1. Oil, LNG, shipping markets digest new risks after Strait of Hormuz attack Risk levels associated with shipping crude oil and LNG via the Strait of...

  2. "Green New Deal" is insanity. Green New Deal FAQ attached.  Please do read it. Here's an excerpt.  $4.6 Trillion to repair and upgrade U.S. infrastructure ? !    Here's a...

  3. So, crude oil gets one of the most excellent EIA reports this week and yet, oil price is headed downward in price once again.  Last...

  4. Preamble: Over the past two and one-half years we have seen a massive increase in bankruptcies of energy based companies.  This has been accompanied by...

  5. .

  6. < *sigh* > Reluctantly, I have to agree with this assessment by Nick Cunningham. A gentle reminder, I do not want to see triple digit oil prices....

  7. US crude exports are averaging 4M barrels per day, up 19% vs. 2022. || ZEROHEDGE: For those who are confused why the US has spent...

  8. "Over the past year, production from the Permian in West Texas and New Mexico has changed, with more super-light oil being extracted, as producers...

  9. Trump has been the WORST president for oil prices and oil companies in a generation.  Just look at the results.  

  10. Now that overproduction of oil has lowered prices. What will happen to oil producing countries that are overly dependent on oil profits? I can...

  11. Let's say that oil or gas spikes up bigtime like natural gas just did. Heck, the futures price went from about $3.00 on October...

  12. If something is not done quickly to jack up the price of oil, I'm afraid a lot of it will have to be left in...

  13. This amusing item was on the BBC site. The police in Scotland did well in stopping the car without injury to anyone or even...

  14. When oil prices crossed $71...it was in no time that the bulls came to announce for a $90 oil very soon. However, it was...

  15. It now seems to be a daily occurrence which has flipped 180 from BOOM to BUST, are we finally beginning to see reason? https://www.rigzone.com/news/shale_oil_pioneers_say_the_boom_is_ending-6-nov-2019-160255-article/?utm_source=GLOBAL_ENG&utm_medium=SM_LI&utm_campaign=SHARE_DESKTOP

  16. Without offering commentary on the rightness or wrongness of climate change, eco-friendly movements, renewables, and whatnot, I proffer this prognostication for your perusal.  A depressing...

  17. EXCERPT:  It is, in fact, entirely accurate and fair to explain the high energy prices as a result of clean energy transition policies. It...

  18. MEP Stasys Jakeliūnas (Greens, LT), MEP Ivan Vilibor Sinčić (Croatia – [MEP code=HR]) (NI, HR), MEP Virginie Joron (ID, FR), MEP Cristian Terhes (ECR,...

  19. Reports form ScienceDaily.com indicated discovery of massive leaks of banned chemicals CFC, (Eastern China, May 2019), and Carbon Tetrachloride (South America, October 2018). Such...

  20. You may all go to hell and I will go to Texas. Most famously stated by Davy Crockett. And now Elon Musk. Tesla will be...

  21. China's 2019 coal imports set to rise more than 10%: analysts     BEIJING/MELBOURNE (Reuters) - China, the world's top coal buyer, is on track to boost...

  22. Story #1: EU Chief Calls Nord Stream Attack "Sabotage," Warns Of "Strongest Possible Response"  and Story #3: Former Bank of England Governor Carney’s Net...

  23. Progression Of Completions   The evolution of designs hastens the U.S. shale boom. In the 70 years since the first hydraulically fractured well began commercial operations, the technique’s processes and...

  24. Social media is something that I'm straying away from. Changing my mind and stuff is impossible when not allowed to delete previous posts. So I...

  25. What has Trump actually done to make Oil and Gas Successful? I’m not asking because I am trying to stir the pot, more asking...

  26. The International Maritime Organisation's (IMO) has ruled to reduce the sulphur cap for bunker fuel from 3.5% to 0.5% by 2020. The world merchant...

  27. And it's going to get worse, before it gets better. And ... when global economies eventually recover, when the global oil glut eventually dissipates, and...

  28. Oil, oil everywhere, but not a job to spare. Currently there is a temporary halt to all immigration into the U.S. Perhaps a temporary halt to overseas...

  29. Sometimes the market won't give you the targets you request, at those times you need to take what you can, and say thank you,...