1. As expected, as oil prices soar, and the oil price bulls stampede with joyful abandon, the IEA dumps its cold water harbinger of the coming...

  2. Venezuela said over the weekend that it managed to lift oil production for December. How likely is this? How much discrepancy is there going to be...

  3. Anyone else notice in a recent interview Harold Hamm, often outspoken CEO of Continental resources blaming Canada for US heavy oil refining capacity issues?...

  4. Interesting reading from SRSrocco Report.  Long article, presents quite a bit of information to consider and mull over. Has Peak Diesel Arrived? The Data Doesn’t...

  5. https://www.dailyfx.com/news/crude-oil-price-retreats-on-opec-perspective-and-a-firm-us-dollar-where-to-for-wti-20230526.html aaccording to this oil has started to tumbelled what is the future friday price should go down ?

  6. Greece, a NATO member and a country that often faces forms of Turkish hostilities on its doorstep, and Saudi Arabia have signed a deal...

  7. i have a feeling that they will drop to $45 a barrell before beginning to rise again. It seemed there was a bounce today...

  8. All Renewables Hoax in Hawaii LNG would be the best bet for Hawaii if it wants to have clean air. Solar and Wind are eyesores...

  9. How many rigs on land and on offshre?

  10. More PR than substance. The producers have to make major cuts to exports not production.   There is so much oil in storage and the demand destruction...

  11. Some can never pass up an opportunity to dump on shale. 

  12. The article headline reads, U.S. Shale Braces For Largest Ever Drop In Fracking Activity. And yet Halliburton stock is up 17% over five days, up...

  13. Worth noting that hedge funds have placed their bets on this big game as Iran sanctions near. Fund managers are now holding a net...

  14. http://www.petronerds.com/hedging-haircuts-and-big-basis-moves/ Another fantastic article by the folks over at Petronerds. You would think with the price of WTI rising operators would now be turning a...

  15. Let's say that oil or gas spikes up bigtime like natural gas just did. Heck, the futures price went from about $3.00 on October...

  16. Biting my nails here on midterm day!  Watching: Colorado ballot initiative 97 California ballot proposition 6 Washington State Carbon tax Initiative 1631 North Dakota Senator Heitkamp v Cramer Florida Senator...

  17. Question: If, hypothetically, a E&P has hedged production of 100,000 barrels with a ceiling of $65 and crude goes to $100 does that company...

  18. Pres. Trump threatens to lessen US security role in Strait of Hormuz, unveils sanctions In tweet, Trump signals change to 40-year-old maritime security doctrine Analyst sees...

  19. Oil eased on Wednesday, but held in sight of three-year highs reached the previous day, as rising U.S. fuel inventories and production weighed on...

  20. Will this escalate ? Hopefully blows over.  Mideast doesn't need another war . https://abcnews.go.com/Business/wireStory/oil-prices-surge-attack-saudi-oil-site-76317570   

  21. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-01-17/activist-valueact-takes-aes-stake-in-push-for-cleaner-energy   haha...and I bet he buys Playboy for the articles.

  22. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Which-Oil-Major-Has-The-Best-Investment-Strategy.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+oilpricecom+(Oil+Price.com+Daily+News+Update) Total's low-cost purchase in Libya, Exxon's aggressive capex when others are skimping, or Hess's buybacks?

  23. NYC Mayor De Blasio throwing darts at Virtue Signaling dartboard, aiming for the Darwin Awards at the bulls-eye.   How many people in NYC will freeze...

  24. Presented without comment, the article title is clear enough. Sam Zell: 'Every Recession Since 1973 Has Been Due to Oil Prices'  

  25. On one of my old hard drives, I stumbled across a Word document of one of my old articles for Oilpro from 2015.  The...

  26. Way too much hysteria lately about impending U.S. sanctions against Iranian Oil. The more Iranian oil is removed from the legal markets under sanctions, the...

  27. Interest Rate Hike Hits Oil Hard Oil prices have been slammed over the past week, dragged down by a variety of forces, including soaring U.S....

  28. The price of crude oil is falling and some analysts believe that the so-called demand destruction has set in - finally. Two major global...

  29. I'm very much pro oil & gas.  And currently I am very much knowingly biased in favor of oil & gas over "renewable" energy, which...