1. https://www.ntd.com/rejoining-paris-climate-deal-will-have-devastating-economic-consequences-experts-say_556723.html This is at the heart of Biden's America Second Policy. We deserve better leadership. RCW Rejoining Paris Climate Deal Will Have Devastating Economic Consequences, Experts...

  2. Does anyone know what I can read (recent) to better understand the relationship with oil and finance in the U.S. and elsewhere? 

  3. When the rolling blackouts were happening in California, they decried it was due to "peak demand" and wildfires, and the negligence of the utility...

  4. Well..... I have always maintained that predicting oil prices is a very tricky business. However,one should always try to grasp the "trends" that have,...

  5. Oil prices declined on Friday, with Brent slipping away from the $70 mark reached the previous day, but both main contracts were set for...

  6. Here's where things return to normal and transcend political lines in the sand. All the governor of coastal states don't want Washington to open...

  7. Have you ever wondered how to set up an R&D lab for your company? We can help you find the answer to this question....

  8. The brazen attack on the Israel-connected tanker near Oman coast has the potential to open up a new conflict in addition to the catalogue...

  9. Saudi Arabia and the UAE, which were assumed to be good regional allies,  are at the loggerheads over the OPEC+ production cust and the calculations...

  10. Reading about the restructuring effects by Chesapeake is not a surprise at all. That’s the next step companies would take after cutting down their...

  11. I'm in favor of the Rigs to Reefs program.  When I have worked on offshore oil platforms, it is amazing how much the subsea...

  12. The latest Reuters poll apparently tries to put a negative spin on positive news.  Weird. My personal view is U.S. Shale Oil production should start...

  13. Trump bends over backwards to please MBS and the Saudi government.  He spends9 Billions of U.S. taxpayers dollars and risks U.S. troops lives defending...

  14. Started last week.  I don't consider major news, at least not yet.  There's a feeling in the Hedge Fund community that all the sanctions...

  15. OPEC moved closer on Friday toward boosting oil output as its leader Saudi Arabia appeared to have persuaded arch-rival Iran to cooperate, after major...

  16. With the name "OilPrice.com" I guess it's inevitable, but the articles very often discuss "price" when the real issue is revenue. For example: https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Saudi-Arabia-Braces-For-Painful-Austerity-Measures-As-Low-Oil-Prices-Persist.html Producers have...

  17. In case anyone forgets, I believe @Jan van Eck warned of a continuing crisis unfolding in parts of Canada: Revenues For Canada’s Oil Towns Dwindle As...

  18. As the signatories to the JCPOA, 2015 nuclear deal, are meeting up in Vienna, Austria, for the eight round of talks, a sense of...

  19. The biggest, baddest, b-somethingest lawsuit to date: 21 defendants. Rhode Island AG claims the state has been uniquely damaged but Big Bad Oil. Don't they...

  20. What is Rich gas and Lean gas?

  21. https://www.newsmax.com/politics/rickperry-resign/2019/10/03/id/935580/   Rick Perry Expected to Resign as Energy Secretary Read Newsmax: Rick Perry Expected to Resign as Energy Secretary | Newsmax.com Urgent: Do you approve of Pres. Trump? Vote Here...

  22. Also, Record Crude Oil EXPORTS 3.48 MILLION BARRELS DAY Exports limited by lack of VLCC capable export terminals.  New terminals 18 to 24 months away    Large...

  23. Rigs +14 today, mostly oil. DUC wells to be reported on in a few days. August to September saw an increase of 192 DUCs to...

  24. Oil explorers dialed back on drilling at the fastest pace in 2 1/2 years in U.S. fields as volatile crude prices crippled efforts to...

  25. Africa's getting more and more attention: offshore oil rigs there have recovered to the highest in 2 years. Next hot spot?

  26. https://www.rigzone.com/news/opec_price_spike_will_be_shortlived-13-dec-2019-160570-article/  "The price spike on last Friday’s OPEC+ news will be short-lived due to continuing questions about the group’s ongoing compliance, increased supply in the...

  27. I mentioned Rigzone up front in the thread title, because it is becoming increasingly difficult to find actual hard news (i.e. facts) in my...

  28. https://www.rigzone.com/news/us_oil_export_story_has_really_just_started-19-feb-2020-161131-article/ 

  29. Yeah.