1. How many flying cars for Saudi future city NEOM can MBS buy with $1.5 Billion.  Giving son money to buy you present is nice.  Giving...

  2. Seems I'm not the only one who thinks oil prices should be at around $65. For the last few years (2015 to 2017) I have...

  3. Here's a sprawling, wild rollercoaster of an Oil & Gas history tale, mostly around Alberta. @Mike Shellman clearly had fun writing about this true adventure, and...

  4. Why NOPEC, the U.S. bill to crush the OPEC cartel, matters https://www.fxempire.com/news/article/explainer-why-nopec-the-u-s-bill-to-crush-the-opec-cartel-matters-990201 By Timothy Gardner WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A U.S. Senate committee is expected to pass...

  5. I'm not one for fear mongering, particularly for an industry like oil that already has a healthy dose of fear mongering spread daily. But...

  6. We all know that big oil and the militancy in the Niger Delta have destroyed this place for local communities, but I hadn't heard...

  7. Or is this wishful thinking?

  8.                                                ...

  9. Preamble: Over the past two and one-half years we have seen a massive increase in bankruptcies of energy based companies.  This has been accompanied by...

  10. Life with energy scarcity 101 Irina Slav Energy scarcity seems to be descending over Europe slowly but surely and while the focus continues to be, for...

  11. Is Russia perhaps trying to dissuade competing nations from investing heavily in expensive Arctic Oil exploration, by stating that long term oil prices will...

  12. This article does a fairly deep dive into the Venezuela Oil problem.  Meaty, lengthy and disruptive. Tackles some prickly subjects that will likely poke people...

  13. .

  14. Ya know, I was only half joking when I suggested this morning that this forum should add a sub-forum for Trump Derangement Syndrome oil...

  15. Latin American nation is heavily dependent on its physical links with US oil industry. US embargo on Venezuela covering imports and exports of crude oil...

  16. The Saudi state-owned oil producer is planning to become a publicly listed company and has appointed five new board members. Among them is Lynn...

  17. IMO 2020 could cause Brent price spike to $80/b by end-2019 The oil market is likely to tighten further in the second half of the...

  18. Even though it looks like it the end for oil prices. Chart tells a different story. I think I made a mistake predicting the...

  19. < *facepalm* > Remind me not to accept any oil gigs in Trinidad and Tobago. Be prepared to die, Duke tells oil workers Public Services Association (PSA)...

  20. Not really a great time to try to attract new investment for Oil & Gas in Somalia. Somalia President Signs New Oil Bill into Law Somali President...

  21. The unexpected crash of the oil price on Friday has left the OPEC+ - as well as the bankers who saw the price hitting...

  22. India is planning to boost its use of biofuels to reduce its dependence on imported oil, the PM has said. Not sure how productive...

  23. The Trump administration lifted restrictions on the sale of higher ethanol blends of gasoline, keeping a campaign promise to farmers suffering from the trade...

  24. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/The-Truth-Behind-The-Torpedoed-Tankers.html  So now we have the 'truth' from some talking head on OilPrice.com. We don't have to look any further into the situation from either...

  25. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/02/world/europe/russia-ukraine-drone-strike.html?ugrp=m&unlocked_article_code=1.hk0.3k7x.tUY_VBGBFfSV&smid=url-share   Ukraine seems to be targeting oil refineries, not crude oil pipelines, not petroleum storage sites. Why? (1) Crude oil pipelines can be repaired fairly quickly. (2) Crude...

  26. is open house scheduled yet? Is the price negotiable? Why is 90 year old "single man" selling it? Too many questions on this one https://www.cbsnews.com/news/oil-tycoon-pickens-selling-texas-ranch-for-250-million/      

  27. Oil prices jumped after Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu revealed files he claims show Iran ran a secret program to produce nuclear weapons. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/04/30/benjamin-netanyahu-to-address-iran-nuclear-deal-sending-oil-higher.html

  28. I have started a petition to white house I need signatures, if you have better ideas I encourage you to do this same. Share...

  29. once the dust settle's I have my doubts if this whole Iran sanction deal will have any lasting effect on crude supply or price,...

  30. Russian pension funds are considering investments in Aramco, and so are Chinese companies. Won't that be the best shareholder lineup EVER?