1. Britain's most important oil route, Forties pipeline, down again, after being down for weeks starting in December. This does not bode well for the...

  2. Amusingly, Saudi Aramco is new to this list.  Because of KSA's "state secret" shenanigans regarding their "state secret" oil revenue and oil reserves.  And I will mostly...

  3. At least one positive article to help counter the tidal wave of negative information regarding producing and refining oil, we can’t really believe that in...

  4. Inslee unveils plan to fight fossil fuel pollution, ban fracking https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/449973-inslee-unveils-plan-to-fight-fossil-fuel-pollution

  5. Insurer says Iran’s Guards likely to have organized tanker attacks Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) are “highly likely” to have facilitated attacks last Sunday on...

  6. Interactive Map: Crude Oil Pipelines and Refineries of the U.S. and Canada https://www.visualcapitalist.com/interactive-map-crude-oil-pipelines-and-refineries-of-the-u-s-and-canada/ Visualizing All Crude Oil Pipelines & Refineries Across US & Canada https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/interactive-map-crude-oil-pipelines-and-refineries-us-and-canada Visualizing All Crude...

  7. Hi just joined the community. I am a consultant Directional Driller wondering when things will get better. Day rates on the big wide world...

  8. crudoil

    How do you know the inventory of the market in crude oil?

  9. Because of the Thanksgiving holiday in the US, Baker Hughes will release its rig count on Wednesday instead of Friday. API and EIA data...

  10. I invested into Callon Petroleum Company (CPE) yesterday & bought 1650 shares @ $5.46 per share.  I could’ve sold them when the stock went...

  11. What does it take to invest in Oil & Gas and which way to go?

  12. "The overhang of unwanted crude and oil products has reached OPEC’s target, but the group now says it would rather see a pickup in...

  13. BP’s investors unite over fears firm is ‘falling behind’ on climate Good.

  14. This could be a good first topic. Enjoy the report on IPCC's Web Site here Or Read an article about it here Pure fun reading and a predicted +...

  15. Um, a gentle reminder, I'm still accepting friendly wagers (such as the loser buys lunch) that the USA and Iran will normalize relations by the...

  16. Iran vs CIA oil intrigue is heating up.  Irina Slav on Oil Price main news site is also reporting about this.  But first, here is...

  17. Raise your hand if you link OPEC is going to lend a helping hand to Saudi Arabia's old chum, Iran. Iran has been a constant...

  18. Have the Iranian people had enough of their Religious Dictatorship government?  Gasoline prices have doubled and tripled. I've worked with Iranians, and have no problem...

  19. Reported to be passing through the strait to KSA. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/jul/19/british-tanker-iran-capture-fears-stena-impero-uk-ship-latest https://www.nmg-stena.com/news/company-statement-stena-impero/ COMPANY STATEMENT - STENA IMPERO - 1840BST 19th Jul 2019 Stena Bulk and Northern Marine Management can confirm...

  20. And in totally unexpected news, Iran once again breaks a written agreement.  Its assurances are apparently meaningless.  I'm shocked.  Shocked I tell you!   The Tylers on...

  21. The Saudis want to keep tightening the market and pushing prices up and now Iran's come out with an official statement against higher oil...

  22. The Tylers on ZH are landing zingers again, with their take on the Trump vs. Iran government feud intensifying. PetroYuan meanwhile: Ahmadinejad Urges End To US...

  23. A few of the biggest Iran importers in Asia, such as  China, Japan, S Korea imported near 30 percent  less oil crude from Iran...

  24. Funny this huge oil discovery in Iran is announced shortly after Saudi Aramco announced its plan to move forward with an IPO. < *cough* > Iran...

  25. If Saudi Arabia and other neighboring countries succeed in replacing Iranian oil in world markets and if the nuclear deal does not continue ,...

  26. India set out to cancel some Iranian oil imports because their insurance carrier dropped them like a hot potato. Iran generously stepped in to...

  27. Pretty good analysis of the Iran oil political pressure cooker, in my opinion. I've mentioned a few of the points in this article in...

  28. With U.S. sanctions having successfully reduced Iranian oil exports to near-zero, one might think that the Islamic Republic would be on the brink of...

  29. You would think IRAQ, IRAN, LIBYA, others that have great oil wealth in the ground (for now) would look at the beautiful cities, resorts...

  30. The article below from Arab News smells like *disinformation* to me. Really, I find it difficult to believe that the U.S. and Iran would be...