1. https://www.whoi.edu/press-room/news-release/origin-of-massive-methane-reservoir-identified/

  2. Pan American, YPF to raise gas drilling on Argentina's stimulus program   Pan American Energy and YPF, two of the biggest oil and natural gas producers...

  3. Papua New Guineans have blamed Exxon for the recent devastating earthquake that killed scores of people. Apparently, even some in the government suspect that drilling...

  4. PennEast Appealing Wacky 3rd Circuit Decision to Supreme Court https://naturalgasnow.org/penneast-appealing-wacky-3rd-circuit-decision-to-supreme-court/

  5. Marcellus (PA) – update through July 2018 This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the...

  6. Gulf Coast Express Pipeline Placed in Service Ahead of Schedule Tuesday, September 24, 2019 4:10 pm EDT   EmailPrintRSS HOUSTON--Kinder Morgan, Inc. (NYSE: KMI) today announced that the...

  7. PetroChina Co. signed a deal with Qatargas Operating Co. to purchase 3.4 million tons of liquefied natural gas annually, the Chinese company’s biggest supply...

  8. India has seen a huge surge in two wheelers users in last 5 years. The government has begun thinking in terms of rapid electrification...

  9. Malaysia's Petronas is looking at greener O&G grass overseas these days, likely due to internal squabbles at home with the 4 oil & gas...

  10. President Putin instructed Gazprom to change the currency into rubles in contracts with countries whose "currencies have been compromised", because "there is no point...

  11.   How can you have a fire under water. Does the gas pipeline have oxygen in it?

  12. Poland backs US natural gas for European diversification of sources and independence from Russia.  https://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/09/19/polish-president-backs-trump-warning-nato-of-russia-germany-pipeline/

  13. https://lngprime.com/europe/polands-don-trucking-expands-lng-powered-fleet/27652/

  14. Poland's marine LNG terminal on the Baltic has received its 40th hefty cargo of LNG on September 5th, demonstrating the resolve of the Polish...

  15. Well, it turns out that the Poles are eager to do business with the USA and import fresh LNG supplies instead of buying gas...

  16. Poland, always cautious about getting ensnared in Russian gas dependency, has now finalized a long-term contract for LNG gas from the USA. To quote...

  17. Unexpected news.  Bad news for coal and for Russia's gas quasi-monopoly.  Good news for LNG exporters.  Competition is good, it provides *choice* to buyers.   Poland...

  18. While the EU whines about Nord Stream 2 but does nothing to speed up the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline, Poland is taking actual action and diversifying...

  19. With the 'historic' record cold wave (headlines I have seen), why the heck did nat gas go DOWN? You'd think it would spike. Over...

  20. Electric grid is will not get the power it needs this up coming summer. Power shortage. Western, Mid Western states.

  21. President Trump: Delivers Opening Remarks at the World Economic Forum … America Rises… https://videos.whatfinger.com/2020/01/21/president-trump-delivers-opening-remarks-at-the-world-economic-forum-america-rises/  At about 20 minutes into his speech he covers new energy technology.  https://www.energy.gov/fe/science-innovation/oil-gas-research/methane-hydrate    

  22. From Kommersant 17.06.2021 https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/4858093 Quote   "Power of Siberia" in money Gazprom disclosed the price of supplies to China For the first time, Gazprom has officially disclosed data that allow...

  23. I'm curious if anyone on the gas forum is from the insurance industry involved with underwriting gas pipelines ? We are working on a...

  24. http://www.easyenergyusa.com/fuel-cost-calculator.html

  25. I set out on my annual quest to purchase propane for heat mid-week last week. We don't use just propane, we also burn wood,...

  26. What are the advantages of using Natural Gas instead of oil products?

  27. Prospects for Expanding Outlets for Western Canadian Gas Supply While it’s widely known that Canada’s natural gas prices and exports have been under increasing pressure...

  28. this guy never sleeps https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-puitin-yamal-lng-chinese-french-partners/28905542.html

  29. Looks like Qatar is going to be forced to shut in some production of its LNG.  Once available LNG tankers get filled up, there is kinda...

  30. Qatar Petroleum and Exxon Mobil Corp announced on Tuesday they will proceed with a $10 billion project to expand a liquefied natural gas (LNG)...

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