My hope for 2019 is an average of $70 (Brent). These are my own hopes and NOT price...

  14. Saudi Aramco hired TWO DOZEN of the World's most prestigious Investment Banks.  They're going to pay them a reported FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY MILLION in...

  15. Social media is something that I'm straying away from. Changing my mind and stuff is impossible when not allowed to delete previous posts. So I...

  16. I have a thought question for the readership. Responses are requested. The headline from CNBC reads "Saudi Arabia cuts oil production in July". Does that...

  17. To counter the hyperbole about the U.S. being energy independent.  While the U.S. currently exports more crude oil than it imports, the U.S. is very...

  18. Wonderful news for Oil & Gas in Southeast Asia !  Long overdue. Indonesia and Malaysia Lead in Upcoming Oil and Gas Projects Count in Southeast...

  19. The International Energy Agency (IEA) believes a recent spike in the oil price could soon start to ease, helping to alleviate concerns that surging...

  20. We've talked about oil types somewhat--this is a great article about the different types of oil for anyone interested.   https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/A-Detailed-Guide-On-The-Many-Different-Types-Of-Crude-Oil.html  

  21. All the info they give about is proven reserves but I cant find any info about currently uneconomic ones. What is the amount of...

  22. The oil and natural gas industry urged Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke to maintain his offshore drilling plan and open up federal waters from coast...

  23. . .

  24. GDP gain realized in shale boom’s first 10 years   The U.S. shale boom—a product of technological advances in horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing that unlocked...

  25. Way too much hysteria lately about impending U.S. sanctions against Iranian Oil. The more Iranian oil is removed from the legal markets under sanctions, the...

  26. Two tankers carrying Iranian condensate, a type of ultra-light oil, have been floating off the United Arab Emirates for about a month as demand...

  27. The United States has two objective behind keeping oil prices high: 1) it could keep shale producers making profit and 2) prompting Saudi Arabia...

  28. I was surprised to see the Permian referred to as "costly and crowded" by Reuters in this story. Wasn't it the cheapest place to pump oil...

  29. Scott Pruitt resign from his position leading the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Friday, following months of high-profile controversies regarding his spending, ethics and...

  30. The first commercial shipment of 250 barrels of good-quality oilsands heavy oil has left the mining site in Utah, produced by a novel technique...