1. Huck Cycle’s 60 mph electric mopeds get new VINs, paving way for legal riding

  2. Three countries: USA, China and India will account for two third of global renewable expansion for next four years.China represents half of global solar...

  3. https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=42495

  4. Here Are The Winners And Losers In The 'Inflation Reduction Act' by Tyler Durden Monday, Aug 08, 2022 - 09:39 AM As Democrats pat themselves on the...

  5. A new study asserts that the old 2050 target date for 90% renewables in the grid is out of date because it is based...

  6. Coal UK has boasted the grid has gone 91 consecutive hours without coal in the mix. I'd say it's too early to boast but...

  7. A gold-hungry bug opens door for more efficient biofuels Okay, just how cool is this?

  8. WTF? Capture CO2 out of the air, 'electrolyze' it to make CO (Carbon Monoxide), let it sit in an airtight tank at room temperature, and...

  9. tesla

    How much Oil demand does 5000000 Electric cars displaced?

  10. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-29/gcl-system-plans-to-build-world-s-biggest-solar-panel-plant?srnd=premium&sref=RzXyyOXY If the US builds out 30Gw per year over the next 30 years, it would have 900Gw installed by 2050. US peak power demand on...

  11. I, for one, am fed up with the climate change crowd telling me what I must do to save the planet. To hear them...

  12. "Stumbled" across this MIT Technology Review article about electric airplanes.  Pretty unbiased review with some big surprises (to me, at least), and it addresses...

  13. https://www.rechargenews.com/transition/a-wake-up-call-on-green-hydrogen-the-amount-of-wind-and-solar-needed-is-immense/2-1-776481 A wake-up call on green hydrogen: the amount of wind and solar needed is immense ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- We have an abundance of energy sources including vast amounts...

  14. A short transcript from a NYT podcast. A Wind Farm in Coal Country Hosted by Michael Barbaro; produced by Michael Simon Johnson and Leslye Davis; edited...

  15.   https://news.wisc.edu/abandoned-farmlands-could-play-a-role-in-fighting-climate-change-a-new-study-shows-exactly-where-they-are/ Link to atlas website: https://atlas.glbrc.org/ The amount of abandoned land mapped out here is easily more than the total needed to power the US with solar...

  16. Content for 'I told you sos': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSb-33aXK3E  

  17. So did Entergy retain Michael Cohen to hire these actors? They deny the NDAs, so perhaps they are not binding? Pretty sad day for natural...

  18. The biggest expense related to our home is the electricity bill that comes every month.  I worked hard, we scrimped and saved, and we paid off the...

  19. Belgian researchers are testing agrivoltaic power generation in a pear orchard. The first pilot project features specially designed 185 W solar panels with transparent...

  20. https://www.nrel.gov/news/program/2019/benefits-of-agrivoltaics-across-the-food-energy-water-nexus.html

  21. https://www.euronews.com/2020/09/21/airbus-unveils-concepts-for-zero-emission-planes-powered-by-hydrogen Natural gas LNG would be the best choice for economy. Boeing has worked on a design also.    Airbus unveils concepts for zero-emission planes powered by...

  22. https://calgaryherald.com/opinion/columnists/smith-alberta-oil-industry-may-be-key-to-solving-lithium-shortage Well! Isn't this interesting. Seems that it doesnt matter what way the energy sector goes alberta is a win win either way!  

  23. The huge Tesla loyalty (discussed elsewhere in this forum, I see) is interesting, but I'm wondering if this is not just unique to Tesla....

  24. Interesting. Ex Royal Navy Nuclear Engineer develops Aluminium  - Air battery. UK Govt pumps in 100K in development grant.  If this is a runner the...

  25. Each day the Sun says hello! Each day without fail! All we need is governments who want to use it! How frustrating.  And we...

  26. Amazon is set to install solar panels at its fulfillment centers across the U.K. The panels will have an installed capacity of 20 MW....

  27. Amazon’s initiative to begin delivering its packages in all-electric vehicles provided by Rivian has made it to its third U.S. city. The e-commerce giant...

  28. "Complete electrification and close to 100 percent renewable energy generation: this is a vision of the United States 15 years from now." I'm not sure...

  29. In March Louisiana state officials announced that everyone living on Isle de Jean Charles will have to leave because of the threat that this...

  30. These guys are coming on strong having just over a year ago performing a publicly displayed test flight in Singapore, they are now in...

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