1. After a heated battle, controversial Enbridge Line 5, which runs underneath the Straits of Mackinac, will be replaced at an expense of $500 million (to...

  2. This Iranian spark is short time only. Economical recoveries are slowing down. 68 on wti or recession. Brent will bring 76.

  3. The west Texas drillers that drove the shale revolution have overwhelmed the region’s infrastructure with oil production -driving up costs, depressing regional oil prices...

  4. With the new IMO emissions rules a lot of fuel oil with high sulfur content will become unnecessary, at least for the maritime industry....

  5. China’s Sinopec is cutting loadings of crude oil from Iran by half this month, as the state refiner comes under U.S. pressure to comply...

  6. Worth noting that hedge funds have placed their bets on this big game as Iran sanctions near. Fund managers are now holding a net...

  7.       As we can see the boost of prices happening these days in the oil industry reaching 85$ for Brent Crude. This all comes related...

  8. Husky seems bent on buying MEG Energy but some say others might smell the blood and join the party. Consolidation, mehr consolidation!

  9. The inimitable @Mike Shellman writes again. Worth paying attention to. Cartoon Of the Week In spite of higher oil prices, rising natural gas prices and much higher well...

  10. OPEC delivered only a limited increase in oil production in September, a Reuters survey has found, as a cut in Iranian shipments due to...

  11. Permian – update through June 2018 This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions...

  12. WTI 75 BRENT 85

  13. Trump Hit Iran With Oil Sanctions. So Far, They’re Working. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/19/business/energy-environment/iran-oil-sanctions.html Comment: I wrote few weeks back that September will be a bearish month for oil...

  14. I've yet to wrap my head around the possibility of BuzzFeed being an outlet featuring serious fact-based reporting but I'm aware that things change...

  15. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-mexico-oil-exploration/mexico-must-double-oil-exploration-spending-to-halt-output-fall-pemex-idUSKCN1M82VN?rpc=401& I guess it's better than nothing, but Mexico's decade+ oil production decline is unlikely to be saved anytime soon by upping spending now. Also saw...

  16. The great debate when it comes to the price is if price is driven by technicals or fundamentals.  It seems many take a side...

  17. Niobrara (CO & WY) - update through July 2018 This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To...

  18. Funny, that. Shell has been so strict about sanction compliance so far.

  19. what kinds of counsulting companies do you know need in a oil asset acquisition project? Please...Thank you.

  20. To be sure, the $40 discount is only for some contracts for lower-grade crude but even the higher grades sell $32 cheaper than WTI....

  21. Saudi Arabia Looks To Fill The Gap In Iran’s Condensate Sales  -  a peculiar move that's clearly directed at capturing market share from Iran...

  22. The Port of Corpus Christie is looking to dredge the ports channel deeper to allow VLCC's to move 300,00 barrels at a time from...

  23. White House national security adviser John Bolton dismissed an EU plan for a special payments plan to circumvent U.S. sanctions against Iranian oil sales...

  24. Iranian ship transponders clearly are being shut off, to avoid detection. Iranian Oil Tankers Go Dark With 1 1/2 Months to Go to Sanctions Iran’s oil...

  25. Each Monday & Thursday mornings at 10:00 AM EST, Genscape releases Cushing, Okla.  crude builds/draws using orbital surveillance technology, this release is in advance...

  26. Is this present oil price sustainable?

  27. Title pretty much sums up my outlook for the rest of this year. Saudi Arabia is getting greedy again, and says it is comfortable with...

  28. Mirth.  California is the gift that just keeps giving giggles about Correct Thinkingness absurdity. ‘GREEN’ CALIFORNIA IS MORE RELIANT ON FOREIGN OIL THAN EVER BEFORE California’s...

  29. Bemused frustration at this counter-intention.  Canadian article, but the point getting poked about "zero-manning" goals rings true. Why do we listen to oil execs when...

  30. North Dakota 'just won the geology lottery.' Oil exec estimates the Bakken reserves hold 30 to 40 billion barrels of recoverable oil By Patrick Springer...