1. Hello everyone, I am pretty noobish when it comes to oil industry. I have a pretty basic question, so world oil demand is 100mln barrels...

  2. The surprise move by the Trump Administration  to reverse plans for new offshore oil and gas drilling off the coast of Florida quickly spurred...

  3. During an interview after Wednesday's OPEC+ Technical Meeting Novak stated Russia is "comfortable" with $50 bbl oil going forward.  Is this the new benchmark...

  4. Oil Services Should Get Ready for a Recession, Rystad Warns   https://finance.yahoo.com/news/oil-services-ready-recession-rystad-121652401.html

  5. Some deepwater projects can now break even at $30 a barrel and by some Rystad means 16. Good going for deepwater explorers.

  6. Alphabet reportedly in talks with Aramco, according to WSJ sources, about building a tech hub--specifically data centers--in the Kingdom. Still a mystery is whose...

  7. The exponential rise of the US crude inventories is hardly a catalyst for the crude oil markets to recover the lost ground in the...

  8. Need analytics  resonse for Change prices  🤔 every hour

  9. Many folks do not know the history of the Climate Change narrative, and how it directly relates to Big Oil type power structures, nor...

  10. I haven't heard anything about Drilled Uncompleted wells in quite awhile. Does that mean they have all been completed and that production has been...

  11. Iran on Monday announced that the 2.1 million barrels of crude aboard an Iranian oil tanker pursued by the U.S. has been sold to...

  12. Vlad doesn't look too happy. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-russia-pollution/putin-backs-state-of-emergency-in-arctic-region-over-fuel-spill-in-river-idUSKBN23A2HL

  13. "What started as a pipeline protest in Calgary quickly became a show of support for the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion and the oil industry...

  14. The Saudi one trick pony (which has been firmly dependent on easy oil revenues) will have the pony bucking and kicking and throwing a mule-digging-in-its-heels-tantrum, as the...

  15. The head of the U.S.  Environmental Protection Agency defended his agency’s expanded use of waivers exempting refineries from the nation’s biofuel law during a...

  16. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the interactive...

  17. Defendants include BP, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, ExxonMobil and Royal Dutch Shell.  I see they have one of the largest smog problems in america, but when it comes...

  18. As per Oil Price- Are we finally hearing and seeing a Peak in the Rhetoric. Years of that kind of spin are starting to wear...

  19. The oil and gas industry is facing challenging times, particularly from changes in the political landscape and increased price volatility. Understanding the nuances of...

  20. New weekly free energy podcast with star guests https://www.macrovoices.com/111-macro-voices-energy-week/564-energy-week-geopolitics-bull-bear-cases-and-price-outlook Ignore at your own risk:)

  21. Why dont OP @CMOP just write the code to ban all Chinese alphabets from the community, its ruining the forum, once I see it I...

  22. Oil group Total hopes new supercomputer will help it find oil faster and more cheaply PARIS (Reuters) - Energy major Total said its new supercomputer...

  23. The AltaGas/Royal Vopak Ridley Island Propane Export Terminal in the Port of Prince Rupert, BC, is poised to receive and load its first Very...

  24. The trial against Shell and Eni, along with several executives from the two supermajors has started. They are accused of bribery in a Nigeria...

  25. The oil-sands recovery technique patented by folks connected with Petroteq, incorporated in California, having Canadian engineers, and a backstop financier an oil dealer in...

  26. That is ridiculous. The Salman Brothers MBS and ABS miscalculated .  Their reign would not survive even 1 year at $25 oil, much less 2...

  27. I am thinking we should start this party!! When Sd is done and COVID is gone , that is the restrictions from it I would like...

  28. In recent weeks I have seen several cases where the EIA has reported 'surprise' draws an builds on the oil supply. Generally, if there are...

  29. Are we approaching the end game as far as petroleum engineering is concerned? Does petroleum engineering follow mining engineering pattern of (slowly) getting vanished? Will there...

  30. I really do not know much about the oil extraction industry.  That said, this seems to be a bailout to me.  Comments appreciated. Chronicle of...