1. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Natural-Gas/The-Next-LNG-Boom-Will-Dwarf-The-Last-One.html The Next LNG Boom Will Dwarf The Last One By Tsvetana Paraskova - May 28, 2019, 3:00 PM CDT Join Our Community  

  2. https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/automotive-natural-gas-vehicles-market Automotive Natural Gas Vehicle Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Fuel Type (CNG, LNG), By Vehicle Type (Passenger, Light-duty & Heavy-duty Buses...

  3. Marine LNG fuel bunkering is becoming more common and should become an expected fuel option within ten years.  See http://www.bunkerportsnews.com/News.aspx?ElementID=fe181f26-f9d8-437d-8c72-603ada63619c

  4. May I ask if the price of UGAZ will crash falling down if the winter is warm? many thanks.

  5. Back around 2016, on the now defunct Oilpro forum, I made a whole series of comments, outlining my projection that the global glut of LNG...

  6. Both Russian and U.S. gas are in Germany's future energy mix: official So can we all just grow up? No.

  7. There’s More Upside For Natural Gas Prices By Irina Slav - Oct 06, 2020, 1:00 PM CDT https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Theres-More-Upside-For-Natural-Gas-Prices.html With winter around the corner, the outlook for natural...

  8. This week's update on our glorious shale revolution as we hit 4,000 posts!! https://mailchi.mp/0ffe31bf68d5/weekly-update-from-naturalgasnow-1017521?e=8ff9f03c42

  9. wisekey 04:03 PM $UGAZ  even though I am done, I won't advise my enemy to buy this nonsense sayheykid304:05 PM $UGAZ maaaaan these are the types of days...

  10. hello,  do you have experience for, create, implement, develop, administrate and use , SS-LNG  ( small size LNG)  using small carrier and smaññ loading offloading...

  11. Japan’s Tokyo Gas has agreed on a 13-year flexible liquefied natural gas purchase deal with Malaysia’s Petronas in the latest move among large buyers...

  12. Japan’s biggest city gas seller Tokyo Gas Co expects that contracts for liquefied natural gas (LNG) cargoes with destination flexibility will spread from the...

  13. Total has closed the purchase of Engie's LNG business and is now among the top LNG producers globally. Once again, smart company, very smart.

  14. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/africa-deal-extends-french-giant-totals-lng-push-2019-05-12 Again, smart Total.

  15. .... you know I should not take pleasure in this but here it is. Total pays to bribe officials to secure rights to South Pars...

  16. Total, partners sign long-awaited gas deal with Papua New Guinea Working to avoid a shortage.

  17. Trade war cuts U.S. LNG exports to China in 2018 Shocking, I know.

  18. My usual preamble about oil & gas pipelines ... I am generally in favor of increasing oil & gas pipeline infrastructure anywhere in the...

  19. Noting that this article comes from NPR, I'm not sure whether the MSM is making a political statement (I am sure that is at...

  20. The maritime agreement sets up maritime economic zone will create havoc with Eastern Mediterranean Gas development.   Boxed in Cypress-Israeli-Greek-Egypt natural gas development of over...

  21. Texas E&Ps Must Justify Reasons to Flare/Vent Natural Gas, Says RRC     By Carolyn Davis November 5, 2020 Producers working Texas oilfields will be required to show why...

  22. https://www.forbes.com/sites/rrapier/2019/07/05/u-s-increases-its-dominance-in-natural-gas-production/#28589d04557f

  23. The EPA plans to revise rules requiring automakers to gradually reduce polluting emissions and ramp up fuel efficiency. The mandate to produce cars and...

  24. Unusual move, Malaysia's Petronas to ink a 20 year contract to import LNG from the U.S. Malaysia is currently around the 3rd largest LNG exporter in...

  25. This is reducing supply to U.S. users and increasing prices to domestic users.  This was the oroginal argument against allowing Natural Gas back under Obama...

  26. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/u-gas-export-pioneers-forced-033020279.html U.S. Gas Export Pioneers Forced to Sell Shares to Satisfy Loan Requirements Meanwhile tha Saudis are getting into the shale fracking and natural gas export...

  27. The U.S. gas industry needs $170 billion in infrastructure investments so the market can absorb soaring production. Given the low gas prices this will...

  28. PDF of a 7 page analysis attached below.  Lots of data and charts. Link to the pdf:  https://www.fxstreet.com/analysis/us-natural-gas-and-covid-19-a-patient-with-mild-symptoms-202005010308 U.S. Natural Gas and COVID-19: a patient with mild symptoms The...

  29. IT COSTS MORE TO TRANSPORT THE LNG THAN THE COST OF THE GAS ITSELF.   Pipelines from Russia and LNG from countries much closer (Russia, Qatar,...

  30. Confirmed we are now living in Bizarro World.  Putin and MbS must be tickled pink about this weird turn of events.   U.S. natural gas to...

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