1. Venezuela owes Russia and China huge amounts of money from numerous, repeated loans to bail out the Venezuelan Socialist government.  Both Russia and China...

  2. Did this group for Spread the general knowledge as we bigger we are better!  I, for example, bought APA when it was 4.3 and NBL...

  3. Oil Companies Join Corporate Lobbying Push for U.S. Carbon Tax   (Bloomberg) -- Oil companies, automakers and consumer products manufacturers will unleash a campaign for a...

  4.   Big Oil is moving aggressively into petrochemicals, unleashing huge amounts of capital for new projects worldwide. A natural extension would be the acquisition of...

  5. In that battle, my money is on the hackers. Let's look at a side-by-side, shall we? Hackers are young, oil companies are run by old people. Hackers...

  6. Oil company finding costs reached a 10-year low in 2018 In 2018, a group of the world's largest crude oil and natural gas producers added...

  7. California regulators have issued at $12.5 million fine to an oil company with a long history of safety violations and regulatory lapses. The Department of...

  8. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-north-east-orkney-shetland-46565896 stow away from Italy, Gordon the gecko apparently posed a great risk to Native species and was consequently put down.  🦎 RIP, Gordon! 😔

  9. Where does this site get its data from?

  10. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GSbXheVVG2a5K6no8KtdPwmvYHU37HTdBlo0F-6lFmM/edit

  11. A multitude of Western MSM headlines blame Trump for falling oil prices.   Here's one that doesn't: Oil Declines as Saudi Arabia Restores Capacity Ahead of Schedule (Bloomberg)...

  12. I must admit I get a kick out from reading about the pundits "enlightening" us all on what we can expect concerning oil demand...

  13. According to Bank of America, oil demand could hit a peak and then enter decline by 2030. BoA Merrill Lynch  said that for the...

  14. Oil demand needs to halve, gas use must drop by 10% and coal use needs to be all but eradicated by 2050 to achieve...

  15. Gasoline prices are up about 30 cents a gallon for the average American over the past year. At about $2.80 a gallon, gasoline is...

  16. Oil prices fell on Tuesday, weighed down by a stronger dollar and oversupply concerns after it was announced that a trio of Gulf producers...

  17. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/Oil-Discoveries-Hit-70-Year-Low.html The last three years has been the worst stretch of time in seventy years for new conventional oil discoveries. A new report from IHS Markit finds that...

  18. Another one bites the dust... Kommunal Landspensjonskasse, a Norwegian $70 Billion pension fund,  announced today that it will exclude companies that derive revenue from oil sands.

  19. U.S. oil drillers are rapidly transitioning to electric power, driving electricity sales up by 16% in New Mexico and 58% in North Dakota, as...

  20. Clearly, we are all going to die.  We are all going to die a horrible death from Climate Panic.  And it is all Trump's...

  21. You never know with Russia.  Could be an agreement or could be a head fake.  We will see  A few thoughts: 1. The troops pulling back are in...

  22. The judge presiding over the case of San Francisco and Oakland vs Chevron, Exxon, BP, Shell, and Conoco has given everyone homework: evaluate the...

  23. Vietnam is trying dozens of executives from its state-owned energy firm for losses incurred. Penalties on the table include death penalty. HARSHEST OF HARSH!

  24. Key bit of the article bolded below. Oil Extends Gains As OPEC Leaders Call Emergency Meeting To Discuss Trump Production Cuts Global oil prices extended gains...

  25. The argument goes as follows. U.S. tariffs would tend to reduce China's economic growth. And this, in turn, would have an impact on its...

  26. Brent crude oil rose on Tuesday, paring losses triggered by expectations that Saudi Arabia and Russia could pump more crude to compensate for a...

  27. Crude futures turned lower Friday after President Donald Trump suggested in a tweet that OPEC is keeping oil prices artificially high and said he would...

  28. Oil prices fell on Friday and were set for a second straight week of decline after Libyan ports reopened and on the view that...

  29. From a surge in share prices to a collapse of circa 20%, oil tanker stocks have taken a beating over the last few days....

  30. What is happening with the requirement that EU pay for Russian natual gas in Rubles? Can't find any updates since April 2nd. What is happening?